Tomorrow is only bill is my car insurance. My car insurance paydays is the ones that I really go out shopping with, since I have extra money. It's going to be hard not to buy anything! I have gone 8 days without buying anything, I'm not sure how much longer I can last since there is some good deals on things I am eyeing for fall. I really, really want this from Anthropologie and it's only $44.95 on sale. I can't decide if I want it in sea green or mocha. I'm not sure how much longer it's going to last at this price! Maybe I should break my ban for this.
Move away from the Anthropologie bait Courtney1982, no shopping for you missy! You can be strong...there will be so many cute cute cute things this fall and you'll wonder why you ever got that!
I am doing eh. I did buy Lucky and Shop Etc but since those are the only magazines I buy a month, that doesn't change anything...I spent more than my $20 allotment paying for a ticket, and going out to lunch with a friend of mine, plus I have a breakfast date with another friend. I may up the budget to $25 so I can allow for such things to happen. I don't eat out alone though.
I have bought no clothes, shoes, makeup, or accessories. I also haven't eaten out every day or bought Starbucks once since starting the ban. I walked right past a new accessories store that opened in my neighborhood. The stuff was SO CUTE and really cheap (like 5-10 bucks for a necklace). I was a bit tempted to buy a load of jewelry but I moved away from the store. It was a huge personal victory!
I am away from home for work, and it's great that I don't have time to go shopping anywhere. The only thing is, I have to eat out, but we try to stay within our budget, and we'll be reimboursed for the meals and the hotel. I am going to come back home probably tomorrow afternoon, so I'll probably spend the week-end catching up some (or a lot) of sleep, and replenishing my fridge, that in this moment is sad and empty!
The thing that makes me happy is that I have only one more cc to pay (besides the one I use for those work-related trips, but that is gonna be paid in full as soon as I get my reimboursement!), and I should be able to do that by Sep. I am so happy and proud of myself !
Courtney, think about that. You probably won't be able to wear your fall stuff for a while, and when it'll be time it will likely be on sale, and you'll be wondering why you bought the things you want to buy now. Besides, it makes me feel so in control that I actually have some money left before my next paycheck and that pretty soon my cc will be totally paid!
Try to keep yourself busy in non-expensive activities, and you'll be able to stay strong!
I too am doing pretty good, haven't brought anything (clothes/shoes/jewelry) since June 26th, so that's ALMOST 2 weeks. I know I can do this, EVEN THOUGH I have drove by places that were having HUGE sales, but I kept on going. I guess I'll have to wait and see what comes out in September....LOL
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
I haven't bought anything this week either. I have to save for a security deposit, so I can't spend a dime until September!! I hate this awful paycut. It's so depressing.
I'm doing good - I haven't bought anything despite bringing back one of my purchases, but gosh it was so hard! I had no clue how natural / automatic it is for me to carry things to the register & get it - man it's a whip to not do it. I did find a 3/4 length crochet shrug that fits my exact specifications for fall, but i didn't get it. It's at WALMART of all places (although I've been told that my particular walmart has better selection of clothes than most - but I don't know how true that is....) It's only $13 & I keep trying to tell myself that it will be exactly $13 in quality so to put it out of my mind.....I do get $20 a week, so if I don't spend it this weekend, maybe i'll go buy it, try it on with some stuff then end up taking it back - I have been the queen of returns lately.....
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I'm doing good too - haven't bought anything that I banned myself from. I've stayed out of clothing stores all week so I wouldn't be tempted. The only thing I bought all week was shampoo and conditioner because I ran out and that wasn't part of my ban. This is sooo hard!
This weekend it is going to be super easy for me to resist. DH and I are leaving in a couple of hours to spend the weekend w/ my parents. They live in the middle of nowhere. The closest shopping is in Spokane, which is 2 hours from their house.
In general, I'm not having too hard of a time. I usually go to Anthropologie during my lunch hour two times/week to see what they've added to the sale rack. That is a hard habit to break, but I know that I can't go in there. I'd rather not know if an item I like is on sale. I'm also enjoying having a little extra money in my account.
other than my set back at Express i haven't bought anything that i am not allowed to have! see! and you guys thought i couldn't get back on the wagon! the next three weekends i have play rehearsals and shows, so i won't be shopping on the weekends. i feel confident that i can get through the rest of July pretty easily- its August that I am worried about!
saturday: mom's bday so gotta get a gift <$30, also have to bring cookies to a pot luck for 20 people ~$10 = ~$40
sunday: working out outside w/ a friend, doing homework, grocery shopping = ~$30
okay, so i'm not doing so hot, plus i need to get gas which will be close to $30 so we've got a grand total of $100!! how can i spend that much in one weekend when i'm on a "budget"? i guess knowing this ahead of time will not only motivate me not to buy anything else, but also to try & find better deals on the things i MUST by.
oh, and on a side note, i consolidated my student loans today & my interest rate is gonna be lower than what i pay now, plus it will be locked in for the duration of the loan. so at least i'm saving money somewhere!
crystal wrote: $100!! how can i spend that much in one weekend when i'm on a "budget"?\
Crystal, I swear I did our total household budget this week so I could see about what I was spending on clothes / other stuff so I could save that amount for fall, and I couldn't believe how much just stuff is. Like gas, groceries, $10 here & there - OMG - it's insane. Just wanted to let you know it's not just you. And good for you consolidating those student loans - they will go quicker with that lower rate.
