For those of you with kids of the human variety... Between baby books, clothes, cards, artwork, etc...there's a lot of keepsakes from my son's life that I feel compelled to hold onto. But let's face it, sometimes that gets out of control. When you are contemplating renting a storage unit for your treasure trove of remembrances, you've got a definite problem. And no, I'm not there...yet. So, in the spirit of nosiness...who keeps what, and why? My list: -baby clothes that were special (ones bought for him by special people or something important I picked out -every single card he's received or I received -every piece of artwork -so far, all his preK schoolwork -as of this week, baby teeth (the first one fell out this week!) though I don't know how to store them yet -photos by the gazillions: saved on the computer, as prints, on cds and on usb drives
And honestly, I don't think I'm out of control with this list.
I have a 9 year old and a 3 year old. I did the same with baby items, keeping only special outfits and blankets/toys. I also took creative pictures in these outfits or with the items in case anything was ever ruined or lost, and put them in the baby book.I started out same as you but by 1st grade saving all artwork and school work was CRAZY! So I picked out "special" things, school journals, things she wrote about herself or family, memorable artwork. Now I have a portfolio of sorts for each grade, I got those artist porfolios that are accordian style with a handle at the top made out of heavy cardstock type material, like this: I saved her baby teeth and then thought why?! It's not like she'll want them. I took some memorable photos of toothless grins instead. As for pictures we have tons! I'm trying to get them all in digital format and put them on an external drive. I am also doing some digital scrapbooking to help organize photos.
I saved her baby teeth and then thought why?! It's not like she'll want them.
When my mom moved she found a container of baby teeth and tried to give them to me. Ugh! Gross, no thank you. She had also saved a little tin of puppy teeth from our childhood dog. It may be sentimental at the time but lookinging back teeth are not worth saving.
I saved the going home outfits from the hospital with both boys. For Chris I started a scrapbook I put awards, ribbons, places his been for the first time(race tracks, his first baseball game etc.....
For pics I have tons of them, I have them in photo albums and on cds. I believe you never can have enough pics
-- Edited by small fry on Sunday 26th of April 2009 01:07:11 PM
I'm not a mom, but I have heard some say that they keep representative pieces from kids' semesters.
I also heard that there is a website on which you can scan kids' art and other things and keep them stored electronically. Never caught the name of the site. Sounds really cool tho.
The things I'm glad my mom saved were all my drawings and little stories I wrote. I framed some of the art and the stories gave us a good couple of hours laughing at what I came up with at 4 and 5. She also kept the first outfit my father bought me, so that has a lot of value as well.
-- Edited by Kincali on Thursday 30th of April 2009 10:57:40 PM
-- Edited by Kincali on Thursday 30th of April 2009 10:58:26 PM
For Mr. (so far- he's only 3) -Christening and first X-mas outfit. -favorite artwork from pre-pre-school. I've taken pic's of the rest and tossed the originals. -All of the cards he has received and the cards I received at my baby shower. -I'm a total control freak and made my mom keep a daily journal which included what he ate, when he slept and what they did while I was at work.
I've done the same for Bug, but obvs no art work yet. Oh - and my mom refused to journal for 2 years so I got about 1 1/2 years out of her ;)
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West
that is so funny about saving baby teeth. my mother saved my baby teeth, and I saved the baby teeth of a dog I had. it's kind of an odd thing to save when you think about it, but I would have a hard time tossing them in the trash myself! we humans are strange I say save the teeth if that's what floats your boat
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I keep all the same things you do Leanna except not so much the clothes, unless they were handmade. I never did bronze anyone's shoes either, though I do think that tradition is cute. Since I have two sons, all the baby clothes became hand me downs and by the time we were done with them, a baby boy cousin was born into the family and I sent all the good clothes left to him...and I continue to do that.
Mine aren't old enough to lose teeth yet. But my mom saved my baby teeth too, they are probably at her house somewhere...I want nothing to do with them. I will probably save my boys teeth for a while just so they can watch them accumulate, but I doubt I will keep them for good.
And I try to weed through the pre-K school work. A lot of it looks the same, so I try to just keep the best stuff and throw the rest in the recycling bin.
It would probably be a LOT different if I only had one child.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
After my dad died and I was going through his things, I was really touched to see he had kept my baby teeth all this time. We were estranged and I hadn't even spoken to him in 10+ years. I guess my point is someday your kids may appreciate the odd things you saved.