I have to go to the dermatologist on Wednesday for a skin cancer check. My primary doctor said I should have this done, because my dad has had skin cancer a couple of times. Anyway, I have crappy insurance, so I had zero choice of doctors, so I have no information whatsoever.
Anyone ever been? What will they do? Is this a hospital-gown kind of exam? TIA.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I go every year. They usually let you keep your bra and underwear on. They just scan your body for anything that looks off. They might use a magnify glass. If they do have to remove something they numb the area and cut it out with a little razor. It doesn't hurt but later after the numbing stuff has worn off I've ached a little. I've never had anything removed where I've needed stiches. It's a good thing to do.
Ditto to what Grace said. I find it a little disconcerting to have someone look at me that closely, but agree that it's a good idea. I've had some things removed, and had stitches. It's not at all bad.
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
I just had this done last week. My PCP referred me because there were a couple of suspicious-looking moles on my back. They give you a gown to put on, but you get to keep your bra and underwear on, and like the other girls said, they'll just look at all of your skin really carefully.
The doc found 2 suspicious-looking moles (meaning they were asymmetrical and had uneven coloring), took note of them and their location, and measured them. He says I need to go back in 6 months to see if they've changed.
I just had this done last week. My PCP referred me because there were a couple of suspicious-looking moles on my back. They give you a gown to put on, but you get to keep your bra and underwear on, and like the other girls said, they'll just look at all of your skin really carefully. The doc found 2 suspicious-looking moles (meaning they were asymmetrical and had uneven coloring), took note of them and their location, and measured them. He says I need to go back in 6 months to see if they've changed.
This is just me but I just tell my derm to remove them and get them biopsied (sp?). Then you don't have to wait and wonder. Unless they really don't think there is anything to worry about.
This is just me but I just tell my derm to remove them and get them biopsied (sp?). Then you don't have to wait and wonder. Unless they really don't think there is anything to worry about.
Yeah, I go to a derm yearly to check on my moles ( I am mole-y). And whenever she even looks twice at one, I tell her to chop it off.
Grace wrote: This is just me but I just tell my derm to remove them and get them biopsied (sp?). Then you don't have to wait and wonder. Unless they really don't think there is anything to worry about. Yeah, I go to a derm yearly to check on my moles ( I am mole-y). And whenever she even looks twice at one, I tell her to chop it off.
when you have a mole removed, does it leave a scar? i feel like i have a couple of moles that could be suspect (and i wouldn't mind having them removed for vanity reasons ). maybe i should get them checked out...
when you have a mole removed, does it leave a scar? i feel like i have a couple of moles that could be suspect (and i wouldn't mind having them removed for vanity reasons ). maybe i should get them checked out...
Yes, it can leave a scar. Some of mine are not very noticable though. If you take care of it while it is healing, it may not scar. Also, some insurance may not cover the cost if it is for vanity/cosmetic reasons. Make sure you have another reason like the color or size looks weird or it gets irritated by clothing....that type of thing.
when you have a mole removed, does it leave a scar? i feel like i have a couple of moles that could be suspect (and i wouldn't mind having them removed for vanity reasons ). maybe i should get them checked out...
It does leave a slight scar, but I would rather have the small scar than the gross mole. My moles are usually the stick-y-outt-y kind that are kind of gross to begin with. I do have to be careful though b/c my father gets keloids when he has moles removed (very genetic). So far I haven't gotten one, but I guess they are more likely to form on your neck and chest - which is where I have the most of my moles. When I have them cut off, I rub vitamin E on the scar at night for ~ 1 year. I have read that it is the stimulation of the rubbing of the scar that acutally minimizes scars, not the vitamin E - but I figure vitamin E can't hurt.
thanks, grace and tara. yeah, i know that insurance won't cover it unless it's a suspicious mole. i think that the ones i'm thinking about are a little funny though. couldn't hurt to check them out. so another question, what does it feel like when the doctor takes it off? does it hurt? does it bleed? (ewww, this is starting to gross me out! i'm a little squeamish.)
thanks, grace and tara. yeah, i know that insurance won't cover it unless it's a suspicious mole. i think that the ones i'm thinking about are a little funny though. couldn't hurt to check them out. so another question, what does it feel like when the doctor takes it off? does it hurt? does it bleed? (ewww, this is starting to gross me out! i'm a little squeamish.)
ahhhh....hate to freak you out, but I have had moles cut off twice in my life (1 the first time and 3 the second time) and both times I fainted! It doesn't hurt b/c they give you a numbing shot first (which honestly is painless), but I still fainted. I am a fainter though. So when I go to the derm, I make sure my b/f drives me b/c I don't want to drive home after a fainting incident. It doesn't really hurt though - I am just a big baby!
ahhhh....hate to freak you out, but I have had moles cut off twice in my life (1 the first time and 3 the second time) and both times I fainted! It doesn't hurt b/c they give you a numbing shot first (which honestly is painless), but I still fainted. I am a fainter though. So when I go to the derm, I make sure my b/f drives me b/c I don't want to drive home after a fainting incident. It doesn't really hurt though - I am just a big baby!
Tara wrote: ahhhh....hate to freak you out, but I have had moles cut off twice in my life (1 the first time and 3 the second time) and both times I fainted! It doesn't hurt b/c they give you a numbing shot first (which honestly is painless), but I still fainted. I am a fainter though. So when I go to the derm, I make sure my b/f drives me b/c I don't want to drive home after a fainting incident. It doesn't really hurt though - I am just a big baby! eeek! thanks for the warning, tara! and sorry for hijacking your thread, halleybird!
ha ha...I am like the worst thread hijacker on this board, so I didn't even notice!
My appt. was no big deal. I am not very mole-y, so he said I should have one more check in 6 months, but then I just have to go in every 1-2 years.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde