Toothpaste *is* good, and inexpensive (white paste kind, not gel). Also, if your sterling has no stones / beads on it, you can do the aluminum foil / baking soda trick:
* Ingredients: ¼ cup baking soda * ¼ cup salt * ¼ cup liquid dish soap * ½ gallon of water
* Equipment: Large pot * Aluminum foil * Plastic spoon * Stove top * colander or strainer * towel
Take a large pot, such as a spaghetti pot, and completly line the inside with aluminum foil. Pour all of the ingredients into the pot and stir with your plastic spoon. Collect the sterling silver jewelry you want to clean, place them into the solution, and spread them out on the bottom of the pot so they don't touch each other. Bring this to a low boil for a few minutes. Then turn off the burner and let it sit for another couple of minutes. Then using the colander or strainer, pour out the solution. Rinse well with cold water making sure that all salt is rinsed off your silver. (Salt will eventually corrode metal.) Place them on a towel to dry. Make sure you’ve accounted for all your jewelry before you throw away the aluminum. It will be dirty because the oxides on your jewelry were transferred to it. Your sterling silver jewelry should now look like new.
Non-toxic, and handy to do - especially, as I understand, for *very* tarnished silver - because most people have these items in their home already.
I work with sterling all the time, and don't have much trouble with tarnish - but I keep my sterling away from air (in a closed jewelry case) so that it doesn't oxidize.
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
I use those jewelry wipes (for gold and sterling silver) from Wal-Mart, also the silver jewelry cleaner (it's like a dipping bucket w/solvent, leave your jewelry in there for about 15 seconds) then clean it off. Both are pretty cheap.
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
I have a cloth from my jeweler' feels like felt and comes in a little plastic tube. I just rub it on my jewelry and it cleans it, leaving black stains on the cloth
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde