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-- Edited by Andrea Julia at 23:38, 2006-01-28

-- Edited by Andrea Julia at 23:40, 2006-01-28


Marc Jacobs

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RE: Maybe I'm just a little old-fashioned
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i'm old fashioned too so you know i understand.  but i don't think this is a sign that he doesn't respect you--it's just a sign that he's cheap, which granted is a major turn off but whatever you like him and have a good time w/ him and it's not like you have to decide he's the guy for you right this minute so in the meantime i say go ahead and have fun.  however if his cheapness gets to the point where you can't even have fun w/ him anymore, ditch him. 



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UGH, i'm sorry AJ.  This happened to me with a guy too.  He said he was interested in getting to know me, then suggested getting something to eat at a nearby pasta place.  I said ok.  Then he was like, ok, meet you there in 5 mins?  UGH.  I know it was walking distance and between the two of us, but I like to either be met at my place or picked up by car.  So I was like, ok, this isn't a date, its just two friends getting food.  And that's how I viewed him from there on out.  It didn't even OCCUR to him to offer to pay, he bought his food then waited around waiting for me to order (it is a fast-casual kind of place where you pay first.)  So at that point, I was done with him.  Sounds bad, but I don't care.  He was just not enough of a man for me- turns out he was a huge momma's boy who still slept with his stuffed animals and was scared of vegetables.  So he was like my 12 year old brother basically, but less mature, and the whole thing CREEPED the f*ck out of me.  It was like he just had NO IDEA how to take a girl out, but he would IM me weird things like "I want to know what you taste like."  His favorite band was Weezer, so he was really emo as well.  He worshiped Weezer and had Weezer craft days (making Rivers Cuomo out of popsicle sticks, for example.)  The whole thing was really bizarre and I'm glad those days are over, though it made for great stories.  Poor guy. 

So in short, I'm sure your case is not that extreme, but I find it really odd that he didn't even offer to pay.  If a guy can't afford to take you out to dinner, IMO, he should be really sweet about it, and try to hide it from the girl, and be embarrassed by it, taking you on cute picnics and stuff til you suggest dinner, and then he reveals his sheepish confession.  He should have said he was low on cash if that was the problem- not made you pay.  The whole thing gives me the creeps ( I think it is a LOT due to the case above).  Keep in mind- I have no problem with paying!!  It is just that I like to be treated like a lady, and I will admit that to anyone, no problem.  I am feminist in many regards, but I will never say that I want every gender role to be equal.   I think you should wait it out with the guy, maybe give him a second date if you like him, but if it happens again, I can understand why you would be turned off. 


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I don't think that he doesn't respect you, but yeah, he sounds like he might be cheap.  And that gets really annoying over the long haul when you start haggling over pennies (this has happened to me before: we were at the a water ice place and I was seriously counting my pennies b/c this guy wanted to split it evenly. The guy behind the counter told me to forget the change, that he would pay for it!---So. embarassing.) 

I would go out with him again and it he continues this behavior, I would consider cutting him loose.  If he's cheap now when he's trying to win you over, he'll be even cheaper later when he finally has you.



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I agree with the others that he sounds cheap, and would see what happens on another date...if he's still that way, I'd stop dating him. I used to go out with a guy who never left tips, ever, and I couldn't stand it.

I have to say I find this a little odd:

I kind of thought he would just pay for it anyway in spite of the bet, but whateve

This is the kind of behavior / thinking I don't understand. Why would you think he'd pay for it even though you lost the bet? If that were me, I'd be damn sure to pay up, and if it was the other way around, if I were the guy I'd think a bit less of you if you didn't pay.


"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler


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atlgirl wrote:

I agree with the others that he sounds cheap, and would see what happens on another date...if he's still that way, I'd stop dating him. I used to go out with a guy who never left tips, ever, and I couldn't stand it. I have to say I find this a little odd: I kind of thought he would just pay for it anyway in spite of the bet, but whateve This is the kind of behavior / thinking I don't understand. Why would you think he'd pay for it even though you lost the bet? If that were me, I'd be damn sure to pay up, and if it was the other way around, if I were the guy I'd think a bit less of you if you didn't pay.

It depends on the guy in all honesty.  My bf would def. pay even if I lost- I wouldn't expect him to, but he would.  Especially in the early phases- in my ideal world, when you really like a girl, you will do anything for them.  I look for that- and have been lucky so far.  My bf is just a generous guy- tips are always 25-30% for good service- or more, we've left 100% tips before.  He is not flashy in the least. He has savings, he doesn't need many material possessions in life- why not spend money on people you love and for people that work hard for their money?  Cheapness is one of my biggest turn-offs as well. 


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i don't think you're old fashioned.  the way i look at it, girls spend so much money to look nice for a guy (maybe it's just me).  when i started dating my bf, i would often make sure that my hair was highlighted (no roots), i was shaved, waxed, what have you, had a nice outfit, maybe had my toes done, etc...if i wasn't spending money for all this grooming, i was at least spending time....the least they can do is pay for dinner. 

everytime i've dated guys, i've let them pay for dinner and offered to pay for drinks, or cheaper meals like breakfast, or like you did, a movie.  it's one thing for you offer, but for him to ask you to split it?!  in my opinion, i like my men to be a bit more "manly" than that, especially if you two are newly dating. 

i would give him a second chance, maybe he dropped a lot of cash because of the extended weekend or something, but i find that it's difficult to date people who have much different views on spending. 

