Many months ago, we had an in depth hummus-related discussion. I think I remember someone saying that they made their own. My grocery store just replaced my favorite kind with a more expensive, super-salty variety that makes me go and I thought I'd give homemade a try. Recipes? Anyone?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I should have added that sometimes I have to use a little bit more that a Tablespoon of the bean liquid, so don't throw it away until you are sure. You can just kind of wing it and figure out if you need to add more.
Tried it last weekend Luckylily! We don't have a food processor so I had to use a blender - took a little while but turned out fine in the end. My :
I would have used less garlic. Or roasted it beforehand. I think my garlic cloves may have been bigger than average though, but it was pretty garlic-y.
I totally O.D. 'ed on the lemon juice - the lemon was soooooo juicy it all just ran in there. My bad for not measuring first!
Totally forgot the cumin.
Also forgot jalapeno, so added a few (too many) dashes of jalapeno sauce instead. Big mistake!
I'm going to get another can of beans at the store and mix them up w/out any seasoning then add them to the mix I already made to make it a little milder. For anyone else trying this, I recommend actually following the recipe . . . .
Thank you soooooo much for the tip about subbing the bean liquid for oil!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}