BEX, I forgot about your play - what are you wearing? I'm intrigued by the fact that you are in it & have to wear something skimpy - is that wrong??? I guess living vicariously again!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
i have been doing really well this week! no personal shopping at all! :)
i am having a hard time talking myself out of buying a lipgloss but i am trying to stay strong and be serious. also makeup is the absolute last thing i should spend money on.
on the other hand i did sell and am selling a bunch of stuff on ebay! whee!
I'm doing so well and I'm so proud of myself! I haven't purchased anything since June something or another (I can't remember the date).
BUT I got suckered into a weekend trip to New Orleans for a wedding next weekend. Luckily my security deposit from my old apartment should be coming any day now so that will cover it but still! I was hoping to put all that money to my cc.
And I'm supposed to go to Cali for a long weekend in two weeks. Luckily my friend said he'd pay for half the ticket so that's not bad.
Here's my dilemma: we're going shopping this weekend for the boy to find something to wear to the wedding. I have two dresses I could wear to the wedding, okay, two dresses and one skirt but I'm really tempted to buy something new for it because it's formal, etc. Okay. I can't afford it - I'm not buying anything. But oh! the temptation... damnit. I need to inherit mass amounts of cash.
So I totally went overboard this month on shopping. Can I join you guys on the shopping ban? I have to save up for my SO's bday, my trip to China, and my grad school apps (expensive as hell)! It is super hard (even as I am typing this I am missing shopping already even though I haven't even gone one day without purchasing yet). Grrrr! I really admire everyone's self control and the great support you guys give each other.
BEX, I forgot about your play - what are you wearing? I'm intrigued by the fact that you are in it & have to wear something skimpy - is that wrong??? I guess living vicariously again!
oh! thanks for thinking of me...
i ended up in the sparkly bustier with the fake tatas (i have to be very big chested for this role), shortie/shorts, black tights and knee boots. also, i have a long black whip which i crack about 5 times during the show... which is fun b/c when i practice before rehearsal all the guys in the show start coming out of the woodwork to watch me... what is it with whips and girls that get guys all hot and bothered???
bex wrote: l oh! thanks for thinking of me... i ended up in the sparkly bustier with the fake tatas (i have to be very big chested for this role), shortie/shorts, black tights and knee boots. also, i have a long black whip which i crack about 5 times during the show... which is fun b/c when i practice before rehearsal all the guys in the show start coming out of the woodwork to watch me... what is it with whips and girls that get guys all hot and bothered???
Oh Bex, how fun - I want a whip!! Well, not really, but I'm glad you have one to crack.
Rocky, sure, come join the party - Misery loves company. (can you tell I'm not real excited about giving up my habit? I must be going through withdrawals)
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I'm doing so well and I'm so proud of myself! I haven't purchased anything since June something or another (I can't remember the date). BUT I got suckered into a weekend trip to New Orleans for a wedding next weekend. Luckily my security deposit from my old apartment should be coming any day now so that will cover it but still! I was hoping to put all that money to my cc. And I'm supposed to go to Cali for a long weekend in two weeks. Luckily my friend said he'd pay for half the ticket so that's not bad. Here's my dilemma: we're going shopping this weekend for the boy to find something to wear to the wedding. I have two dresses I could wear to the wedding, okay, two dresses and one skirt but I'm really tempted to buy something new for it because it's formal, etc. Okay. I can't afford it - I'm not buying anything. But oh! the temptation... damnit. I need to inherit mass amounts of cash.
OMG, please tell me u r coming to SOUTHERN cali?? more specifically LA?? we SOOOO gotta meet up!! PM/myspace me, we gotta talk!
I didn't buy anything this week. I refused to go shopping with one friend, but tomorrow I need to go to TJ Maxx to do a return, and a very good friend of mine wants to come along. She only shops once in a while, and will undoubtedly want to shop, so I will be very self-conscious if I won't buy anything I hope I will feel strong!
I bought a DVD on Friday. Ooops. DVDs were not on my list but still....bad, bad,, but it was The Last Waltz for 10.99!! I could not pass that up, ban or no ban. There, I have confessed. Now I can continue the ban. Congratulations to everyone who managed to do it. Ohh!! I did return those items and did not buy anything even thought there were a million cute things available to me!!! So I am proud of that.