Brazen Canadian- I totally think it's rude of your friends not to respond with anything when they bombard you with regular and lame pictures of their children. You are totally justified about feeling miffed.
CC- Your comment about barren friends was priceless. It is worthy of printing out and framing because it's so funny.
Lorelei- I guess your not a huge animal person. I personally prefer many animals over certain people. I think it's actually to love a pet as much as a child or another person. But, I also have lots of friends who feel the same way so I understand where you're coming from.
This thread reminded me of conversation a friend and I were having. She is not an animal person. She was honestly bothered that if I had to choose between saving one of my beloved pets or a person, I would probably save my pet (espcially if I didn't know or like the person). Then she asked me if I were in the same prediciment and I had to choose between of my pets or a friend's child, which would I choose. The first thing I thought of was a. which friend and b. if I even liked this hypothetical child. She was not amused but that's just the way I feel.
Dogs are clearly superior to children. Are you people insane?
I love my dogs as much as my family members and close friends. If I had to choose between saving a person and one of my dogs, well, that would be a hard decision and there's a large part of me that thinks "dogs, definitely." It's never appropriate to tell someone else "that love you say you feel for x,y or z creature/person isn't real or as strong as the love you would feel for a, b or c."
I just hope if I have a kid I have one of those nice kids and not one of those ones that leak snot all over themselves and whine loudly and interminably in the grocery store.
"Don't be cool. Cool is conservative fear dressed in black. Don't limit yourself in this way." - Bruce Mau
quote: Originally posted by: Mia "I just hope if I have a kid I have one of those nice kids and not one of those ones that leak snot all over themselves and whine loudly and interminably in the grocery store."