hello, this is to anyone that was as frustrated as i was on going to super walmart, to buy everything in one store, and to find out, they stop puting the 6 ounce grapfruit juices on shelves, [six pack] as i always used to buy it there. then had to go to another store just to get it. so i found out , what to do. give the bar code of what you wont. if you dont know it, they will look it up for you. and stock it once again. if it says it is avalibale.
-- Edited by hello kittie at 21:44, 2005-08-31
The best part of waking up is coffee in my cup!!!!
i *think* (and I could be wrong) that she's saying that her Walmart stopped stocking the grapefruit juice she always bought, so she took them the barcode for them to look it up. And then they restocked it??? Or maybe it was in backstock and they brought it out to the front for her??? I think????
this is not the place to be rude, if you dont get it, soooo what, and , my looks are not becoming a problem , and i am not almost famous with it . [as you say]
The best part of waking up is coffee in my cup!!!!
hello kittie wrote: my looks are not becoming a problem , and i am not almost famous with it . [as you say] Sweetie she is not saying that to you. That is her quote. It is at the end of all of her posts. (Just to clarify.)
LOL! Almost Famous in a movie and that is a quote from it that I thought was funny. No need to get testy, we're all friends here.
this is not the place to be rude, if you dont get it, soooo what, and , my looks are not becoming a problem , and i am not almost famous with it . [as you say]