I started getting a sore throat on Thursday, then a cough on Friday. Then I thought I was better and last night I had a horrible stomach ache that wouldn't go away no matter what I took. This morning I woke up and my stomach still hurt and I had a sinus headache. Now my stomach is better, but I'm sneezing, coughing and feel run down and terrible. What is wrong w/me! The worst part is I took Friday off work as a vacation day and then I had to call in today because I was so sick. My boss probably thinks I wanted a four day weekend! Ugh. So I've worried about that all day. Sorry if I sound whiny - just don't feel good and needed to vent.
I'm sorry shopchicago! My throat started hurting today and i feel fatigued--i will be so mad if i get a stomachache too. . . If I have to stay home a day, we can moan and groan together
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
Feel better! Have someone make you chicken noodle soup--good for the tummy and your sinuses. And if you don't feel better tomorrow, you can just play around on ST all day!