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Don't know if any of you like Beck or not, but he's on Saturday Night Live tonight.  I love him, so I just thought I'd pass the word on.


Kenneth Cole

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Ooohh - thanks for reminding me.  He is so cute.  I love Beck!!



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I went to see Beck on Friday night.  Since he was in town for SNL he played a small show on Friday.  It was awesome!!  I love Beck!





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I love Beck! Guero is currently on heavy rotation on my CD player.



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Originally posted by: mckenke

"I went to see Beck on Friday night.  Since he was in town for SNL he played a small show on Friday.  It was awesome!!  I love Beck!    "

Ohhh I envy you!!  I worship Beck.  I've been listening to him since I was 14!  I remember he played Lollapooloza here in Chicago in 1994 and my friend and I got to meet him   I have probably seen him at least 10 times now.  i am anticipating his next Chicago show!  I love the new album.

Did you guys see him on SNL on Sat?  He had his wife and baby w/him at the end!


Marc Jacobs

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Originally posted by: mckenke

"I went to see Beck on Friday night.  Since he was in town for SNL he played a small show on Friday.  It was awesome!!  I love Beck!

I'm so jealous that you went to that. I tried to get tickets but I guess Ticketweb was totally overloaded and I kept getting error messages.

When I was in high school (yeesh it was like 9 years ago!) my best friend and I snuck backstage when he played in New York and I was so star-struck that I could barely talk.

I still love him but the whole Scientology thing kind of gives me the creeps.


Kenneth Cole

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He's into Scientology?


Marc Jacobs

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Originally posted by: Pepper

"He's into Scientology? "

Yeah, it's only become a big deal fairly recently with people going off about it all over the internet but apparently his dad was a Scientologist. I think people really only became aware of his connection when he hooked up with and then married Marissa Ribisi because she and her brother are well-known Scientologists. If you do an internet search there are tons and tons of pages devoted to the Beck and Scientology.

From a NYT article last month:
Like his wife and his father, Beck is a Scientologist. ''It's been useful,'' he says. ''My dad's been doing it since before I was born.'' In the Church of Scientology, members seeking what the church calls ''higher levels of spiritual awareness and ability'' are ''audited'' by a counselor and also by a device called an ''e-meter,'' which measures their physiological reactions. When reminded that the Church of Scientology provokes continuing controversy -- as much for its tight control over adherents as for its core program -- Beck fixes his huge blue eyes in an unwavering gaze and challenges the church's critics. ''Any kind of intolerance I have a distaste for,'' he says, especially when the intolerance is directed at ''something that helps teach kids how to read, addicts to get off drugs and convicts to start a new life.'' He continues: ''I've always appreciated other cultures and other ideas. Even music I didn't particularly enjoy. I always thought there was something interesting there, something to learn. I was such a lover of old blues music and scratchy old 78's, and I would hear new R&B and it sounded so glossy. But then the more I listened to it, the more I appreciated it.'' With the conversation drifting far from the topic, he is asked how Scientology helps him. ''It's a personal thing,'' he says. ''I'm a musician. I'm not, like, a personality. I've never really pretended to perform that kind of function.''

-- Edited by cc at 14:00, 2005-04-18



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Originally posted by: cc

" I'm so jealous that you went to that. I tried to get tickets but I guess Ticketweb was totally overloaded and I kept getting error messages. When I was in high school (yeesh it was like 9 years ago!) my best friend and I snuck backstage when he played in New York and I was so star-struck that I could barely talk. I still love him but the whole Scientology thing kind of gives me the creeps. "

Well I have to admit my fiance is the one that managed to get them.  He has 3 computers at work and was just refreshing all the pages until they let him through.  They announced the show would start at 7 and it didn't start until 9:30.  My back was killing me from standing around waiting, but once he started it was all worth it.

And I agree the Scientology thing is weird.



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Speaking of his wife..did anyone else think it was sort of out of the blue and odd that he married Marissa Ribisi?  I had never even heard they were dating and them BAM, he's married and she's having his baby...took me by surprise.  Last I remember hearing, he was devestated over his breakup w/his longtime girlfriend Leah and wrote Sea Change about their breakup...



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Originally posted by: shopchicago33

"Speaking of his wife..did anyone else think it was sort of out of the blue and odd that he married Marissa Ribisi?  I had never even heard they were dating and them BAM, he's married and she's having his baby...took me by surprise.  Last I remember hearing, he was devestated over his breakup w/his longtime girlfriend Leah and wrote Sea Change about their breakup..."

I thought it was a little weird too.  Like you, the last thing I heard he was depressed about this last girlfriend.

Is it bad that I love the "depressed Beck's" music?  I love Sea Change!



Marc Jacobs

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After he broke up with Leigh Limon he had a thing with Winona Ryder (supposedly). He seems to keep things about his private life pretty quiet so I'm not sure when he started dating Marissa but I remember hearing that he was with her and then that she was pregnant. I think she was like 8 months pregnant when they got married.



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Originally posted by: mckenke

" I thought it was a little weird too.  Like you, the last thing I heard he was depressed about this last girlfriend. Is it bad that I love the "depressed Beck's" music?  I love Sea Change!  "

I love Sea Change too - I felt depressed right along w/him!!  Though I have to say, I like his more upbeat funky stuff better.  I am really digging the new album.



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I am really loving his new album too.  I have been addicted to my new "on-the-go" playlist with Beck, The National "Alligator" and Crooked Fingers "Dignity and Shame"

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