I feel terrible for thinking like this, but bad behavior is getting rewarded in my family and it's driving me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My sister and her fiancee have a 15 month old son. And, ever since my sister had my nephew she can do no wrong in my parents eyes, even though she is the most irresponsibe person when it comes to finaces (thankfully, she is a great mom, but prior to his being born she's buy a $1400 purse instead of paying her car payment, etc).
For example, they borrowed $8K from my parent to buy a used car right before their son was born because they needed a second car. Then, less than a year later, they announce they are going to buy a house even though my sister makes peanuts, my future BIL is a commission only salesmans and he sucks at his job. They still haven't paid back my parents. But my parents don't care because sis is buying a house. Yippee! Thankfully the deal fell through, because future BIL hasn't made a sale in about 3 months so they wouldn't have been able to make a payment. All summer they spent like Rockefellers because he was making some money, and now they are nearly destitute again bcause they didn't save any of it and he hasn't been making ANY.
Then, my husband wrecked his car a little less than a month ago. We chose to buy him a crappy car for cash because we didn't want to finance and have another car payment. We just redid the kitchen and put an entertainment area in the basement (flat screen, wii, etc.) and at thanksgiving I overhear a snide remark about how we are always doing thangs around the house and buying new stuff. I worked really hard to PAY CASH for the things they were commenting on. I didn't borrow from my parents or anyone else and I am the one making bad decisions?
It just kills me that my folks will rearange their lives to babysit for my sister a few days a week to save her the expense of daycare, and have them over for dinner 3-4 times a week so she doesn't have to cook and grocery shop and save their budget and, in general, bend over backwards to save them time and money and I get crapped on for actually living my life like an adult.
Oh, and sister (jokingly) asked me what kind of drugs I was selling to be able to do all that. I really wanted to tell ber that she'd be amazed at what you can do with a college education and a birth control prescription, but it seems too catty.
I know kids are expensive, and I am glad she had my nephew, but she acts like everyone owes her the help it takes to raise him. The next time she askes me when I'm haivng a kid maybe I'll tell her that my folks can't afford another grandchild!
greendiamond wrote:Oh, and sister (jokingly) asked me what kind of drugs I was selling to be able to do all that. I really wanted to tell ber that she'd be amazed at what you can do with a college education and a birth control prescription, but it seems too catty.
that would have been priceless!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
1. We stopped by a friend's house on the way home from Thanksgiving with my family. I haven't been there in awhile because there is always drama but I actually was more relaxed and the food was better there than at our family thanksgiving.
2. I don't like my job but I know there are people who can't even find a job right now so it makes me feel guilty. My job is making me act hateful/rude/scatterbrained/stressed/tired towards people who don't deserve it. I'm not like that and I don't want to be. They changed the way they review our work and it's weighted. Half I'm doing better than average on but the other half isn't. This really upsets me. They have also made a lot of changes trying to save money like every other company I'm sure. So I told my husband I'll be surprised if I get a raise at all. I've accepted that but normally they have told us by now and I'm just tired of it being dragged out and tired of not knowing.
3. We don't get a christmas bonus where I work and we don't have money for christmas presents this year other than a few things I already bought for my son so I'm recycling gifts. My MIL doesn't like the idea of people re-gifting and thinks it's rude to the person who got the item for you so it makes me feel even more guilty.
4. I really want to lose weight and have tried lots of things with little to show for it. I'm beginning to think it's all the stress which makes me like my job even less. DH is against diet pills but I'm thinking about trying some anyway. I just want my clothes to fit.
5. I've been so busy and no energy left that I can't get everything done. DH says don't worry about it and just do what I can and he helps some but I feel guilty not keeping everything as clean as I want it to be. I really need to de-clutter some things and my car is horrible. I donated some clothes and am donating some more toys/coats etc but it just feels never-ending. I don't feel like I'm making any difference with either.
-- Edited by luckyclover at 00:59, 2008-11-30
-- Edited by luckyclover at 01:09, 2008-11-30
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
I feel like a super jerk for saying it but sometimes I feel like not living with my bf. Its not that I don't love him, I just wish I didn't have to constantly have someone buzzing around me and complaining about the way I do every thing.
Know what I mean?
Just, yes. Yes. And...yes.
- BF went on a drunken bender at a friend's house tonight and is still there, instead of coming home. This pisses me off. I don't think, at the age of 31, he needs to be out getting so drunk that he has to spend the night on someone else's couch. I also went out with friends tonight, but I managed to reign in the drinking so I could come home in a timely fashion.
- I hate my job. It sucks. It's boring and I use about 5% of my skills there. The job market in my area for what I do is basically nonexistent, so I have to move to California to get a decent job. I do not have enough money saved yet to move to California.
- I'm just tired. I'm tired of work, I'm tired of my stupid group project at school where my teammates barely participate and I'm tired of the dogs getting a better night sleep than me because they hog the bed and squish me.
