I am in a bit of a dilemma and I was wondering what I should do. I think I know what I should do.
I paid my credit card bill online, but I realized after looking over my statement that the CC bill was wrong. There was a charge on there that I did not make. I had already schedule my payment online, so they would take the money out of the checking account on the day the bill was due.
I called the company and told them my bill was wrong. They said they would take the charge off and adjust my bill. I decided I would cancel my payment and pay them when the bill was adjusted. I didn't want to send them money that I didn't owe and then have to try to get it back from them later. The cc company said they would waive any late fees that I would get from this. My bill was due on April 24th, which was a Sunday and I cancelled the payment on what was early Monday, the 25th, morning at about 1:00 A.M. Because it was a Sunday they had not yet processed my payment and I was still able to cancel it. However, the computer marked the bill as being payed already. I recieved my statement Saturday, April 30, and it said that the bill was paid in full, but no money was taken out of my account. I called the cc company to find out what was going on. They told me three times now that it has been paid in full and there is no balance on my card.
What do I do? I don't need the money and I have the money to pay my bill. I feel bad because it was a rather large credit card bill and I guess that makes me feel worse. Maybe if it was only like $100.00 I wouldn't worry so much about it. I know that the right thing to do is just pay it, but I have had so much trouble with this card and I planned on canceling it. I kind of just feel like forgetting about it. Maybe I could just donate the money to a charity or something.
I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!
Before doing anything, I would just hold on to the money and wait 2 months. They may catch it while doing some end of month reporting or something and then adjust it. I would do this just to be safe.