I know. I think the baglady is busy with grad school and I think KinCali had told someone that she wasn't joining the new board.
I miss valenciana!! She's busy with wedding things.
Other people who haven't been around much lately: chineseassassin (I know she's busy with school), indiekitten, Ally S, Courtney, Miss Kat...I'm sure I'm missing some.
i was alerted that my name had been brought up so I hightailed it over here ;)
sorry I haven't been around, but i've just been INSANELY busy what with my last semester in school and all - as a matter of fact i'm procrastinating a paper right now!!
I did tell Irene I wasn't going to join the new board- I just found that w/out the message board as a distraction I got so much done and wasn't attached to my computer as much. But today I had a real dilemma that only you gals could help with (in the career forum), so here I am!
I can't believe how many of you are pregnant and engaged!! Sheesh- you leave for a few months and the world changes. Congrats to all of you, but stay away from me and that baby germ that's going around--two kids are QUITE enough for me LOL!!
"I am tired of being your savior/ And I am tired of telling you why"- ani difranco, "Origami"