I cant believe its here already. I feel like you just started planning it and got engaged. Just goes to show how long we have all been a group. Best of luck, congrats and enjoy LA and Hawaii and post tons of pics!!!
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
awwww, yay! i'm so excited for you! since we got engaged around the same time, it's so amazing that your wedding is finally here (and mine is still so far away - 5 months from today!). i am thrilled to hear that you feel calm - stay in that mindset. you have planned everything down to the last detail, so now you deserve to just relax and enjoy it. i'll be thinking of you friday - i hope everything goes well!
can't wait to see pics when you get back from your (well-earned) honeymoon!
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings
Thanks so much ladies! Today is my last day at work and I am only going to stay until 11:30. After that I am going to go out and enjoy the beautiful day we are supposed to have.