so today and tomorrow i have the day off. i got up early this morning, made breakfast for my bf cuz he is in town this week, whooo hooo...
i put on my suit to go to the beach, grab a book, and grab my bike. it's a beautiful day, it's going well...
then i'm biking to the lake and i stop at a 4 way stop, the cars go, my turn....CRASH!!!
a freaking idiot just slammed into me. i was in a bit of a daze and all these people were around me, so i get up, i'm fine, just COMPLETELY scraped up and bleeding on both legs and arms, and the guy who hit me was like, "are you ok" i said yes, but i mean, i was shaken up. he drives off and this lady was trying to get his license plate, eventhough he stopped. so i try my bike and it's completely messed up. the bike place wasn't that far, so i walk it to the bike place (slightly bloody), and this lady who is soooo nice. helps me get cleaned up. i was fine at this point, just shaken.
i'm waiting for my bike estimate and i hear this guy say, "whoever's bike this is, should really go to the hospital". great. the guy is super nice and gives me the estimate...$385!
i had all these plans for today, it was going to be a good day, and now i'm sitting here with a bag of frozen peas on my leg and out $385!
thanks for letting me vent. feel free to offer your bad driver stories, i'll need something to do today since i'm bruised and sore!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Wow! I'm glad you're not more hurt than scrapes! Did the lady trying to get his license actually get it? Seriously, if I hit someone, I would be freaking out and would NOT leave the scene. What a jerk!
OMG I am so sorry this happened to you! I can't believe how stupid and blind people are in their cars. Well, I can believe it, but still. Every single day, people cut me off left and right, and there are too many close calls to even count.
I'm glad you're ok. Did the woman manage to get the guy's entire license plate #?
That sucks! I'm glad you escaped with only a few cuts and scrapes. Did someone managed to get the guy's liscense plate number? Cause even though he stopped, it could technically be a hit and run since no information was exchanged.
I can't believe that guy left. That is so wrong. He definitely should have stuck around to make sure that you were ok and to find out if there was any damage to your bike. I seriously hope that karma gets him.
I don't have a bad driver story to share, but I'm very glad that you're ok. That's the most important thing.
nope. i have absolutely no information and my bf just called and said that i should just scrape the bike and get a new one. that poor bike didn't even make it a year and it was a nicer one $600+.
when i called the bike store to tell them not to bother the older lady who helped me (she looked like my great aunt, one of those kind faces, and just the kind of lady that you hope to see when something like that happens) answered the phone and she said that something like this is one of those things that will have consequences after the fact...meaning that i will learn from this etc...she's probably right and i'm super glad that i don't have any broken bones, etc..., just nasty cuts and scrapes. i really am super lucky.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Someone hit me in a line leaving a parking garage then he tried to go around me so he could leave. Dumbass, we were in a GARAGE where you have to pay and there was a security guard. The guy who hit me was so scuzzy and scary and I thought he must be drunk so we called the cops and he tried to leave twice before they got there. He almost ran over the security guard and myself in one of his attempts to leave.
Some people are just jerks. It sucks that your guy can get away with just hitting you and driving off.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
I'm glad you are ok and nothing besides cuts and bruises. My friend was hit in a crosswalk last spring and is having a time getting the guy who hit him to pay for his medical bills! It is riduculous!
thanks ladies so much, it really means a lot and has helped me calm down. i am used to dealing with stressful events, but i think this whole thing really shook me up. i just don't understand how someone can drive away when you hit a car, not to mention a PERSON.
i think the bf might be making a run to the store to get me some ice cream , i'll rest the carton on my bruises while i eat it. DOUBLE DUTY!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
That's like the worst thing I've heard in awhile! I can't believe that guy!!! What an a**hole!!! The good thing is that your boyfriend is there to take care of you and that you have tomorrow off as well. Take care of yourself!
You should have said you were NOT okay. If your bleeding your not! Getting knocked off your bike by a car is a big deal. You can have injuries that you don't know you have yet. First thing I would have done was get his license plate number, call police, and exchange info. And I would have went to the hospital to get check out. That guy should have got fined or jail time, bought you a new bike, and money for pain and suffering.
You may say you forget these things when an accident happens, but it's engraved in my mind. Some idiot (he was on a cell phone) a few years ago slammed into my moms car while she was making a turn into a parking lot. Her car rolled over upside down. She didn't have any visible injuries but still has neck and back problems.
Anyways, you could have gotten a settlement check! Meanwhile, put some Neosporin on the wounds so they don't scar up.