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Kate Spade

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A little whine with my cheese
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It's cold and rainy, I just got my period, and a week ago today I was in a pool in Mexico drinking pina coladas.  I don't know about you but... I'M CRABBY!
So, anyone want to whine with me? 

1.  Snack size candy bars are WAY smaller then they were last year, like half the size!  What is happening to this world? 

2.  My husband is doing sales and working on commission only and I am finding it REALLY hard to be supportive because he hasn't brought in much money lately and we are so behind on bills.  Then the other night he tells me he had some realization that he hasn't been working at it as hard as he could be and NOW he's really going to be working hard and I should keep being supportive. WTF?

3.  I saw pictures of my ex's baby today and that and my period just remind me that I don't have one and I'm really bummed.

4.  I'm listening to Christmas music and eating TEENY TINY leftover halloween candy bars to try to cheer myself up.

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1. It's cold today and I totally didn't dress for the weather. My legs and feet are cold because I'm just wearing a dress and ballet flats! It was super warm all last week, I guess I haven't yet accepted that fall is finally here

2. BF and I were supposed to take a trip this past weekend, but it didn't work out. And we were also supposed to take a trip this upcoming weekend, but he informed me during lunch today that he has to back out. BOOO!

3. I have no food at my house but I don't feel like grocery shopping and I don't feel like takeout. Hmpf.

ETA: my uncle just called and said he has a ton of sushi at his house that someone gave him, and he doesn't want it because he doesn't like sushi, so I'm stopping by on my way home from work to pick it up. So #3 is taken care of! yay!

-- Edited by ttara123 at 19:34, 2008-11-11


Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123


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1. I hate winter. Hate hate hate. I'm cold and I don't want to turn the heat on yet.
2. I just got back from a 2 months business trip and had to spend all morning raking leaves in the back yard because DH apparently did nothing while I was gone except play guitar hero. I'm starting to resent that he works a lot less than me and makes a lot less than me, but doesn't compensate by doing more to help me around the house.

"Life's too short to wear ugly shoes."

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I'm in my mid 30s and just realizing I'm never going to have the body I really want. Unless that is omeone can add 4 inches to my legs, and remove them from my hips. I guess on a brighter note I am working on improving the body I do have.
I have baby fever SO BAD! Seriously, my little one will be 3 in Feb. Hubby is not at all even considering any more kids . Besides it's too risky for my health in reality, but emotionally I can't come to grips with it.
Since we moved I feel detached and lonely. And I am NOT looking forward to 101 inches of snow, that's what they had here last year.


Kate Spade

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1. I also hate hate hate hatex100 winter!!!! Hate it. I just get depressed when the days get shorter. This is my worst time of year.

2. I am really hating my job, but I can't seem to find any other job in my field in my town. I'm working on my freelance gig, but I don't think I can get enough freelance work to quit the job I hate by next May (I really hate my job in the summer because of the crap we do)

I feel stuck. Not to mention the BF graduated and got a great job making over $90k, and I graduate and I don't get crap! Wtf?

3. I really want to move to the beach. I'd settle on a vacation to the beach, but things are tight right now money wise.

I am just stuck in a rut!



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We are looking to buy a house, but the area that I want to live in is still over my budget. We can only afford a fixer upper in that neighorbood. Which is fine, but they are hard to come by. I was all exicted two weeks ago we put in an offer on a house that I loved, but we didn't get it. I am so bummed!!!



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The transition to winter is always a hard one, for me too.

-  The nursing programs I'm interested in keep changing their requirements.  This means that I could very well have a ton of classes under my belt and not be able to apply for a single program since they all require (and don't require) different things.

-  We won't be able to sell our house anytime soon and recoup our costs because of the market, however because we were smart and didn't overextend ourselves we just get to sit here and suck it while seemingly everyone else gets bailed out.

-  Considering those first two, we can't seem to save fast enough to make progress on any sort of goal.  Between school and random expenses (car maintenance, etc) and the price of food these days, we seem to be able to cover things but there's never anything substantial left after that.  The loooooow rate of return on investments isn't helping.

-  I have a test Thursday that I don't want to study for any. freaking. more.