Nylabelle, water ice costs like what...$2.00?!  that's bad. 

"i tell you one lesson I learned If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots


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-- Edited by Andrea Julia at 23:39, 2006-01-28



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lynnie wrote:

UGH, i'm sorry AJ.  This happened to me with a guy too.  He said he was interested in getting to know me, then suggested getting something to eat at a nearby pasta place.  I said ok.  Then he was like, ok, meet you there in 5 mins?  UGH.  I know it was walking distance and between the two of us, but I like to either be met at my place or picked up by car.  So I was like, ok, this isn't a date, its just two friends getting food.  And that's how I viewed him from there on out.  It didn't even OCCUR to him to offer to pay, he bought his food then waited around waiting for me to order (it is a fast-casual kind of place where you pay first.)  So at that point, I was done with him.  Sounds bad, but I don't care.  He was just not enough of a man for me- turns out he was a huge momma's boy who still slept with his stuffed animals and was scared of vegetables.  So he was like my 12 year old brother basically, but less mature, and the whole thing CREEPED the f*ck out of me.  It was like he just had NO IDEA how to take a girl out, but he would IM me weird things like "I want to know what you taste like."  His favorite band was Weezer, so he was really emo as well.  He worshiped Weezer and had Weezer craft days (making Rivers Cuomo out of popsicle sticks, for example.)  The whole thing was really bizarre and I'm glad those days are over, though it made for great stories.  Poor guy.  So in short, I'm sure your case is not that extreme, but I find it really odd that he didn't even offer to pay.  If a guy can't afford to take you out to dinner, IMO, he should be really sweet about it, and try to hide it from the girl, and be embarrassed by it, taking you on cute picnics and stuff til you suggest dinner, and then he reveals his sheepish confession.  He should have said he was low on cash if that was the problem- not made you pay.  The whole thing gives me the creeps ( I think it is a LOT due to the case above).  Keep in mind- I have no problem with paying!!  It is just that I like to be treated like a lady, and I will admit that to anyone, no problem.  I am feminist in many regards, but I will never say that I want every gender role to be equal.   I think you should wait it out with the guy, maybe give him a second date if you like him, but if it happens again, I can understand why you would be turned off. 

Wow!  Good thing you never ended up with this guy!  "I want to know what you taste like?"  That is a really weird thing for someone to say unless they know you VERY intimately.  I would be freaked out by that alone.


Kate Spade

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stingy-ness is a MAJOR turn off for me.  especially when the guy is trying to pursue you.  i think after a certain point, the guy doesnt need to pay for everything, but personally i feel weird about 'SPLITTING' the check, when you are out on a date or in a relationship. personally, i think this makes for a very awakward moment, even if i had a boyfriend, i would feel weird abt this situation. i would much rather prefer to pay for the meal or have the guy pay for the meal or date, and just switch back and forth. however, i only do this if i have been seeing this particular person for awhile and not when they are trying to pursue me.  to me, if a guy asked me to split the check, then that is a sign telling me that he just wants to be friends--and that is what i will do, see him as my friend only. 



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Okay, I think I'm going to part ways with the crowd a little bit here. But before I do, let me first say I find generosity to be a huge turn-on and cheap bastards to be a huge turn-off. BUT I don't think money has anything at all to do with respect. If you think about it, it's fair to pay for our half of the date. Why should guys be expected to pay, even at the beginning? It doesn't really make any sense. A date is supposed to be an evening of entertainment. We'd never think of expecting our girlfriends to pay for dinner if they asked us to come out with them, would we?

Having said all that, I expect a guy to pay on the first date (only) if he asks me out. If it's a mutual get-together then I'll pony up accordingly. And vice-versa. Of course I always offer to pay on the first date but I don't mean it. (I mean it in that I have the money to pay but not in a truly sincere, "I want to help pay for the evening" type way. Unless it's really bad. Then I insist on it.)

So, in long , I think it's in bad form for him to ask you to pay for half of the check, but (and don't hate me!) but I kinda think it's in bad form not to offer to pay for half of the check too. Even though you'd paid for the movie, because that was a bet and really shouldn't count. My ideal, however, would have been for me to pay for the movie and him to have said, "no, let me (after I offered to help pay for dinner) since you got the movie." That would have been impressive and probably made me like him more, if it was me.

I'd give him another shot, like the other girls say, but if he continued to be cheap, I couldn't help but be turned-off by him. And if you don't like a guy, you certainly shouldn't waste your time seeing him!

AJ - hope all this came across in the right way!!



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-- Edited by Andrea Julia at 23:39, 2006-01-28


Marc Jacobs

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i don't count the bet as a real bet either, after all he's a way better pool player than you (and he knew it!)!  and treating him like a friend won't work because friends don't make out.  so i think here's the way to go:  treat him like a fling.  a person you have a good time w/ but really don't expect anything from.  be nice, cordial, friendly when he contacts you and when you're hanging out w/ him but don't give him a second thought (easier said than done, i know) when you're not w/ him.  that way he'll naturally be in the position to have to make a move.  good luck and keep us updated!



