that was our subject one night! I told him that if I die before him that I want everyone to be dressed from head to toe in black at my funeral. I know I'll be dead, but still! I just remember going to a funeral once and someone wore a bright color dress and I just thought that wasn't the place for that. I guess it really bugged me!
i actually think about this a lot, weirdly! for me, i worry about the type of funeral i'll have and esp. what type of music will be played. i want cool, meaningful music not just blah hymns. of course, i have no idea what songs i want but sometimes think about it. also, i want it to be a celebration of my life and not all formal and blah. i think my type A personality is going to have to make a list, right it down, and include it with my will. pretty ridiculous, huh??
I truly thought I would die young, and I always wanted female pallbearers, so I used to have a list of friends I wanted to do the honors. I'd cross people off or add new people based on whether I was fighting with someone or whatever. (Some people do this with bridesmaids, but I did it with pallbearers.)
These days I'm set on cremation, so I guess there's no need for pallbearers, but whichever female friends outlive me, I'd just like them to be involved in some ceremonial way.
I have told DH that if I die before him, he is to MAKE SURE that they cremate me and he is to bring my ashes home and scatter them in the orchard where several generations of our pets are buried. If the rest of the family insists that I am supposed to be put in the family plot, he is to fill the little ashes box with ashes out of the fireplace and send that over. No way am I spending the nights with a whole slew of dead people. EW.
I want Jimi Hendrix to be played at my funeral and I want to be cremated and scattered along the Monterey Bay like my great uncle. Those were my grandma's wishes too but of course money talks and the funeral home allowed my worthless uncle to put her in an urn and in a mausoleum, the scariest place imaginable.
I want to either be cremated and have my ashes dumped in Mexico or have a green burial (just wrapped in a blankie and buried somewhere pretty, no tombstone). Or just be donated to science. I don't want to have a funeral, i'm not much of a party person.
I went to a funeral this weekend so I've been thinking a lot about this. I already know what music I want and what readings. I'm still on the fence on whether I want to be put in a mosoleum in a casket or creamated but then have my ashes buried... I like the idea of having my remains in a set location rather than being scattered or on someone's mantle.
Not to be too snarky but this weekend's funeral was REALLY bad. Like we all sat there listening to a cd playing 'Wing Beneath My Wings.'
CarrieS wrote: 2. Put my ashes in my Speedy, then put my Speedy in my Gucci, and then hang me on a hook
Love this! The only thing I've really thought of is that I want my boyfriend to find someone else and I want his sister and one particular friend of his to make sure he does. But I still want him to love me forever!
“Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels.” Ann W. Richards
I plan on donating my body to science and research. I figure med students need cadavers to learn on and since I won't be using it any more... why not?
If science doesn't need me, I'd like to be plastinated for Body Worlds.
I saw this is Las Vegas...completely fascinating! Hubb's and I commented on how many of the "specimens" seemed to be of some Asian descent (no offense!). A few months later we saw a new's clip of how many of the bodies are actually bought from prisons in China. Eeeps!
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West
I read a few news stories of people digging up bodies and doing gross things with them. I know your dead and it doesn't really matter but it bothered me so I decided I want to be cremated but as far as what to do with the ashes...I don't know yet. I'd rather not be in a mosaleum though....maybe just buried.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
i want to be cremated - I just don't like the thought of my body decomposing underground. I don't want my ashes spread anywhere, just buried with a tombstone.
I want to be cremated, and my ashes scattered either in the Arizona dessert with my mom's family, or somewhere I've always loved (like France).
I don't want a funeral, but a memorial service celebrating my life. We did this a few months after my grandmother died, and it was a wonderful way to celebrate who she was and to say goodbye.
My husband told me he wanted to be cremated and have his ashes scattered and I cried my eyes out(secretly), lol.If he was to go before me I liked the idea of having a stationary/tangible area where I could go to talk.
If I was to go first there better be good food, and not the campbell soup recipe crap his mom cooks. I will send a lightning bolt down from heaven and catch her mushroom broccoli casserole on fire.
I have not really thought about my funeral but this thread reminded me... My cousin was killed in Iraq this past September. Before they send you over there they ask you what you want at your funeral should you get killed in action. He wanted everyone to wear Hawaiian shirts and for them to play, "Cheeseburger in Heaven" so they did!