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runaway bride
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Woman Says She Fled Wedding, Faked Kidnap
By ANNA MACIAS AGUAYO, Associated Press Writer
4 hours ago

Jennifer Wilbanks is shown in an undated photo taken ...
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Distressed, out of cash and in disguise, a missing Georgia bride-to-be turned up on a seedy stretch of Route 66 and told authorities Saturday she'd been abducted, then copped to the truth - she fled the pressure of her looming wedding.

Jennifer Wilbanks, 32, was picked up by police after a cross-country bus trip that took her through Las Vegas to a payphone outside an Albuquerque 7-Eleven where she called her fiance, John Mason, and 911 late Friday and said she had been freed by kidnappers.

As police began searching for the blue van she said her captors drove, an impromptu pre-dawn street party broke out outside the home Mason and Wilbanks shared.

But hours later, under questioning by police, Wilbanks admitted the road trip was voluntary.

She was "scared and concerned about her impending marriage and decided she needed some time alone," Albuquerque Police Chief Ray Schultz said.

Police said there would be no criminal charges, although more than 100 officers led a search that involved several hundred volunteers, including many wedding guests and members of the bridal party.

Her family was en route to New Mexico Saturday afternoon to meet her.

"She's obviously very concerned about the stress that she's been through, the stress that's been placed on her family," Schultz said. "She is very upset."

Bill Elwell, an FBI spokesman in Albuquerque, said Wilbanks apparently decided to flee shortly after purportedly leaving for her jog Tuesday without her keys or wallet.

"Based on the information we received, it was a spur of the moment situation," Elwell told The Associated Press.

She had enough money to take a bus to Las Vegas before going to Albuquerque, where she found herself broke. Elwell said that is probably why she called home and authorities when she did.

In her 911 call, Wilbanks sounds frantic and confused, telling an operator she was kidnapped from Atlanta by a man and a woman in their 40s who were driving a blue van.

At one point, the operator asks if Wilbanks knows what direction her captors went after dropping her off in Albuquerque.

"I have no idea. I don't even know where I am," she says.

Wilbanks cut her hair so no one would recognize her, but gave no indication that she had watched news reports of the search or realized the magnitude of the situation, Elwell said.

After police reported the hoax, the mood outside Wilbanks' home went from jubilant to somber. Family members ducked inside and the blinds were drawn.

They later expressed relief that she was safe.

"Sure, we were all disappointed, maybe a little embarrassed, but you know what, if you remember all the interviews yesterday we were praying, 'At this point let her be a runaway bride,'" said the Rev. Alan Jones, who was to perform the wedding. "So God was faithful. Jennifer's alive and we're all thankful for that."

Police said Wilbanks was tired, thirsty and "very, very distressed" but in otherwise good physical condition.

Jones said the family had no idea that Wilbanks had fears about the wedding, and he believed she "probably had no clue how it had been blown out of proportion" while she was traveling across the country.

He said Mason had no hostility toward his fiancee.

"I have never met such a strong person in all my life," Jones said. "He's an incredible man."

More than 600 people had been invited to the wedding bash, and it was to feature 14 bridesmaids and 14 groomsmen.

Just hours before Wilbanks called her fiance, police in Duluth said they had no solid leads in the case and began dismantling a search center. Relatives offered a $100,000 reward for information and were planning a prayer vigil.

The hunt for Wilbanks had consumed the tight-knit town. Her picture and newspaper articles about her disappearance were on telephone poles and shop windows. Police had also seized three computers from the home she shared with Mason.

Mason did not speak publicly after Wilbanks said she lied about being abducted. Her uncle, Mike Satterfield, thanked people who had helped in the search.

"Jennifer had some issues the family was not aware of. We're looking forward to loving her and talking to her about these issues," he said.

Ryan Kelly, owner of the Park Cafe a few blocks from Wilbanks' house, which gave out coffee and sandwiches to searchers, said he was glad Wilbanks was alive and healthy.

"But that being said, this is one of the most selfish and self-centered acts I've ever seen. We saw her parents, and you could see the anguish in their eyes. It was terrible," he said.

"I don't care where you are - unless you're in the Amazon rain forest, you'd know everybody was out looking for you."

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she needs to be arrested.