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I agree with Esquiress on this one.  I wouldn't put too much into him especially if he has yet to take you out on a decent date and pay. Maybe next time he asks you to go somewhere you can jokingly ask if you have to pay or if he is paying so that way he might be able to see that you think he's cheap without you having to say something bluntly.

I'm old-fashioned and I think that the guy should pay at first.  If you date for a year or two then start paying some.  My mom is even worse than me though.  She doesn't believe the girl should ever pay but I don't feel that way. 



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I once stopped dating a guy because on our first "real" date (we hung out together at bars a lot & he bought my drinks, etc) he called & asked me to go eat - I told him I needed multiple choice. Usually I say this so I can figure out what they are thinking $$ wise so I'm not a prima donna asking to go to the best restaurant in town, you know what i mean. But we ended up at Jason's Deli. Ok, I let it slide. Second date he used a coupon. This guy left his 401K statement out on his counter one day & I saw it - he was early 30s & had over $150,000 in there - HELLO - he didn't need to use a coupon while he is "courting" me - later is fine, but I took it as a sign of things to come. Of course, I guess that's why he had so much saved, but it made me feel that he thought I wasn't worth the extra entree, if you know what I mean!!!!!!!!

This story is what prompted my dating book idea.....

So I may not be the best one to ask, but I think you know what I would do.

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lynnie wrote:

He was just not enough of a man for me- turns out he was a huge momma's boy who still slept with his stuffed animals and was scared of vegetables.  So he was like my 12 year old brother basically, but less mature, and the whole thing CREEPED the f*ck out of me.  It was like he just had NO IDEA how to take a girl out, but he would IM me weird things like "I want to know what you taste like."  His favorite band was Weezer, so he was really emo as well.  He worshiped Weezer and had Weezer craft days (making Rivers Cuomo out of popsicle sticks, for example.)  The whole thing was really bizarre and I'm glad those days are over, though it made for great stories.  Poor guy. 

I am still laughing at this - I don't even want to know how you found out he was "scared of vegetables" but I have to say I don't know what is funnier - the veggies or the craft days.....-

-- Edited by laken1 at 18:08, 2005-07-05

Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad


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-- Edited by Andrea Julia at 23:40, 2006-01-28


Kenneth Cole

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To me, the movie part is irrelevant in terms of whether he should have paid for the food. Unless you're with a guy you can tell is really traditional (and would be insulted if you offered to pay) the girl should pretend to get out money, and the guy should stop her and pay. If he's really careful, he can stop her but then if she asks, "are you sure," he can let her split it. (lol - I can't believe I'm writing this out..)

As far as the movie goes, I agree with AJ that I'd be a little surprised if a guy didn't offer to pay for the movie despite the bet, but in that case, I think it's important that the girl does pay.

At the same time, I think that that bet shows his style - a guy who wouldn't let a girl pay for dinner wouldn't suggest that kind of a bet. So... maybe he's the everything equal type rather than cheap... and you just have to decide whether that's ok.


Marc Jacobs

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I agree, I think it's just a sign that he's cheap. Which is annoying enough if you are just friends, but um, from one who's been there: STAY AWAY. This type has MAJOR issues. And it will get really old, really fast. If he can't share his toys when you haven't even slept with him, what is he going to try to get away with when he thinks he has you?



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<<Okay, I agree, that was kind of a weird thing to say, but it was an honest thing to say because that's really what I thought.  In my experience, a guy won't let me pay for something in the beginning even if I have offered.  Don't get me wrong, I was fine with paying for it, I just thought he would at least offer.  This post would not have existed if I just had to pay for the movie.  I offered to pay for it and I paid for it;  I was just surprised that he let me.>>

I can't get the quote option to work today...!  Anyway, this post would not have existed if I just had to pay for the movie. this makes more sense to me now, based on what you said in that later post.  It is a little telling, IMO that he *asked* you to split the bill. My personal experience has been that guys will pay for most / all of the early dates, and then it settles down into something where both parties are contributing (whether that's splitting the bill, or more likely taking turns paying for stuff). I do think he sounds cheap and agree that you should treat him as a fling of no consequence and see what happens.

<<In fact, it kind of irks me that he made the prize for the bet something financial at all being that he was 800 times better at pool than me.  At the time, I thought it was his cute way of making sure we got together again.  Since it was our first time playing pool, I didn't know that until we played and he was doing all sorts of fancy moves.>>

The only issue I had with the bet statement is that if I'd made a bet with someone and they lost, and didn't pay up...I'd feel like they didn't stand by their word. And I would assume a guy would think the same about me if I did that. I guess it's just a feeling of "put your money where your mouth is" for me - if I am going to actually bet on something, I make sure I pay up. Kind of an odd thing about me. But then, I disagree with a lot of the dating "rules" posted on this forum most of the time, so I seem to be the odd woman out, as it were.  *s*




"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler

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