So I had posted on how to give hints for my bday, but I must say that my man did good. He did take some hints, but did give some things on his own, so I was most happy. I got a "shoe allowance" - I had picked out some shoes but didn't like them as much in person, so we were going to go shopping, but broke my toe & I couldn't really try on "skinny" shoes, so I will probably go this weekend. Also these things:
This choc brown tee I wanted
This shirt I have been wanted & couldn't find - he got it off ebay
These charms for my charm bracelet. high heeled shoe Princess
Plus we went to the Ft Worth Zoo, which is AWESOME & I wore my zebra pants!!! and we went to eat at a cool outdoor mexican restaurant. Perfect day.
Just letting you ladies know!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad