Forgot to post this yesterday! I hope it's okay to nominate blubirde, even tho she nominated me... i think u will all agree that she is great tho, so i don't think anyone will mind!
I'll start the questioning:
How many siblings do you have (please specify age & sex)?
What's your current dating status (it's too hard to keep up w/ u girl!)?
What's the worst pickup line ever used on you?
Please explain your feelings on women's rights. You seem very vocal on this topic, from what I've read... what sparked this interest, just being a woman, or was there something in particular that made you realize the injustices? (I've always wanted to know about this one!)
Wow! Thanks Crystal! I just got back from Cali - what a pleasant surprise to come home to.
Without further ado:
How many siblings do you have (please specify age & sex)? I have one brother. he's 12 years older than me (38) and we could not be more different. He's uber religious, on his second wife, and has 4 kids. Besides blood and a passion for the Houston Astros, we have very, very little in common.
What's your current dating status (it's too hard to keep up w/ u girl!)? Single!!!! I've had too many boys woes as of late so I'm backing off the whole dating scene (at least that's the plan) temporarily to focus on myself and my painting. We'll see how it works out.
What's the worst pickup line ever used on you? Oh, I have one! I have this necklace my mom bought me one xmas that's a big Australian crystal thing. It's actually pretty gawdy but you know, it's from my mama, so I wore it out one night. Some guy said he could see straight through my necklace into my soul. I laughed out loud at him and repeated what he'd said to his group of friends that were standing there. They laughed at him too. As a matter of fact I passed them all later in the evening and they were still laughing and teasing him about seeing his "soul." Hee. Dumb is forever, no?
Please explain your feelings on women's rights. You seem very vocal on this topic, from what I've read... what sparked this interest, just being a woman, or was there something in particular that made you realize the injustices? (I've always wanted to know about this one!) Good question! This will take a bit to answer so I'll save it for it's own reply.
[i[blubirde...what types of blue birdies do you like? Ha! None actually. I chose that name waaay back when I was in highschool when I was trying to find an AIM name that had blue in the name (I have blue eyes and it's my favorite color) that wasn't taken. And blubirde is what came out. That said, birds are cool. I couldn't tell you the difference between any of them though!
Favorite food? I love, love, love spring rolls and Vietnamese food. I also pretty much adore sushi and could eat it for every meal.
Favorite fast food restaurant? Taco Cabana. Does everyone have those? They're soo good but oh-so bad. I avoid it like the plague because of sheer lack of will power but man it's good. Other than that, I like McDonalds because I like the fruit salad and their opium fries. They're the bomb.
Hunky male star that you think is oh-so-dreamy? I have too many of these! Hugh Grant, Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, dude from 28 Days and Batman (forgot his name), Christian Bale, Joseph Fiennes, and Colin Firth - yum!
Please explain your feelings on women's rights. You seem very vocal on this topic, from what I've read... what sparked this interest, just being a woman, or was there something in particular that made you realize the injustices? (I've always wanted to know about this one!)
Good question! I am a feminist, purely and simply. I am not afraid of that word because in my mind it means I believe men and women are equal beings. Of course we have strengths men don't possess, and vice versa, and I generally believe men and women compliment each other. However, because one sex may be different than the other does not mean one is better or deserves more respect than the other. I don't really understand why more women don't consider themselves feminists. I'm not entirely sure what's so wrong with that label to be honest.
I think a lot of work was done by prior generations of women in the fight for equality and in this day and age a lot of women take those rights for granted and think the fight has been won. I'm afraid our rights could be taken away from us, bit by bit, and no one will realize it until it's too late.
What sparked this interest? I've always been crazy independent. As a matter of fact, most of the things I've accomplished in my life have been because someone told me I couldn't do them. I have very strong female role models in my life and it never occurred to me that there was a difference between men and women, as far as how much money they should make, careers they could pursue, etc. The first time I learned that men make more money than women, per dollar, I couldn't believe it. More importantly, I couldn't believe anyone would stand for that.
But I think the thing that shocked me the most was when I went to work with my mom once (in high school or college or something) and I noticed how the older men treated me, as opposed to the men. I was most offended, I think, by the wussy little "girl" handshake the men gave me, even though I gave a strong, firm handshake. Isn't that funny? So somewhere in college I started exploring feminist thought, literature, music, etc. After many, many hours of study and self-exploration, I came to the basis of most of the opinions I have today.
I'm constantly reevaluating and attempting to grow in my thoughts and methods of expression. I'm also constantly offended and shocked by the real world and its blatant attempt at the erosion of women's rights. I'm also warmed and moved by women (and men too) and their attempts, small or large, to prove to the world that they are to be taken seriously and deserve everyone's respect.
