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Post Info TOPIC: Vent anyone?

Kate Spade

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RE: Vent anyone?
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Collette..that sucks, I am so sorry!


Marc Jacobs

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ooh i really need this thread too:

so yesterday was my son's baptism.  i am not catholic, but my hubby is so we have to do this.  it is a hugely stressful event in and of itself for me b/c i always feel inferior and out of place b/c of my non-catholic/protestant faith.  to make matters worse, here are all the shitty things that happened (their somewhat minor, but still shitty to me):

the shoes i bought to wear, which i loved, ended up being too big by about 1/2 to a full size.  not only did they really hurt my feet, but they were almost impossible to walk in w/o limping.  i had to put foot pads and paper towels in them.  after about an hour (of what turned out to be a very long day) i was miserable.

this is gross and embarrasing but i think something is seriously wrong with my feet, like bunions or something.  that bunion looking bone sticks way out on my left foot, and that same foot goes numb many times when i do cardio.  so i guess i need to go to a podiatrist or reflexologist or something - it's totally stressing me out.  those shoes had a low heel and should not have been that painful, even if they were too big.

so one of my girlfriends was supposed to be the godmother/sponsor.  in other words, in name she was one of the godmothers but b/c she is not catholic, officially she could be just a sponsor and we had another (catholic) couple be the actual godmother and godfather.  but still, she was a sponsor and to my son, a second godmother.  she was totally late to the ceremony and didn't show up until after all 5 kids had been dunked.  she was supposed to stand up there as a sponsor during the dunking.  the pics will forever show her absence.  when i saw her after the ceremony and asked her if she had trouble finding the church or something, told her i was worried, etc. she said casually that she had no trouble finding the church.  then later she said she was sorry for being late, "but you know me."  thanks - you just made a stressful event even more miserable for me.  she's normally a really good friend, so i'm not sure what that was about but i'm pissed, as is my husband.  to make matters worse, a couple times earlier that week she totally yelled at me on the phone for no reason - totally unwarranted.  i've thought for a long time that the girl has mental issues and needs medication b/c she is so anxious and high strung.

yesterday i bought some new MAC lipstick for this event, then i went to bcbg and took out my dress and shoes, which were in the same bag that i threw the bag with the lipstick in, to look at some tights.  i'm pretty sure the lipstick fell on the floor near the counter.  when i got home it was gone.  when i called them they denied finding anything.  so no new lipstick for me.

when we returned home from the baptism, we couldn't find my keys to the apt.  i totally lost them.  i went back after the church and before the lunch to get something, locked the door and then lost the keys after that.  now we have to have the locks changed.

hmm, that's about it.  it feels good to write about all this.       



Marc Jacobs

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wow, it was interesting reading all of these.

luvtoshop - that story is the grossest office shitting story i have ever heard.  i used to get grossed out when my boss would just go to the men's restroom with his magazine and coffee, not caring that the entire office knew he was taking a dump - but that was the men's bathroom.  i would have had a fit if he did it in the women's restroom, esp. if there is only one toilet in there.  he's a complete tool so i probably would have complained. 

blink and janey - def. get rid of these immature guys - even though janey's is just a roommate, i would def. want to move out.

collette - your story makes me sad.  that totally sucks and i hope this divorce is over soon.  i can't imagine how hard it must be for you.  hang in there.

rlutz - your story is hilarious - but i'm also so sorry you had to endure it.  i totally have had days like that with my 2 yr old and 3 yr old!  exhausting!  


Marc Jacobs

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rlutz wrote:
-yesterday was just so bad that I would think it was funny if it did not happen to me--

when I was about to leave the house to take jack to school Alex spit up like 4 ounces of formula down my shirt, so then I had to go change my bra...I bundeled him up to go then I smelled something and jack says I think alex I have to unbundle him and change him and then bundle him back up...needless to say we were late to school
-after chasing jack aroung the mall all day, where he was extremely winey and he has a cold and he is sitting on the floor at the playland screaming mommy wipe my snot I get in the car for a drive that takes 45 minutes, but took me an hour....Alex started screaming and i could not get him to calm down...there was soo much traffic and I could not get off the highway so he screamed for about 45 minutes...I thought he was going hyperventalate...I finally get off the highway in an area I was not familiar with...pulled over and tried to calm him down, he was all red in the face and covered with snot from crying...i give him a bottle..oh, by the way, it is a torrential downpour during all this...he finally calmed down after 20 minutes...oh and I had to pee the whole way home...I was so desperate that I had to cop a squat behind my car and pee and I peed on my pant leg and my shoe...omg so embarrassing
-then we try to get home and i get lost since you cannot get back on teh highway where I got off...about 45 minutes later we get home and I take my pee soaked jeans off and bring them to the washing machine in teh basement and step into a puddle...our basement flooded...
I guess that is enough....thaanks for letting me vent!

Holy cow, that's a Bad Day! Did you do anything since than to reward yourself for getting through it?


