Awww...Chic, sorry to hear that. Have some chamomile tea and a light mid morning snack of fresh fruit and see if you don't feel well enough to enjoy your freedom! C'mon, there is shopping out there to be done! Haha...
Oh that sucks, but at least you have the day off. I got home at 3 last night and I feel so gross I want to die. My throat and head are killing me and I really want to crawl under my desk and take a nap!
Don't you hate it when we feel bad all for lack of sleep? I mean really! There are so many other important (i.e. fun) things to be doing instead of sleeping. And then we have to get all gross and icky feeling for lack of it. I'm sure there's a karma reference in there somewhere...
I hope you feel better and can at least enjoy some good daytime television on your day off. Ever considered a sleeping pill? Not for everyday but maybe just in situations like these?
The worst part is I got up at 7am and still can't go back to bed.....??? Wasn't that the point. No I have just bid on 10 things on ebay....all I really need anymore!