I'm having a bit of a dilemma. I have been very sick all week - terrible cold. I haven't had a voice in over two days, it's just making it's way back somewhat today. I've had all the other symptoms - runny/stuffy nose, bad cough, sore throat, etc. Problem is, I have a baby shower I am supposed to go to on sunday. I already said I was going and she is one of my closest girl friends. Do I go? Do I see how I feel tomorrow and if I'm still sick, call and tell them? Or do I not go since I'm sick and wouldn't want to get my pregnant friend sick? I don't know what to do. I'll feel so guilty not going, but I also feel terrible at the moment. Help!
I wouldn't go. Your friend should understand. Personally, it is one of my pet peeves when sick people come to group events, I'd prefer they keep their germs at home.
I would call and say you have been sick and she should understand that. I don't think she would want to get sick since she is pregnant. Just offer to take her to lunch next week when you are well or something.
Stay home! If I was attending a party like that, I would be annoyed/paranoid the whole time is somebody was sick with a cold. I wouldn't want to be near them, or touch anything they touched! I'm sure everyone will understand that you are concerned with everybodys health, especially a pregnant woman's.