sucks when you have to think twice before posting what you want to really post! I couldn't say no to friending (sp?) certain people, but hate that I used to be able to post all of my 411, and now I really have to think twice before posting.
also sucks that I'm addicted to 3 games on there! I watch less t.v now because of it! ha!
bah i agree. used to be able to say youre having a bad day or something was annoying you but now you have to worry about offending people left and right.
my job is known for singling people out for barely inappropriate statuses and making them take it down for the company's sake. i just dont say anything job related nor do i list my company on my page or friend coworkers and bosses.
I know I censor a lot of what I say on FB. I am even thinking about de-friending some people. I guess I just don't want everyone to know my business. When a person initally wants to be your friend your like "sure" but then when you see all of your friends most of them are just acquaintances
I know what you mean. I usually don't even post a status anymore. I use it mainly as a way to keep in touch with friends who live in other states or with my little cousins. Of course the cousins are all college or high school age so sometimes I wish they'd censor some info (you know, sometimes there are just some things I don't need to know about.)
Oh do play around with the settings! They let me breathe easier on FB.
I have three groups - 1 is most of my friends, who get to pretty much see everything. Then in the second group I have certain relatives, who can see less - I think I have them blocked from my pictures and a few other things. My third group is coworkers, who get to see almost nothing. When you friend someone you can put them in one of the groups. I don't know if there is a limit on the number of groups you can create.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123