-My Dad just got laid off, 2 years shy of retirement.  In the last year, his wife left him, he had to remortgage his previously paid off house, was diagnosed w/diabetes, and now lost his job/health insurance/retirement.  If he can't find another job soon, we're going to be supporting him, too.

- I have gray hair.

- I'm already dreading awkward family issues that will no doubt spoil the holidays.

Stupid winter - makes everything worse!

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}


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Elle wrote:
- I'm already dreading awkward family issues that will no doubt spoil the holidays.

WORD. I loathe Thanksgiving. It's my least favorite holiday, ever.

I wanted to be done with Christmas shopping by now and I've hardly started.

My house looks like sh*t since the gardener disappeared three months ago, and DH won't take any responsibility or get his pretty little metrosexual hands dirty.


Marc Jacobs

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1. I wish people would leave my BF and I alone already about when we are getting married. Yeah, we have been together for 8 years, but if and when we get married it will be on our timetable and no one elses. And while I would like to marry him I don't want him to ask me until he is ready and I truly believe that all of the people that bug him about it are just prolonging it for me so they need to mind their own F-ing business. Additionally, at this point I think that if he never asks me I don't really care either because I love him and we have a great relationship so if we choose to do it Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn style for the rest of our lives then that is OUR BUSINESS!

2. Along the marriage vein, stop F-ing asking us if we want kids!! Okay, I am 32 and I know my body's limitations: YOU DON'T NEED TO TELL ME THAT!! Additionally, do not tell me that I will 'change my mind' when I tell you that I love kids, but if I don't have them my life won't be incomplete. I do not believe that you have to be a parent to have a wonderul and full life.

3. I am dreading the conversations that I am going to have to have with all of the pervs that ask me if I got a boob job when I get mine done. Once again: NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

4. I don't feel like going home for Christmas and I don't even feel guilty about it. I guess part of my Catholic guilt is slowly fading away as I age...


"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln


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Farrah wrote:

1. I wish people would leave my BF and I alone already about when we are getting married. Yeah, we have been together for 8 years, but if and when we get married it will be on our timetable and no one elses. And while I would like to marry him I don't want him to ask me until he is ready and I truly believe that all of the people that bug him about it are just prolonging it for me so they need to mind their own F-ing business. Additionally, at this point I think that if he never asks me I don't really care either because I love him and we have a great relationship so if we choose to do it Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn style for the rest of our lives then that is OUR BUSINESS!

2. Along the marriage vein, stop F-ing asking us if we want kids!! Okay, I am 32 and I know my body's limitations: YOU DON'T NEED TO TELL ME THAT!! Additionally, do not tell me that I will 'change my mind' when I tell you that I love kids, but if I don't have them my life won't be incomplete. I do not believe that you have to be a parent to have a wonderul and full life.

I hear you on both of these!

I have decided to host Christmas for BFs family this year as I am in a huge fight with my brother and his wife. I know my Mom is going to sh*t kittens when she finds out I'm not going to come to her Christmas dinner.
Also, my Mom is hosting a party for brother and wife for everyone who couldn't make it to the wedding. I am obilgated to go but absolutely DO NOT WANT TO. And I know my mom will have a fit if I don't show up and act all Little Mary Sunshine at the party like nothing is wrong.

Also, my brother is a douchebag. I can't even begin to get into it. Ugh.



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Farrah, ditto to your 1 and 2!

- My job is so boring and I'm still dealing with the work bully I've mentioned previously. It's to the point where coworkers are noticing his bad behavior and going to our bosses about it. But nothing changes. They also keep telling me they are going to move me to the web team to work on info architecture and web design, but things with that are moving at a glacial pace.

- I want to move to San Francisco, but we haven't saved enough money yet. And I'm dreading trying to find a job across the country.

- The weather here sucks muchly. It's pouring today. And it's cold. But, if it were just a little colder, it would be a ton of snow and the office probably would have closed and I wouldn't be sitting here at my boring job with my brain turning to mush.

- I'm eating my lunch and I just dropped a chunk of turkey on my keyboard. Now there's a piece stuck in there. Awesomeness.

