Excuse me- I need to go off on a little mini rant...
I know that right now times are bad. I haven't been hit like some people, I still have a good job and things are ok, and I really shouldn't complain. But I'm so sick of hearing about what a rough time people are having.
Actually what I really mean is I'm so sick of when something good happens and you're excited to share it, that other people bring you down with their negativity when you do. Its really disappointing. Can't we be happy for each other?
Example: When my grandfather passed away when I was a kid, he left my cousins and I each a fund for our schooling. I only used up about half of mine. Yesterday, I was at work and my mother stopped by and dropped off a check from my grandmother for the rest of the money- a little over $3 grand!!! (it had been sitting in an account since I was 19 and she wanted to settle it).
I was so excited that I told my good friend and my BF. Neither were excited for me. I wasn't trying to brag, it was just unexpected and I was really excited. It came at a really good time when I needed it.
I was disappointed that instead of hearing "thats awesome!" I only heard "me, me me. My troubles, my financial situation, negativity, negativity" its disappointing.
I know I can't expect positivity from people right now with all the lay offs and bad situations. But negativity isn't going to make it any better either!
So lets here some good things ladies!
I used part of my $ to buy a brand new Mac Book. Its my first computer of my own and now I can take some part time courses to get my degree. Yay!
I don't think it has to do with the times necessarily. Its simple jealousy. I recently told a bunch of people I'm studying for the LSATs and going to law school and the reply was "WHY?" and "OH"
People are not very encouraging when they are jealous I guess...
ITA that it's not specific to the economy. Most people are stuck in that ego headspace of "me me me" all the time. Like when you have a conversation, some people don't so much listen as plan what they're going to say next when it's their turn to talk.
Yay, inheritance! (uh, sorry about your grandpa.)
Yay, law school! (uh, I guess...too bad you have to hang around with lawyers, though.)
Yay, being in a good place!
I'm happy for you all, but then, I'm on my third glass of wine and I love everyone...
I don't think it has to do with the times necessarily. Its simple jealousy. I recently told a bunch of people I'm studying for the LSATs and going to law school and the reply was "WHY?" and "OH"
People are not very encouraging when they are jealous I guess...
and YAY for YOU! enjoy that new mac book!
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Good for you, I remember your post about wanting the mac book and I saw your fb status. I'm glad this came up so you could get it!
As for friends, I can relate. Most of you know, my situation is FAR from fabulous. Yet I am generally happy now. I'm not working yet, the ex is still supportive of my staying home with the boys over the summer, but I am slowly looking for work and taking my time, it's my business to do it this way. The other day, I said something about how HOT the neighborhood pool was, I wasn't complaining, I was just remarking... and my friend, who is a divorced single mom and who's ex is a rather deadbeat dad, just had to say, "well at least you aren't stuck in an office like me!" As if I won't be also stuck in an office very soon myself. I know this one comment isn't a big deal, but she makes statements like this all the time, in regards to my situation and my not working. It makes me feel as though she considers me ungrateful and selfish! And I am not! I am completely grateful that I have a little bit of leisure time this summer, and I am taking it.
I am learning that only certain friends are happy for me when I have good news, and others just negative, not every time, but enough to make me want to share less with them.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
I don't think it has to do with the times necessarily. Its simple jealousy. I recently told a bunch of people I'm studying for the LSATs and going to law school and the reply was "WHY?" and "OH"
People are not very encouraging when they are jealous I guess...
yeah, I agree. i told a good friend I was studying for the GRE cause I wanted to go to grad school for computer science and she was like "God, why do you want to do that? It sounds so boring." She makes a lot more money than I do even though I have more education and I know she enjoys that she's doing so much better than I am professionally and probably wants me to stay underemployed and miserable.
I agree, most people are so wrapped up in themselves that they can't always appreciate that other's need some "me time" too. Both of my brothers have recently bought houses and one is getting married at the end of summer. I am genuinely happy for both of them and excited by their life changes. I am more than willing to "ooo" and "ahhhh" over invites, new fences and tile selection on a daily basis. But honestly, sometimes I just want them to shut up about the houses and wedding and ask me what's going on with me! I have my own life and it doesn't always revolve around them.
Metric- Found money is always worth a "yippie!" Enjoy your new laptop! You deserve it.
Xtina- Law school! That's awesome! I think you are brave for trying to start a new career. Good luck with the LSats!
Sandy- Being in a good place is a wonderful thing. Enjoy it. I'm happy for you.
Thanks to all the well wishers! Sorry didn't mean to thread-hack, Metric. Congrats at your new-found money, you're actually helping the "bad times" by making a large purchase. Enjoy the mac book! I have one at work and I love it!