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when I got home I was so I ordered pizza (not real great way to deal but what ever...)
then i went to bed at nine (a big treat)


Kate Spade

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I feel silly posting this compared to some of your vents, but here it goes:

I'm sick and tired of looking for/trying to buy a house.  I know it is supposed to be the best time to buy and I will be glad in the end.   It is time consuming dealing with the realtors, mortgage specialists, lawyer, banks, etc. and frustrating to spend so much time on this and have nothing to show for it yet.  I have been super meticulous with anything having to do with my credit and put myself on the strictest shopping ban for the last year.   On the upside it's amazing and almost scary how much money I have saved on top of what I already had.
On the downside, I have looked at over one hundred properties and something always seems to go wrong with the houses I like.  First one I bid on happened to be a short sale - I sat there waiting for a reply for five weeks.  I ended up finding another house I liked better so I withdrew my offer.  A week later their bank calls me and tells me they lowered the price $15k lower than my bid and am I still interested.   Seriously? 
Two months later that house is still on the market but I am no longer interested because I have since changed my criteria.
Second house I like ends up going under contract the day I put my offer in.  Last but not least, fast forward to this house I REALLY REALLY LOVE.   It is not perfect, but it is perfect for me.  I put an offer in and it was accepted by the sellers.  But guess what?  That house, like SO many others right now, is also a short sale so their bank also has to approve.  I've been waiting seven weeks and still have no answer!  Yet their realtors and lawyers assure me it will be "this week".  They have been saying that for four weeks.
Although I have time to wait, I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket so I've kept looking at other homes & end up more frustrated because none compare.  I am not even looking at short sales anymore.  I wish that house I love wasn't a short sale and I would pay much more for it if I could just HAVE it and get it done with. 
There is also a small part of me that wishes I didn't have to do this alone.  I'm slightly jealous of girls who did this with their husband/husbands-to-be, and even more jealous of those that never had to because their husbands/boyfriends already had a home and they just moved in when they got married and voila they now own half.  I've always been really independent so this is paragraph goes against everything I believe in.  I know it's just the frustration talking, and I don't truly mean it, but there it is.

One cannot perceive beauty, but with a serene mind -Thoreau


Marc Jacobs

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that sucks, vanessa!  buying a home is very stressful and i can't imagine having to do it alone.  it sounds like you are doing great though - hang in there!  i would def. hound your realtor (i'm sure you have already) and make sure she is putting pressure on the seller to get it approved.  tell her that you want THAT house and nothing else compares.  it should be in his/her interest too to make sure you get it!



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Aww Vanessa!  I can relate to the last paragraph.  I'm also very independent and can't be any other way, but there are moments when I question it or am overwhelmed by it.

Hmm vents... 
I am sick for the millionth time this winter.  I want to move but don't know how to tell my roommate who is in Paris for the next 5 months (she's subletting her room and lease is up in May.. plus our landlord is trying to evict us.  SICK OF IT.)  I never meet boys I like, even though there are some that like me.  

I can't wait for spring.


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Nine West

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I hear you, Vanessa, but trust me, it can be even worse trying to do it with a husband or BF. My DH was such a wet blanket about houses that I liked, and he would get all loopy about totally unsuitable ones and then pout when I didn't want to put in an offer on them. We were shopping for investment/rental houses and have ended up with some good buys, but the stress of the process was awful.



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Vanessa, I went through the same thing. Finally I just stopped looking at short sales. But foreclosures aren't any better. They always want their asking price. Just hang in there, something will happen soon. It just sucks that there are so many properties on the market but it is so hard to buy something.



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nightshade wrote:

I hear you, Vanessa, but trust me, it can be even worse trying to do it with a husband or BF. My DH was such a wet blanket about houses that I liked, and he would get all loopy about totally unsuitable ones and then pout when I didn't want to put in an offer on them. We were shopping for investment/rental houses and have ended up with some good buys, but the stress of the process was awful.

YES!  Home-buying is sooo stressful - that's what gave me my very first throat ulcer, actually.  And it's not even over once an offer is accepted - then you have the inspection and the appraisal ... Bah!

My vent is that for the last 2 days, everything I touch breaks.  My computer is broken and I don't know how to fix it, neither do the dickwad IT guys I keep getting at Comcast.  My elliptical broke - I got on it and started up and the belt broke, so I have to wait for another to ship before I can use it.  My garage door broke today just as I was trying to leave the house, so I had to unhook it from the opener and manually open/close it.

I'm scared to touch anything! 


