Theyre sites that are pro anorexia and bulemia. Most of them are called ana and mia type titles. It's so awful, its these girls that are helping other people stay anorexic and bulemic. They give eachother tips and advice. Like some of the ones I heard on the view was, drink from an opac cup so you can spit the food back it. Or tie a lifesaver to a string and pull it out after you swallow it.
It makes me feel so sick. Its really sad that these girls are suffering from such an awful disease. And they show these horrible picture or anorexic pictures, and they call it "thinspiration."
Honestly, be careful before you look at the pictures. Some are really disturbing.
You know, its interesting. I wonder how much of anorexia is caused by the hollywood image, or how much is caused by the persons personality and character traits. Because some girls take it past what you see in hollywood, that it makes me think that it doesnt really have to do with that movie image. Because if it only had to do with celebirties and what not, then why wouldnt these girls stop when they get to that wieght. They clearly take it much further. I'm starting to believe that its something that maybe a person is pre-dispositioned to.
Anyway, I thought this was really interesting. Until today, I've never heard of pro- ana and mia sites.
Almost every girl I know has gone through anorexia or bulimia at some point. But those aren't the only eating disorders out there. There's also binge eating, over-exercising, and many, many others. Some of it is caused by society's views of what is beautiful. Certainly it factors into heading down that path. But a lot of people are confused about this issue, and think that it's superficial - meaning, the person is doing it purely b/c of a desire to be thin. Superficially, yes, that is what they want. But these diseases are caused by much deeper issues, usually relating to a need for a feeling of control. Controlling your body and hunger is probably the ultimate form of gaining a sense of control in your life. Everyone's reasons for needing that sense of control are different, but some are a history of abuse, feeling a need to punish yourself, depression, anxiety, etc.
I've also read that eating disorders are on the rise in 30-somethings. Just one more scary trend.
alot of girls who have been raped or molested feel clean when they don't eat, and they think that being molested was there fault so they punish themselves by an eating disorder. I read that alot of women are looking at the women on desperate house wives and think that they should look like them and that is why it is on the rise in the 30-somethings. And some girls when they reach puberty get so scared that they starve themselves to be children again.
I tried some of those links but most are broken. I have never had an e.d.- but in a way, I kind of understand why girls do this. Its one of those things where it doesn't seem so far fetched for me- like maybe that could be me. Maybe I do think about eating less, and maybe I do want to control myself. But I don't haha, and I eat a ton. I think the media and thin celebs definitely plant a seed, but it can't be entirely blamed. I think a lot of it has to do with our portrayal of women in general- that women shouldn't be strong, that they shouldn't speak their minds, that they should control themselves, the double standard when it comes to sexuality (men are studs, women are sluts), that being beautiful is the most important thing going for a woman, etc. Even my bf, who I love dearly and encourages me to be strong and successful and would never, ever want me to be anything but healthy, tells me I'm beautiful wayyyy more than he tells me I'm a strong person, or kind, or funny, or smart, etc. It's almost like that's the most important thing. I've been lucky in the sense that i've always been told that it is good to be a strong and smart woman, but I still notice the subtle reminders that tell me otherwise. I know its not as bad here as in other countries, and i'm not trying to complain because I personally think i can achieve MORE because I'm a woman, but I somehow understand why girls (and some boys) do this.
i didn't look at the site originally posted, but browsed through the one lynnie posted, and, although that girl is obviously in need of some help, it is not nearly as disturbing as many pro ana sites i saw a few years back when doing a school project. at least this one supports eating, just eating the correct portions, etc. sites i have seen in the past have had contests to see who could eat the least for DAYS, lose the most weight the fastest, etc. those were awful... luckily i think a lot of them have been taken off the web by parents or by the servers..
I've heard of this before and its so disturbing. I've heard of girls wearing Ana bracelets, almost like the Live Strong bracelets, but only to remind them not to eat. And the tips and mantras they have are frightening. *shudder*
The girls that are dealing with these issues have much larger issues than just wanting to look like celebrities. It has to do with control, trauma, self esteem, getting attention, depression, and lots of other issues. I'd venture to say that in most cases it doesn't have to do with trying to look like someone else and instead has much more to do with what's going on inside a person's own head. In college a lot of my friends struggled with eating disorders of one kind or another and it always seemed to stem from internal factors (ie depression, self esteem, etc) rather than external factors (ie trying to look like a model).
Look at the descriptions of these websites: one says "my fight to thinness and complete bliss"--yikes. I feel sorry for these girls--they have no idea that reaching a specific number on the scale will have nothing to do with how happy they will be.
This is disturbing on many levels, but probably what disturbs me the most is that it shows our culture's lack or respect for moderation. On the one hand, we have sites like these trumpeting eating disorders and on the other hand, more than half of our nation is overweight. I can think of very few people I know who eat sensibly and are happy to just be average. Another area that comes to mind is politics. It seems the loudest voices in our society are either one way or the other. It's a shame that we no longer value common sense and finding a happy medium.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
This is disturbing on many levels, but probably what disturbs me the most is that it shows our culture's lack or respect for moderation. On the one hand, we have sites like these trumpeting eating disorders and on the other hand, more than half of our nation is overweight. I can think of very few people I know who eat sensibly and are happy to just be average. Another area that comes to mind is politics. It seems the loudest voices in our society are either one way or the other. It's a shame that we no longer value common sense and finding a happy medium.
I agree totally with this.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde