I think I already mentioned this to you guys - but Micha and I are not telling any of our friends or family the baby's name before she is born. That being said - I can really use some honest advice - so can you guys help me out??
We decided for sure on the first name Talia (pronounced Talya) - it is a name we are giving her - not named after anyone in the family.
BUT we do want to name her after someone - preferably my grandmother and micha's grandmother. So we will use her middle name for that.
His Grandmothers name was Sydell and mine was Florence. Usually you use the first initial of the name when naming a baby (like I am named after my grandpa Jack) well - they clearly have two different initials.
Here's the thing - My grandmothers HEBREW name was Sephora (pronounced Sepora) if we use that - it's kind of like 2 birds - 1 stone...
BUT is Talia Sephora Rozenbaum tooooo long? We also considered Talia Simone - but I feel naming her Sephora would be really special - but does it sound right?
i think it's really pretty and not too long at all. plus it has significance for both you and your hubby. i say go with sepora it's only 1 extra syllable.
i think it's really pretty and not too long at all. plus it has significance for both you and your hubby. i say go with sepora it's only 1 extra syllable.
i think it's really pretty and not too long at all. plus it has significance for both you and your hubby. i say go with sepora it's only 1 extra syllable.
i agree with everyone else, go with Talia Sephora. i love it, it's so pretty and i think it's really sweet of you two to want to honor your grandmothers that way.
best of luck, she'll be here so soon!
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
I like Simone a lot.. but I say go with Sephora because it's more meaningful to you two..
I agree with Ayo in that I like Simone, but I really like Sephora and think you should go with that for the reasons everyone else stated, and also b/c it's a beautiful name. I think "Talia Sephora" is a great choice and it isn't too long at all IMO. There are lots of longer names being used these days.
Talia Sephora Rozenbaum ...is certainly not too long. It sounds like a very lovely little girls name. And it almost has an old soul ring to it. I think you have to truely feel the name you give and it sounds like this is the one for you. Beautiful.