That was a thoughtful and concise response to the question, bluebirde! And you are right, I believe all women should consider themselves feminist in the respect that all beings, male and female are equal. And so, now I feel sort of shallow asking:
1. What is your favorite book? And why? I have two. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - First, Austen is amazing. I've read everything she's ever even thought about writing (short stories, letters, novels, etc.) and her subtlety and use of language can't be beat. Plus I daresay Austen was quite the rebel in her time. She's no Lady Godiva or anything but she did her part to break down gender roles in her time. At least that's my opinion. Second, who doesn't love Lizzie? It's a love story everyone can get behind.
My second favorite book is Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dosteovsky. I read this book my second year of college and it really marked a change in the way I viewed the world. There were a lot of things going on with me personally and this book helped me understand and accept the human condition. Plus Russian literature is sad and haunting and beautiful, all at the same time. I could go on and on about this book but that's probably why it's one of my favorites.
2. What is your favorite song? And why? Ah! This is a hard question. I'm a music fanatic. I love all kinds of music. It's easier to list the favorite songs that I can think of off the top of my head. The longest runner in this category is "She's in Love With the Boy" by Trisha Yearwood. Don't laugh - I've loved it from the first moment I heard it. I love Janis Joplin's "Bobby McGee" - I actually dance in the street when this comes on my ipod - Dido's "Life for Rent" - I listen to it when I feel like being a recluse and hiding - The Shins "New Slang" - I think they went in my head and wrote this song. I also love the Burden Brothers "So Goddamn Beautiful" - I think for obvious reasons.
What is your happiest memory? I don't know. That's a good question. My happiest times involve hearing my grandfather play his guitar (the sound of his fingers on the strings mainly), sitting around with my family at holidays, laughing at some stupid shit that someone said or did, riding around town in a car with my best friend, laughing at some stupid shit someone said or did (or singing along to inane songs on the radio), and hanging out at Trudy's on a spring afternoon with my friends and a mexican martini. Ah, good times.
What are the 3 things you like best about yourself? The least? Best - 1) I love my independence. I love the fact I can do anything I want by myself and be happy doing it. I like that I don't need anyone to make me feel happy (although it doesn't hurt) and if I want, there isn't anything I can't do. 2) I like that I'm honest. It's actually something that I work at, all the time, but I respect myself for being honest with myself and others and in turn, I respect others for the same quality. 3) I like that I laugh a lot. I think all kinds of stupid stuff is funny and I think people are genuinely funny. It's great because smile therapy really works. See? Least - 1) Lack of focus. I have a seriously hard time finishing projects and that irritates the crap out of me! 2) I'm not as tolerant of other people's opinions as I know I could be. I always struggle with this one. I try to see myself as an open-minded person yet if I think another person's opinions are at all intolerant, I think they're wrong. See? I just described opposing opinions as intolerant, when people who hold them probably don't think that at all. I know the world isn't black and white but sometimes it just seems so easy to see what's right and what's wrong. 3) My lack of ability to pack lightly. Why must I always take all these things I don't need and then struggle with them the whole time I'm traveling? It's terribly annoying.
If tomorrow was to be Blubirde's Most Perfect Day Ever, what kinds of things would you do? I'd shop, of course. At Anthropologie with someone else's money and wear the pretty things I bought. I'd be in a car with girlfriends with loud music that we sing along to badly and loudly. There'd be good food and wine and more good friends. I wouldn't mind presents either! Maybe a few declarations of love? Of course, all this would be surrounded around the central focus of the day: an opening where my art was being shown. How fab would that be? I should probably get some showable art first, huh?
How tall are you? 5'7" - I feel like a giant sometimes but I wouldn't trade my height for anything (if anything I'd go taller).
What kind of music do you like? Favorite band/artist? I kind of answered this earlier but I like all kinds of music. The only things that are off my list are metal, of almost all kinds but especially death/black metal (ugh!) and most rap music. I appreciate good rap music but even still I don't choose to listen to it when I listen to music. My favorite band is The Shins and my favorite artist is Janis Joplin, Bob Dylan, Dido, Frou Frou, Tori Amos, etc.