To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}


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I failed my my first intermediate accounting midterm!! If I don't pass the next one with at least a high B I have no choice but to drop. & there goes $1000 dollars down the drain! :(



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My mom is going thru a divorce, which we all tried to warn her about before she married the dipwad. And she is driving me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to scream, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! She calls me all the time, all woe is me and he's walking away without any of the debt and is happy, blah, blah, blah! And I know she wants to see him miserable, I get that and he deserves that (stupid, pot-smoking, drinking like a fish, no job, mooching off the government and my mom good for nothing!), but at the same time, all the debt that she is in and is in her name she allowed to happen, no gun was to her head. I mean how can one person do all this in one year?!? And every time we talk, I try to tell her, I understand you're upset and yes this sucks, but at the same time you should be glad that you are getting rid of him and walking away from all of this instead of staying in it and it getting worse. I tell her it's ok to feel the emotions she is feeling but not to let them control her and get her all down, to feel empowered about the fact that she is finally taking charge and dumping him! And then when I don't coddle her and tell her what she wants to hear, she gets all irritated and whiney and then gets off the phone... Only to call me again in a day or two with the same sh*t! I mean first she's like, I'm gonna nag him until he finds a place, cause he needs to do that, and then when he finds a place, she's all I'm happy but I'm not, it's not fair, he's walking away without any of the debt, I'm left stuck with it... I feel like saying, well honey, you let him charge up all that debt in the first place, learn your lesson and move on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And please don't think me insenitive to my mom, believe you me, I've been there for her this last year (well, actually last 5 years) more than my fair share! Same stuff, over and over and over again. It's literally driving me crazy!!!


Marc Jacobs

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Here I go....

- DH has been out of work for over 5 months.  His industry has been severely affected by everything going on.  We've emailed his resume to countless, I mean countless of places every week and only ONE interview came out of it, with no call back.  He's called all his leads and no one has anything, even they are struggling.  Thankfully we had 6 month worth of living expenses saved and then some, but I'm getting worried because were reaching the 6 month mark and soon we'll be living on my salary alone!  I get in really bad moods with him over it and make him feel so crappy sometimes, and I know its not his fault but I just NEED him to work NOW!  There's so much I should be thankful for, and I am, but I cant help but stress out!

- I want to have another baby.  I'm kicking myself because at first I didnt want another one and now that I do, I realize my daughter and her sibling will be at least 5.5 years apart and I dont think they'll be very close and it makes me sad.  On top of that I want to lose 20lbs before I get preggo because I pilled on a lot of weight over the holidays and Im thinking that will never happen because I havent been trying. 


Marc Jacobs

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Ugh! I just got a ticket for a nonexistent four way stop tonight. I was cutting through the neighborhood I usually take to get to the hair salon and came to this intersection that doesn't doesn't match up with the next intersection of streets. So basically you do a right and then a quick left. I always stop before making the right because there is a stop sign there. Today was no different. In fact I saw the cop car sitting down the street I was turning onto so I made sure to pay extra attention and use my signal and all when making the left. I even checked for a stop sign but found none. Of course he claims there was one and wrote me a ticket for it as well as my 5 day expired inspection sticker. So now I have to deal with defensive driving course which will cost $110 to avoid going to court and paying the fines.

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Marc Jacobs

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Last night I was excommunicated from my childhood church.
Apparently I am a bad example of a Christian woman, a bad influence on the youth of the church, a bad influence on society, and a bad mother...

-- Edited by leah_leanna at 10:32, 2009-03-06


...High expecations are such trouble-makers...


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leah_leanna wrote:

Last night I was excommunicated from my childhood church.
Apparently I am a bad example of a Christian woman, a bad influence on the youth of the church, a bad influence on society, and a bad mother...

-- Edited by leah_leanna at 10:32, 2009-03-06

What?  I know I'm new around here but I lurked for a while before posting and from what I've seen you are a GREAT mother.  And a good person.  I'm sorry that some, what I can only assume are highly judgemental and short sighted, people can't see that you are doing the best you can.

-- Edited by Boots at 12:06, 2009-03-06


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leah_leanna wrote:

Last night I was excommunicated from my childhood church.
Apparently I am a bad example of a Christian woman, a bad influence on the youth of the church, a bad influence on society, and a bad mother...

-- Edited by leah_leanna at 10:32, 2009-03-06

WHAT???? Of anyone in the world, I wouldn't think Leah Leanna would be accused of being any of those things.


Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123

Marc Jacobs

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Kelly wrote:


leah_leanna wrote:

Last night I was excommunicated from my childhood church.
Apparently I am a bad example of a Christian woman, a bad influence on the youth of the church, a bad influence on society, and a bad mother...

-- Edited by leah_leanna at 10:32, 2009-03-06

WHAT???? Of anyone in the world, I wouldn't think Leah Leanna would be accused of being any of those things.


ITA.  That's ridiculous. 

My babysitter bailed at the last minute so I can't go to Watchmen tonight.  We already bought tickets so I told DH he could take a friend.  I was looking forward to it and am so irritated. 
I burned the top of my shoulder with my curling iron a couple of days ago and it didn't hurt at first but today it's driving me crazy. 
My skin is freaking out and i have no idea why.  I did recently switch BC so maybe that's it. 


Marc Jacobs

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To flesh this out a bit...I've been an active member of the RE (Reformed Episcopalian Church) since I was a child. First they took issue with my marriage, then with the ending of my marriage, and now with the fact that I am single parent living in my boyfriend's parent's home while we get settled.


...High expecations are such trouble-makers...

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