I never speed really bad...and what do you know, I am just having fun listening to my new cd I burned all of a sudden I am going 91....of course I got caught.
This is a $300-600 ticket with a manatory court appearance....uhhhh. I am supposed to be out of town on the court date. Has anyone been successful in moving their date up? Any tricks? I know it was my fault and I am not trying to get out of it, but I just can't come that day....???
Oh and guess what I had named the cd....RUSH....???
You should be able to go down to the court house and just pay the clerk - usually they'll give you some kind of discount for coming in and paying it without appearing in court.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
We have family friend that was the former sheriff of my county. He said when you get speeding tickets pay it by check and write the check for a few dollars over. The police department will send you a refund check, but don't cash it...EVER. As long as you don't cash it they can't cash your check and you don't have to pay the ticket. Also since the ticket is not processed it will not go on your record and you will not get points.
I don't know if this will work were you are, but it did for me. The sheriff was able to take a few tickets off, but I got one for going 60 in a 25- no I am not a monster. It was 3 am and I was in the middle of nowhere. I had just gotten out of a little down where the speed limit was 25 and incresed to 55 all in about 100 yards. I could see the 55 sign so I speed up too soon and got caught.
My boyfriend was able to get a ticket court date moved up. He got a ticket for running a red light w/ by a traffic camera. He just called and told them he would be out of town and they changed the date for him.
Good luck!
I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!
This is a mandatory court apperance. Anytime you are over the speed limit by 30, you have to go. They said that I could pay it but I still have to come.
Thanks for the tip RyanJ, but as you can see anytime I don't follow the rules I get caught.
I need help on getting the date changed??? They said that it was possible, but my ticket won't get through the system till next Monday...
I had to go to traffic court once and couldn't make the date so I called them and asked if they could change it- they set it for a month later no problem and didn't even ask why. It was the same kind of situation, I wasn't trying to get out of it, just couldnt get there that day.
ilovechoo...thanks I can sleep now. I will just wait till Monday and see. Thanks everyone for your kind words. I just watched some show and someone dies in a car accident. my cute BF said well I am just glad that you are ok baby. I can be happy that all I got was a ticket...I am looking on the bright side.
oh you poor thing! the last time (knock on wood) that i got a ticket was in 1998 and i just paid it and it was over with...
with my new MINI i love to go fast and worry that at some point i am going to get caught... my boss warns me about it all the time! when he was on the road he got caught three times in three straight weeks by the exact same cop each time- not a good situation!
quote: Originally posted by: RyanJ "We have family friend that was the former sheriff of my county. He said when you get speeding tickets pay it by check and write the check for a few dollars over. The police department will send you a refund check, but don't cash it...EVER. As long as you don't cash it they can't cash your check ..
This really doesn't work.. at least not in PA.. My husband's best friend is a state trooper.. The police dont care if you don't cash their check. The fact that you gave them your money, is record enough that you are admitting your guilt. They send the ticket off to the state as soon as they receive your check for no matter how much it is. They are just doing you service by not keeping your extra money, it has nothing to do with the paperwork aspect of it.
Originally posted by: RyanJ "We have family friend that was the former sheriff of my county. He said when you get speeding tickets pay it by check and write the check for a few dollars over. The police department will send you a refund check, but don't cash it...EVER. As long as you don't cash it they can't cash your check and you don't have to pay the ticket. Also since the ticket is not processed it will not go on your record and you will not get points. I don't know if this will work were you are, but it did for me. "
This is totally true in California too. Worked for me about 10 years ago. It's not illegal to make a mistake when you write your check and then to "lose" a refund check. A lot of people wouldn't even bother cashing a very small check anyway.
This really doesn't work.. at least not in PA.. My husband's best friend is a state trooper.. The police dont care if you don't cash their check. The fact that you gave them your money, is record enough that you are admitting your guilt. They send the ticket off to the state as soon as they receive your check for no matter how much it is. They are just doing you service by not keeping your extra money, it has nothing to do with the paperwork aspect of it.-- Edited by JoceyBaby23 at 11:09, 2005-05-24"
It is not whether you are admitting you are guilty or not. There is some law, rule or regulation ( Idon't remember exactly what is it) that says they can't take more money then what the ticket is for. I wrote that really bad, but I am not sure how else to explain it. Maybe it doesnt' work in Pa, but there are many places that it does work. It worked in Ohio, Michigan and my uncle got a ticket in Florida and that was 2 years ago and there is still does not have any points on his liscense.
Cricket- you are right and if it doesn't work then you are only out a few dollars. No big loss if there is a possiblity you can avoid the ticket.
-- Edited by RyanJ at 12:36, 2005-05-24
I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!