Any Pets? please specify what kind and names Nope. I had a kitty when I lived with my roommate (for 7 years up until a couple months ago) and her name was Pooky. But she left with the roomie (getting married) and now I don't have one. I'm not really in the mood to take care of anything else right now though so I'm okay with it even though I miss Pookie all the time.
favorite item of clothing? I have a few - my white Hanes boybeaters (I'd wear them everyday if I could), a beautiful yellow skirt that goes down to my ankles with silver and bronze stitching all over it (it just sort of shimmers all over) made by a local Austin artist, and my black 3/4 length shrug (another thing I'd wear everyday if I could).
What was the first book you read as a child? I don't remember the name of it. I was in kindergarten and I saw some girl go get a book off the bookshelf to take home. I asked the teacher how come she could take one home and the teacher told me it was because she could read. I started reading that very day to prove to the teacher I could (even though I hadn't up until that point) so I could take a book home, too. I've always been the competitive little bitch. The first real book I remember reading though was Little Women. I still like that book. Except for the very end.
What are some things you hate? I don't really like to use the word hate so I'll substitute it with dislike, unless otherwise specifically stated. 1) When you get done with a book and you're so caught up in the world of the book that you get that listless, unfinished feeling when it's finally over. 2) I dislike Bush and many other such political things, which I'm sure can be easily figured out. 3) I dislike the erosion of Roe v. Wade. 4) I dislike when people lead you to believe one thing by their actions but they say something totally different and vice versa. I dislike when people's actions don't line up with their words, I guess is what I mean. (This is a general dislike but it seems these problems always come up in relations with others, girls and guys.) 5) I HATE being called things like "baby" "honey" "darling," etc. If a used car salesman would say it to me, I don't want to hear it. 6) I HATE how men (and not all but some) view women as sexual objects only and don't understand that before we're boobs and vagina, we're people. 7) I dislike the fact that I blush when I'm embarassed and then I stay all flushed for several minutes afterwards. 8) I dislike how the media portrays women and tells us what we should think is beautiful. 9) I dislike people who argue for the sake of arguing. 10) I HATE car repair places because I always feel like they're taking advantage of me. Wow, that's a lot!
Who is your favorite president? This may be weird but I'm going to say LBJ. He was a bad dude and all that at times but here's why I lie him: when he was a senator from TX, he opposed all attempts at a civil rights act. Nothing admirable there. But when he became president, he did everything in his power to get a Civil Rights Act passed. When asked why he changed his stance on the issue, he said that when he was senator he had to answer to the people he represented but when he was president, he had to answer to a greater good. I totally respect someone who is willing to change their opinion on a subject because they realize another stance is the more correct one to take, even if it is the hard one. And he also appointed Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court. Pretty drastic action for a guy who at least arguably started out from a racist point of view.
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? The first thing I remember wanting to be was a pop star in the likes of Debbie Gibson. Then I think I wanted to be a teacher. Somewhere around 8th grade I wanted to be in advertising. It was this very vague concept but I liked the idea of creating pretty pieces of pop art for people to appreciate especially if I got to add a little music to it. Turns out I'm slightly appalled by the idea of advertising, so that was a bad idea. Next came the first female president. I don't think I'll make this one. And then the next thing was a soundtrack maker for tv and movies. (I still would love to do this but turns out this usually goes along with the director's duties. Dammit.) Now I want to be an artist when I grow up. It's my new "when I grow up" dream and I'm working on it.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be... can't be a phyiscal attribute. My ability to concentrate. I could probably take a pill or something... I'm just really bad at following through, concentrating, etc.
See above question but this time you must change something your physical appearance/health/etc. I wish I could run farther without stopping (more endurance I suppose). I wish my thighs were smaller but that would probably happen if I could run farther!!!
If you could plan a vacation on someone elses dollar, where would you visit? Why? This one's super easy. I'd go to Paris, for like 2 weeks. Not the whole country of France (although I'd love to visit that too) but just Paris and its outskirts. I think 2 weeks would be enough time to fall in love with the city, non? It's always been my dream to go to Paris. Maybe one day...
Who do you look up to? The people I look up to aren't famous people, although there are plenty worthy. They're people in my immediate world and I admire the things they do that are special. For instance, I look up to my old roommate because she's brilliant and she's so articulate and never makes anyone feel like anything they're saying is weird. And I admire another friend because she's wicked funny and always considerate of other people's feelings. And still another friend because she's incredibly brave and follows her dreams wherever they may take her, even if everyone else says she's crazy. I don't think she's crazy, I think she's amazing. So I look up to people who have traits that I admire and try to identify with.
