I did my taxes online yesterday using TaxSlayer. I then realized I can claim my mom as a dependent since I support her. I'd like to edit it with this info, but its already been in submission to the IRS electronically.
Has anyone ever changed their taxes after the fact? Is it going to delay the whole process? The Taxslayer website is very non-specific, saying since its in process, I can only view it, but not edit.
I just had to amend my taxes because of a 1099 I didn't think I'd be getting.....I use Turbo Tax and it's not a big deal, but I did have to wait till the IRS accepted both my state & federal returns before I could amend. As far as slowing up the process, I'm not totally sure. I think I'm still getting my refund in a timely manner, since I have to write a check to the IRS for what I now owe because of the difference after I amended.