if you go here http://www.cfainc.org/ they have a breakdown of all (or at least a lot) of the breeds so you can see what might work for you. and i'm sure not *all* persians are assholes, you'd just have to find one that wasn't and make sure it stayed that way (easier said than done, i'm sure).
but just like with dogs, i think "mutt" cats are best too. and i could never pay money for a cat when there are so many at shelters waiting for a good home (including purebreds, so when you do decide, please look at a shelter first!)
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
We had two Persian cats when I was really, really little (before I developed severe allergies to kitties). One was black and one was white and they were hilarious. I would love to have another fluffly, white persian kitty if I knew that my allergy medicine would combat the problem, but I'm not sure if it would.
that cat looks like a persian to me. himalayans are a breed of their own and are a cross between persians and siamese. for the person who said she wanted a persian who wasn't an a**hole (not that i would call them that, but many of them are very shy and scared), try a short-haired persian (cross between a shorthair and persian), they seem to be less docile.
Anyone looking for a pedigree cat should check out a cat show before buying. I went to one last week and say an array of cat breeds and their personalities. I always thought my cat was strange because he spent the first 6 months of his life in a bathroom and not around people (long story) and has this weird personality as a result but I found out its the way all cats of his breed are!
I think that's a persian too. I think they are the only ones with the smashed in nose (upon googling himalayans I see that they too have smashed in faces but seem to be cream or white most of the time).
-- Edited by lsubatgirl at 12:22, 2005-04-27
Edited again. Upon further googling I have found that Himalayans = Persians. The difference is in their markings (don't know much more though) I thought it was interesting since I didn't know this.