I am on my college competitive dance team and we are going to nationals this year with a "showgirls/las vegas" theme. My captains want to pick out some music for it so i want to help. What kind of music is "showy?" I dont really want anything cheesy like "viva las vegas", but something a little more seductive. One of the ideas was "Big Spender"...what other songs could we use? Thanks!
Anything from a Broadway musical would be fantastic! "All that Jazz" and "The Cell Block Tango" from Chicago would be awesome! I'll try to post a better list later when I'm in front of my CD collection.
I agree with Nyla, I was in a production of Chicago, and these songs were sooooo awesome to dance too. Another suggestion I have is on the Shall We Dance Soundtrack the Pussycat Dolls do a rendition of "Sway" which is a really sexy rumba song modernized by the dolls. It really rocks!! Plus, the whole soundtrack is really great! The Pussycat dolls perform in Vegas, so it might be a really great way to tie in dance, vegas, and sexy dancing!!
I once did a medley of songs from Chicago with my college dance team. It was SO much fun...you can use props (hats, boas, gloves)...and the costume would be easy to do. Skimpy and black.
One of my favorites is a version of "Fever" (you give me fever all through the night/what a lovely way to burn) that doesn't have words. I'ts a very jazzy foxtrot - maybe too slow or not flashy enough for what you need, but it could be a great dance team number.