- I discovered, after an afternoon spent in urgent care at the hospital on Wednesday, that not only do I suffer from plain, old migraines- no, no- I now also suffer from optical migraines. These fun little doosies cause temporary vision impairment and loss (this is how I first discovered this little problem). Awesome.
1.Similarly to Metric and Kenzie, sometimes I wish I lived alone. I love my husband- he's my best friend- but I wonder if I'm just not "the marrying type." I want to decorate how I want, paint rooms pink if I feel like it, come and go as I please... be able to keep it clean without picking up after him constantly. Maybe I'm just that selfish.
2.I think that my life is horribly boring, and it depresses me. But I am too lazy to do anything about it.
3. I'm totally not in the Christmas spirit this year. I'm not a huge fan of a few of my relatives and like to avoid them. And I've been working so hard to decorate my house beautifully, but now its all packed up to make room for DH's tacky holiday ornaments.
4. (This one makes me feel really bad). As a lot of you know, I work in campaign politics. I just spent 2 months on the road. Usually after Election Day, they let us take a bunch of time of (like the rest of the year) and use comp time for it. Well, this year if we want off we have to put in for it, and then use vacation hours. I have like 5 weeks of vacation time but I don't think that its fair that I have to use them, so I'm not taking any time off. I feel like I'm being ripped off, and since so many people that I know are losing their jobs I feel like a huge bitch for complaining about having to go to a job that I actually love and that I'm not in much danger of losing. I'm also bummed that there were no cost of living adjustments this year. I know I should be thankful for what I have, but I still feel like I'm being ripped off.
I can't stand my sister. I spent Thanksgiving with all of my siblings at a mutual friend's house with several people not related and/or dating one of us. My sister thinks she is the most fascinating person that ever lived and if you try to tell her anything about what is going on in your life, etc., she will roll her eyes, interrupt you, sigh, or downright call you selfish because she had a hard day and you talking about yourself means you don't care about her.
Our host has a projector and she actually busted out her recent vacation pictures AND childhood photos of us and made everyone watch them. WTF?!?!?! As if people that aren't related to you give a rat's ass about that kind of stuff. Luckily, her self-absorption meant that 85% of the childhood pictures were of her. I felt bad for the other guests.
Then the next day, we went to dinner with our brother and first we had to sit through all the pictures of her and her BF that were on her phone, then she pulled out her digital camera and made us look at all the pictures of her on there and watch annoying videos of her and her bf at a diner, on a nature walk, in the car laughing at inside jokes, and on & on..Then we went back to my house and she made him watch videos of her recent vacation on the computer and look at her myspace page. I slept on the couch. I haven't seen that brother in 3 years, but I barely got to talk to him on his last night here because it was her Show.
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.
I used to go home for two weeks at a time for the holidays since it's the only time I see my entire family. As the years pass, I don't feel like going for more than three days. I don't want to be away from my place that long and wish they would visit me instead, even though it's infinitely easier if I go there.
I adopted a baby girl pug three months ago and she has behavioral & psychological issues that seem to be getting worse. My bf adopted her brother at the same time and he is pretty much perfect. Among many issues, she refuses to go outside in the snow and FINALLY broke a 32-hour potty strike this morning. She tries my patience (but never hit her or yell at her) & I sometimes wish she would go away, then feel guilty for thinking that.
A couple of months ago I posted about BF's behavior after his mom suddenly passed away. I felt he was being thoughtless & inconsiderate. Two months later, he is back to his normal, loving self. I'm so glad he came around and feel a little guilty that I doubted he would & made things all about me during a time it was really about everything but me...
I have a love/hate relationship with all the holiday parties I have to attend.
The thing I'm most looking forward to about Christmas is getting more sleep.
-- Edited by Vanessa at 17:41, 2008-12-02
http://v247.tumblr.com One cannot perceive beauty, but with a serene mind -Thoreau
I can't imagine how tough that must be (no one knowing, not the being gay part) and find you extremely brave for taking one step in coming out here.
Thanks girls. It felt good to type the words.
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.
2. that I have to try so hard to put a smile on when it comes to my FIL. Why is he so difficult?
3. I have no patience for my little nephews. Their parents let them do whatever and I have no patience for brats. None. So thats a little reason why I dont like family gathers, etc.
4. That I don't make my own money like I used to. My husband hands me money....ugh.
5. that my dumb little dog likes to eat cat crap from the cat litter! Annoying!!!!! and she peed on the sofa a few days ago! she's lucky shes cute!
sometimes I wish I could just run away, move to Paris and become a fashion designer...
I wish we could leave where we live right now and move to the city. My dh is just not an urban dweller type like I am...so we live in a nice big house in the burbs...but it's boring and too much work to maintain and I hate it. I would prefer to live in a 2-3 bedroom row home in the city and I kinda resent the fact that he is still not seeing this my way. (bratty I know)