Halleybird, is your dog's name pronounced like Halle Berry? That is my cat's name (Halle, not Halle Berry)!
well, it should be pronounced that way, b/c we named her for Sir Edmund Halley, and that's how his name was pronounced. But my husband decided he liked her name pronounced "Hay-lee" instead. So that's what we call her.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
My cat is a mixed breed, unbelievable that her mother is a tabby and looks nothing like! So it's pretty bizare how she turned out like she did. But she does look a lot like a ragdoll. She's just like a baby in your arms, though she rarely will sit in my lap. She can be quite bitchy though, chasing me down the hallway biting me! Sometimes she is soooo sweet, when she comes running to me just when I call out to her! Things like that make it worth all the trouble!
she sounds alot like my cat. Somtimes she will get in these moods and come running and attack my leg and be hanging on my pants leg by her claws Or if I am not paying enough attention to her she will bite me.She is very sweet most of the time.She sleeps with me evey night and if I shut off my alarm and fall back asleep in the morning she wakes me up by rubbing her head in my hand until I get up
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson