I know we were discussing "Innocent Confessions" and blogs in General Interest.. Well this one aint as innocent.. Random people posting secrets.. some humourous, some disturbing yet artistic & honest.... Chk it out...
I love postsecret. Someone posted it here back when it was first started and i have checked it religiously every week since then. It really makes me think about life in a different way. Sometimes I laugh hysterically and sometimes I want to just sob when reading them.
I know new ones are posted on Sundays, but I make myself wait until I am hitting the mid-week dumps to read them, it gives me something to look forward to. Thanks for posting!
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
Wow! Some of those are very disturbing and some are hillarious! The one that made me laugh out loud was "There is a Skittle on the bathroom floor at my job. Every time I go pee, I'm tempted to eat it." EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW! Hahaha