I know slow cookers are very "old-fashioned", but I'm a lazy bum when it comes to cooking and I like to put something in the thing before I leave for work and have it ready to eat when I get home at night...
So, does anyone have any good slow cooker recipes, where the ingredients aren't high in calories??
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings
karina, thanks so much for posting those! i never thought about getting a slow-cooker because i thought all the recipes would be like high-fat "stick to your ribs" type of stuff. i'm going to look into getting one now.
here's my question, though. is this really a good way for a single person to cook? like, can you cut the recipes in half or will they not work in the pot if there's too little stuff? does that make sense? i am completely slow-cooker-ignorant. thanks.
bumblebee, i recommend getting a smaller slow cooker. we registered for a big one (7 quarts) for our wedding and now i regret it since it's just too big to cook for 2 people (but it still does its job, so i can't really complain). i'm not sure about cutting recipes in half, but i don't see why you can't. even with 2 of us, there's always a lot leftover, and i just bring it to lunch for a couple of days afterwards.
a quick search on target's website shows that there are a lot of choices:
my mom has a rival one that has taken a lickin and kept on tickin, so i guess they are super-reliable. i've never heard of elite, but how cute is the clear glass one, though? it doesn't have any reviews though, so maybe riskier choice.
They both look great to me. And they're both well-priced. I like the look of the glass one a little more, but I don't know anything about the brand. Maybe go to the store and see which one you like more in person?