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The story is kind of funny, but I'd hate to be her right now. I'd be mortified!



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Originally posted by: Karina

"she needs to be arrested."

that was my initial thought too until I watched the news tonight.  for example, there was that college girl that reported a brutal rape then confessed that she made it up - that I can see charging someone for because it was intentional to lead the authoities on from the beginning.

the theory for this case is that she ran away, everyone freaked out, she then decided that she didn't want to run away anymore, and since there was so much media attention, she made something up out of guilt - which only a few hours later they figured out she made up. 

so that's where the diffence is, she didn't set out to deceive, but did so as a result of the pressure due to the visibility of the situation.

"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase


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Originally posted by: gypsyfreak

"The story is kind of funny, but I'd hate to be her right now. I'd be mortified! "

I would be so mortified too.  I saw footage of her going through the airport with a blanket on her head to cover her face...

I mean, I'm glad she's alive, but man... she's gotta have a screw loose.  I feel bad for whoever paid for the wedding... and her fiance...

maybe it's punishment enough to live with the embarrassment of what she did...

"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase

Kate Spade

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I have to agree.  I heard the 911-tape & although I'm no expert on law, she lied to authorities when she concocted this insane story.

I feel sorry for her family more than I do her.



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I heard on the news that she won't be criminally charged because it wasn't her intention to get the authorities involved. They got involved only after her family notified them of her disappearance.

She concocted that fake story to save face. She should have been upfront with her fiance in the first place. There is no excuse for her behavior. 


Kenneth Cole

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I'm very angry about the whole thing. I read it in the paper this week and was very worry for her. I thought 'Scott Peterson' all over again or something like that had happened.
The poor family, worrying about where she was, if she was ok,etc.

600 invitations went out, 14 bridesmaids and groomsmen, food that was ordered and made that could feed over 1500 people. What a waste. Couldn't she have the decency and the ba#%s to call if off before it got this far?

I think that she SHOULD be arrested for wasting everyone's time, energy and emotion to look for her. What if there was someone who had just gone missing and all of the resources were being spent on this chic. If not arrested, at least fined. How ridiculous, she should be held accountable for her actions.

“Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are…something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.” - Author Unknown-


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Originally posted by: lilmissdiva

"I'm very angry about the whole thing. I read it in the paper this week and was very worry for her. I thought 'Scott Peterson' all over again or something like that had happened. The poor family, worrying about where she was, if she was ok,etc. 600 invitations went out, 14 bridesmaids and groomsmen, food that was ordered and made that could feed over 1500 people. What a waste. Couldn't she have the decency and the ba#%s to call if off before it got this far? I think that she SHOULD be arrested for wasting everyone's time, energy and emotion to look for her. What if there was someone who had just gone missing and all of the resources were being spent on this chic. If not arrested, at least fined. How ridiculous, she should be held accountable for her actions. "

I have to agree w/you lilmissdiva.  I think it's horrible that she put her fiancee, family, and friends through this.  Wouldn't it have been better to just call off or post pone the wedding?  I realize a lot of people might be upset w/the money they had spent on the wedding, but it's better than her family worrying and wondering if she's alive and safe.  I really think what she did was horrible and completely selfish and she should be punished.  I also really hope her fiancee has enough brains to dump her ass!



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Ok, there's obviously something really wrong with this woman, we got that.  She flipped out and ran away and made everyone think she was kidnapped.  In the moment, she probably didn't love herself enough to even care about consequences, she did it anyway, maybe in her mind she wouldn't have to worry about it because maybe she was kind of thinking suicide too (nothing to lose).

I don't think she should be arrested and/or thrown in jail, that's absolutely absurd--first of all, psych help is what she needs, punishment does almost nothing to psych cases like this, so save the jail for the violent criminals.  Second, all she did technically was make a phony 911 call while in Albuquerque.  She will probably face some sort of lawsuit eventually, but "teaching her a lesson" or anything of the sort is futile and stupid and does nothing to deter real crime.  Punishment in this case only serves those who weren't involved at all, the nagging public.

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I'm watching the "jilted bridegroom" on tv right now. He's damn ugly!!! No wonder she ran away. That said, he's standing by her side and defending her, which is more than I would have done.

Sucks all around either way you look at it.