- I'm in group project hell at school. You would think in grad school, people would be more responsible, but they're not. My group refuses to participate until the last second, if at all and I'm stuck doing the bulk of the work. It's horrible.

-- Edited by kenzie at 12:06, 2008-11-13


Marc Jacobs

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This is so the perfect day for this. I woke up in the worst mood ever.

1. I have work to do that I don't want to do because I am tired damnit. I just wish I could take the day off and play hooky but my stupid guilty conscience won't let me. Meanwhile stewing about all the work I have to do isn't getting it done so I am just prolonging my own misery.

2. I want a boyfriend but I won't settle for just anyone which leads to me just being lonely-- and my supposed "high standards" aren't exactly keeping me warm at night.

3. In that vein, there's someone I like who I am also good friends with and at this point I just wish either something would happen or we could just be friends already. I'm tired of tippytoeing around our weird a$$ situation.

4. Yes I make more money than I used to but a) I work really hard for it; b) I don't know how long this job will last; and c) all this bad economy talk is freaking. me. out. So I wish people would understand that and stop acting like I have some sort of money tree in my backyard.

5. I need to lose 5 lbs and they're not coming off and I know that my hips getting bigger is my body's way of telling me to have a baby to which all I have to say is SEE ABOVE.


Kate Spade

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Elle wrote:

-  We won't be able to sell our house anytime soon and recoup our costs because of the market, however because we were smart and didn't overextend ourselves we just get to sit here and suck it while seemingly everyone else gets bailed out.

- I have gray hair.

Ditto to these two Elle! 

But I do love the winter.


Marc Jacobs

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Ooh, I'll play....

Was announced yesterday that my department will be dissolved. I can take a buyout or move to a sister office 2.5 hours away. Can't sell the house (note Elle's comment rings true "We won't be able to sell our house anytime soon and recoup our costs because of the market, however because we were smart and didn't overextend ourselves we just get to sit here and suck it while seemingly everyone else gets bailed out").

So, everywhere I go in the damn building people either give me a pity look or what to know what I think... I think I am losing my job soon and don't want to hear you bitch about yours. You have one right? This morning a manager asked me for a favor and it was all I could do to keep from telling him to go fuck himself.

I can't buy jeans. I have become incapable. Apparently I only shop for them on fat days, so I buy up a size. Then, since everything ahs stretch in them after 3 hours of wearing them I can pull them off without unbuttoning them. Nothing says sexy like an ass in saggy jeans.

When we host Thanksgiving I will undoubtedly be questioned about when I'm having kids. I'm 29. Plenty of time for all that. But, sis has one and DH's grandma is afraid we'll wait to long and have a down syndrom baby, so she's been bugging me since I was 24. Awesome.

I've lost the will to cook during the kitchen remodel and I am sick of every carry out restaurant within 30 miles.




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Here's some more: my office just moved to a new building, making my commute 10-15 minutes longer. Since I only come in two days a week, it isn't a major annoyance. What's a major annoyance is I now have to SHARE an office with an underling...because I only come in two days a week!

The way they've set up the desks, all he has to do is swivel in his chair to see what I'm doing on the computer. This bugs me, but I feel like a jerk asking him if he'd mind if we moved his desk just a quarter-turn so I can feel like I've got some of my privacy back.

Edited because verbs is not my friends.

-- Edited by Suasoria at 00:11, 2008-11-14


Kate Spade

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Elle wrote:

-  We won't be able to sell our house anytime soon and recoup our costs because of the market, however because we were smart and didn't overextend ourselves we just get to sit here and suck it while seemingly everyone else gets bailed out.

I'm TRULY in a thankful mood today, all things considering, but I have to agree with Elle but say it's a condo and DH was smart.

But sucky things to comment:
  • Work has gone through 2 major layoffs in the past year.  
  • Work has merged 2 depts. and I now have 2 jobs and basically 2 bosses (including the one I left before)
  • DH's company just laid off 2,000 employees from company buyout, and he was on the side that got bought out.
  • I hear our sales tax will be up to 10.5% in the new year.  I'm only gonna shop online with no sales tax stores. haha
But this seems to be a nation wide problem, and like I said - I'm really thankful today.  DH kept his job, and a friend was finally able to conceive and passed her 1st trimester (baby was conceived on our wedding night!!!).  



