Can you fu----- believe this? My neighbor read my damn lucky before I got to!She knocked on my door and gave some bullshit about her sister works for lucky (she forgets that she told me her sister is on medical leave from a insurance company or something) and here is the latest issue.BTW: They both are in their fifties and weigh 300+lbs!
Lucky my ass!
I'm usually not one to get even........BUT THIS MEANS WAR!
It's bad enough lucky pussyfoots around with sending me my mag.And usually my friend and I hope on the phone (we are in 2 different states) and go throuh what we we've "yes'ed" and "maybe'd".What we like and don't like.
No way could that magazine appeal to a 300 pound woman in her 50's! And the magazine is just not the same when somebody else already sifted through it! Did she steal it out of your mailbox or what?
Whaaa? No way could that magazine appeal to a 300 pound woman in her 50's! And the magazine is just not the same when somebody else already sifted through it! Did she steal it out of your mailbox or what?
Tell me about!I hate when the spine is cracked!As you know September's issue was kinda thick.I guess it was hard to get into the box. The mailman usually just leaves it on the stairs (there are 4 condos in this building, her and I are on the 2nd floor) my other 2 neighbors have much better things to do than fu-- with people's mail.
The nerve.As we speak right now I could go wack her one!