Hahahahaha!!!! They just said she'd already attended 8 bridal showers and received $10,000 in gifts. I'd hate to have to return all those gifts...



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WTF - 8 Bridal showers???  Who the hell has 8 showers!!!


Nine West

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RE: runaway bride--Groom Still Wants to Marry Her
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Groom Still Wants to Marry Runaway Bride
By CHARLES ODUM, Associated Press Writer

DULUTH, Ga. - The jilted groom whose bride-to-be ran away four days before their wedding still wants to marry Jennifer Wilbanks, saying, "Haven't we all made mistakes?"

"Just because we haven't walked down the aisle, just because we haven't stood in front of 500 people and said our 'I Do's, my commitment before God to her was the day I bought that ring and put it on her finger, and I'm not backing down from that," John Mason said Monday in an interview with Fox News' Hannity & Colmes show.

It was Mason's first public statement since he learned on the morning of his scheduled wedding day that his fiancee was not kidnapped, but instead had cold feet.

As her family and friends feared the worst, police say the bride-to-be cut her hair, took a Greyhound bus to Las Vegas and didn't call her family to say she wanted to back out of a lavish, 600-guest wedding planned for Saturday. The runaway triggered a huge manhunt and requests from police that Mason take a polygraph test.

Mason said he has given the 32-year-old Wilbanks her ring back - she'd left it at the house - and said they still planned to marry.

But if Mason and Wilbanks' family are ready to forgive the jittery bride, authorities are still peeved.

The mayor said Monday she is looking into the possibility of suing Wilbanks for the estimated $100,000 cost of searching for her. A local prosecutor said Monday he will conduct a thorough investigation, which could take weeks, before deciding whether to charge Wilbanks for falsely claiming she had been kidnapped.

Porter said Wilbanks could face a misdemeanor charge of false report of a crime or a felony charge of false statements. The misdemeanor carries a penalty of up to a year in jail; five years in prison is the maximum sentence for the felony.

Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.



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RE: runaway bride
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If they still get married I bet family get togethers would be akward. I have a hard time believing his family would just forgive her.

I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!


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She needs her ass kicked.Then she should be arrested. What a selfish, ditzy broad!

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I don't think arresting her and charging her with a crime is what she needs.  She needs counseling from a trained psychatrist (sp?) to get some issues resolved.  From her background it seems like she was always supposed to be the perfect person and live the perfect life and after a while people snap.  I could see how she could snap if there has been a huge to-do surrounding this wedding.  I routinely snap and go nuts when I'm under pressure and I have to go see a counselor (I've never run away though). 

My brother has also snapped under pressure and has run away (2 times) and it completely sucks but I'd rather him get help then be charged with a crime and paying fines for people looking for him.  He like her didn't ask their family and friends to call the police and start a huge search team.  Most the time when people snap like this they don't know what they are doing, where they are, or what is going on. They don't know right from wrong either and you can't try to reason with them.  That is where counseling would be the better option than arresting and throwing her in jail.



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Well, I think arresting her would be ridiculous.  I think she should pay some sort of a fine to repay the community for the efforts of paid workers.  But geez, could she at least start with a public apology?  She has a whole lot of people to apologize to. 


Kate Spade

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Originally posted by: Cricket

"But geez, could she at least start with a public apology?  She has a whole lot of people to apologize to.  "

I comletely agree.  That's the LEAST she owes to her family & friends, not to mention all the volunteers & law enforcement who searched for her.



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I agree that the girl has issues, but all she had to do was call somebody -- a friend, relative, etc. and say that she was stressed and taking some time. She had the foresight to cut her hai. -- she knew the public would be looking for her.  She seems like another spoiled brat to me. 

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i think the question here is....WHO'S GOING TO PAY FOR ALL THE MAN HOURS SEARCHING FOR HER? 


i'm sorry, but i do not want my money going towards that.  i think she definitely didn't set out to make it a huge deal, and it became one.  i think that it probably is punishment enough for her to live with the embarassment of the whole ordeal, not to mention how worried her family must've been....that being said, i think she should take the money from the wedding and pay for the people who looked for her.  if her fiance could afford a reward for bringing her back, then they can afford to pay those police officers who spent all that time looking for her...

"i tell you one lesson I learned If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
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