What's the best piece of advice you ever received? Gave? Two things that my dad told me and I can't remember the whole of the first but the gist of it is that there's no sense in learning just a little bit, that you should "drink deeply in the river of knowledge" or something like that. I can never get it right. But I know what he means. The other is also from my dad and I have fought this one my entire life: better to have them think you're an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it. Cause see? I've got a big mouth and I say all kinds of dumb things. Gave - the best advice I can give to anyone is to be honest to and with themselves. Really you are the only person you have to answer to so what does it matter what anyone else thinks?
If you could have any career, within or outside of your abilities, what would it be? Why? I don't know. An artist maybe. Oh! Or being on Broadway. That would be amazing if I could sing and dance and act and be on an amazing stage in front of a cheering audience. That would be awesome!
BTW - Why Smurfette as your avatar? I love Smurfette! I used to want to be her, so it just seemed appropriate when I saw it.
If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? NYC, definitely. I love that city. But if I were a bit older, maybe San Franciso. And then when I'm really old, some European city. I have a late-in-life bohemian lifestyle planned.
If you could design your own clothing line - what would you call it? I never thought of it before. Maybe Pretty Bastard? Something that could convey a sense of humor and girly stuff and toughness all at the same time. What name would suffice? Bea Damned? Beats me!
Why do you live in Austin? (You do live in Austin, right?) I do live in Austin and I love it here. The reason I live here is because it's the only place in Texas I could stand to live. All my family is in Texas and I'd hate to be more than a few hours away since we're all pretty close. Austin is very liberal and open and hippyish. It's very un-Texas. I love it here. Of course if I made a kazillion dollars, I could live anywhere I wanted and just fly in. Yesss... the new plan.
What is your favorite of the Austen movie adaptations? First and foremost I love the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice. It's exactly as I pictured the book, except for Lizzie's hair. But for sheer brilliance, I have to say Clueless. It's so hilarious and such a great rendition of Emma.
What is the one topic you just can't keep your mouth shut on? There are sooo many. But the one I absolutely can never stand to let go is something anti-feminist. I lose a bit of self-control there. At work once we were having a Thanksgiving luncheon and everyone was asking a guy there if his wife was going to keep working when they had their baby (baby almost due). I interjected with, "I hope everyone notices how no one is asking Joe here if he's going to continue working fulltime." Complete silence went around the room and everyone just kind of looked at each other and then eventually picked up the conversation as if I'd said nothing. It was pretty hilarious looking back but at the time I was all righteously indignant and such.
do you speak any foreign languages? I used to be able to speak French fluently but I've lost it over the years. Hopefully if I ever go to France, I'll be able to pick it up again.
three things you want to accomplish in your lifetime? I'm not sure if what I'm listing are exactly accomplishments I hope to achieve but they're definitely things I want to do: 1) skydive 2) find and accept serenity 3) perhaps find someone to think about other than myself - as long as they want to think about me too!
do you believe in love at first sight? fate? love at first sight - nope. I've never thought love was something other than an indepth emotion achieved over time. I think you have to be completely open to love and I also think it takes awhile to become completely open to people. Fate - nada on this one also. I like to think I control my own destiny. I'm not terribly opposed to the idea that "it'll all work out" or something because that makes me feel like I'm not making any huge mistakes but at the same time I like knowing my world is in my control, although that's scary, too. I do believe in karma though. I believe that you get back the energy you put out there. I also like thinking that if something good or bad happens to me, it's not completely random, that I had some choice in that too (by my own actions).
who is your hero/heroine? I don't have one. It's like I was talking about above, I don't think people should be put on display for us to idolize or worship. We're all human and I've seen too many instances of people falling off pedastools to rely on someone wholly and completely. But I do admire characteristics of certain people and their actions in times of stress. Plus, I think it's too much pressure to put on people to call them a "hero," ya know? They'd never live up to my (or their own) standards after that!
is your whole family funny? (because you are hilarious!) awww, thanks! I'm actually the worst at telling a funny story/joke in my whole family. They all have such perfect timing. My dad is super funny. He laughs hysterically and makes even the croakiest person cry from laughter. And I assure you, I'm much funnier with words than in person. I find that my main source of humor for amusing others is my ability to behave absurdly and irrationally at almost all points in time. It's a constant source of amusement for others (and myself I must admit). I mean, if you can't laugh at yourself, what can you laugh at?
NylaBelle wrote: When are you going to start selling your artwork?? I WANT TO BUY SOME & SO DOES THE BF!!! Get a website up, girl! -- Edited by NylaBelle at 08:53, 2005-07-26
That's so sweet! I'm working on it, I'm working on it! I have a friend who designs websites for a living so maybe he'd help me out a bit... I think I need more sellable art (or art I'd be willing to sell) to put on the website first.