Dooney & Bourke

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i just spent two weeks planning a party, almost a week organizing and cleaning for the party and yesterday and today cooking, stressing, cleaning and setting up for the party, only to have 4 people show up. (i invited 20 with cards, about 30 more through email.) to put it mildly, it was a complete and utter waste of my time, money and energy. i was so embarrassed/upset/ornery and it was hard to be a happy hostess to those that did come. now i'm of the mind that "nobody likes me, everybody hates me,.."

i hate talking politics and that's all we talk about. husband comes home from work every day with "bad news...", "more bad news..." "guess what else happened today..." all these new items he hears on the radio about how the economy is going under, the world's going to end and we're all going to hell in a handbasket, basically. this went on for probably 3 weeks until i finally told him yesterday that i don't want to hear anymore of it. i can't do anything about it, so why dwell on it, is my theory. he is still mad at me for saying that.

we've been trying to buy a house for 8 years now, going on 9, and we will probably have to put it off for another 8 years because of this eff-ed up economy. i'm so tired of renting, i could rip my eyeballs out of their sockets.furiousashameddohbleh

i want a puppy so badly that it hurts sometimes but we can't have one until we buy a house, which leads back to item #3. no.gif

"apparently there are more important things in life than fashion... yeah, right."

Kate Spade

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clothes_horse wrote:

i just spent two weeks planning a party, almost a week organizing and cleaning for the party and yesterday and today cooking, stressing, cleaning and setting up for the party, only to have 4 people show up. (i invited 20 with cards, about 30 more through email.) to put it mildly, it was a complete and utter waste of my time, money and energy. i was so embarrassed/upset/ornery and it was hard to be a happy hostess to those that did come. now i'm of the mind that "nobody likes me, everybody hates me,.."

I'm SO sorry this happened. I had something similar happen with my birthday last week. it sucks.  I know its hard not to take it personal.  I just had the mindset that people are busy...too busy to notice when they are hurting other people's feelings.  I would have come, btw wink

Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.

Dooney & Bourke

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aw, thanks collegegirl, that's sweet of you! i hope your birthday turned out great, anyway! :)

"apparently there are more important things in life than fashion... yeah, right."

Kate Spade

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clothes_horse wrote:

i just spent two weeks planning a party, almost a week organizing and cleaning for the party and yesterday and today cooking, stressing, cleaning and setting up for the party, only to have 4 people show up. (i invited 20 with cards, about 30 more through email.) to put it mildly, it was a complete and utter waste of my time, money and energy. i was so embarrassed/upset/ornery and it was hard to be a happy hostess to those that did come. now i'm of the mind that "nobody likes me, everybody hates me,.."

i hate talking politics and that's all we talk about. husband comes home from work every day with "bad news...", "more bad news..." "guess what else happened today..." all these new items he hears on the radio about how the economy is going under, the world's going to end and we're all going to hell in a handbasket, basically. this went on for probably 3 weeks until i finally told him yesterday that i don't want to hear anymore of it. i can't do anything about it, so why dwell on it, is my theory. he is still mad at me for saying that.

we've been trying to buy a house for 8 years now, going on 9, and we will probably have to put it off for another 8 years because of this eff-ed up economy. i'm so tired of renting, i could rip my eyeballs out of their sockets.furiousashameddohbleh

i want a puppy so badly that it hurts sometimes but we can't have one until we buy a house, which leads back to item #3. no.gif

Clotheshorse - If you and your husband both have steady jobs, and don't fear losing your jobs in this economy, I would think right now would be the perfect time to buy!  It sounds like you probably have your ducks in a row to buy a house (low debt, savings set aside, good credit, etc).  I never thought I'd be able to buy a house where I live, but I just closed Escrow about 2 months ago now, and I have a number of friends who are looking to buy now as well.  Anyway, just thought I'd give you a little encouragement.  Also, have you looked into an FHA loan??


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