blubirde, congratulations! This is a major accomplishment for you, so don't downplay it. Enjoy it as one of life's very sweet moments that don't come along often enough. I sense from your posts that you are a confident woman - and if you translate that confidence to your art, you'd be surprised at what might follow. If you believe in yourself, so will others. I think you should use that purchase of a pretty dress (from your other post) as a celebration of your achievement and don't feel guilty about breaking the shopping ban. I'm thrilled for you!!
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
I'm so excited. I also found out they're using that same piece in their newsletter. I'll have to snatch up one of those. I took some pics yesterday of the pieces and I'll post them over the weekend along with how much they were auctioned for (one already has bids but i'm not sure about the other one yet).
I got a new dress (all white and very boho) and I can't wait until tonight. It's going to rock!
Thanks again for everyone's kind words and I'll let y'all know how it all went.
So one of my pieces sold for $150!!!! It's not a whole lot but I was very excited. The evening was a huge success and I met all kinds of cool people and got lots of great compliments.
The best part was that so many people showed up to see my work (friends and coworkers and such). I was so surprised so many people actually came. It made me feel really good. Plus a lot of my friends bid on art for themselves and helped out a great cause.
Thanks again for everyone's support. Hopefully it's the beginning of something really fun.
So one of my pieces sold for $150!!!! It's not a whole lot but I was very excited. The evening was a huge success and I met all kinds of cool people and got lots of great compliments. The best part was that so many people showed up to see my work (friends and coworkers and such). I was so surprised so many people actually came. It made me feel really good. Plus a lot of my friends bid on art for themselves and helped out a great cause. Thanks again for everyone's support. Hopefully it's the beginning of something really fun.
OMG that is amazing!! You should be so proud of yourself! And don't say it's not a whole lot- it is...someone paid that much for something that you just did for fun.