I was reading an old issue of elle, and I read that what's very popular in England is Lymphatic drainage and they say "clients literally lose pounds off their faces." That really intrigued me, because I have such a chubby face. I mean, I'm not over wieght, but no matter what, I always have this chubby big face, and I hate it. I mean in pictures, I look obesse compared to whoever else I'm in the picture with, even if I'm skinnier than them! And I just can't lose any wieght off of my face.
Anyway, I tried to research it a bit, but haven't really found much information. I read that it's great for your immune system, and a lot of times its used for post-operation, but I haven't seen a lot of imformation about how it might have your face lose pounds.
I know that you guys might think that I complain a lot about my body or looks, and I don't mean to sound vain, but I guess I kind of do put a lot of pressure on myself to look good. I don't really know why, it's just that I feel like while I'm young, I should look the best that I can. Anyway, a lot of women do things to make themselves look and feel better, and I don't have an unrealistic goal of perfection, but I always wanted to lose the baby fat from my face that no matter how skinny I get, never goes away!