I don't know why this is stressing me out so much, I feel like kind of a dork about it.
I have had a rough summer financially. Since spring I changed jobs, I was a BM in my best friend's wedding, had repairs and new tires on my car, gone to two other weddings (plus showers and stagettes)- it was an expensive summer. AND we are going to Hawaii in 6 weeks for my brother's wedding- I sometimes feel like I am bleeding money. I currently have about $3000 in cc debt (no studet loans or other debt at all).
Anyway, I saw a really cute sweater dress- grey cable knit A line with short sleeves. Adorable and fit great- on sale for $35. But I felt guilty and didn't buy it.
I have a bunch of other expenses coming up in the next month- my FSIL's shower and stagette, our vacuum busted, we need a new mattress, then of course our trip. I really want it and I know $35 isn't a big deal but I feel really guilty about spending it when I have to pay for so much other stuff.
Should I treat myself (on the cc ) or be responsible?
Being in a very similar situation as you right now (since having Mimi). I would say hold off on the dress. I know it sucks and it sucks even more when you know that you will have all of these other expenses and haven't been able to treat yourself to anything but I'm sure things will eventually level out and you'll be able to get stuff then. I mean do you really want more cc debt? I keep telling myself that if I keep racking up charges, then by the time that we have a little bit more money, we won't be able to use it anyway because it's all going to have to go on cc bills.
Good for you passing on the sweater! It may only be $35 but small purchases really add up, and if you put it on the CC it will cost much more than $35!
As for all the weddings and showers, are you buying gifts for these people? If you really don't have the money, I'm sure they'd understand if you kept it to a card.
Personally- i'd buy it. Haha! Maybe that's not the best rationale but when you have already spent so much money (and on everyone else!)- sometimes it's nice to spend a little on yourself. The equivalent of a massage or something. Is there a way to cut down some of your other expenses to make up for this $35 somewhere? Like find a good deal on a mattress or find a way to save a little bit in Hawaii or find a good deal on wedding gifts? Because honestly, $35 could just be a matter of skipping a dinner out or something.
I'd skip it. You'd be amazed at how rewarding it can be to just have that extra $35 in your pocket for spending money or in case of emergency.
I am learning to wean myself off of impulsive spending and am able to pay off bills and save more, take more trips and treat myself. I am really liking it and in the end, who even cares about 1 dress?
wow.. that's a tough one! I would only buy it if I really LOVED it and needed it. Period. and look at the bright side....your going to Hawaii! Other people, including myself, at this time I wouldn't even be able to plan on going there because of money.
If it makes any difference...I already have all my spending money for Hawaii set aside. That's covered. Its more that I feel guilty about buying myself stuff when there is other things to be taken care of as well.
SO just bought 2 new Wii games so I don't know why I feel guilty about spending money on myself.
It is a very cute dress, totally work appropriate. But cute enough for dinner out too. Hmmm...
Like I said.....get it if you really LOVE it. $35 for a dress is you love is a great deal! As long as you won't feel guilty, then go for it! and then post it under "weekend shopping"
I'm kind of in the same boat financially, but what we did was each set aside a small amount of "fun" money for each month. This money can be used on whatever- shopping, makeup, movies... we don't feel guilty about spending it (seriosuly I would go insane if I had NO spending money) but once its gone, thats it for the month. I think you should get the sweater, be good the rest of the month, and budget yourself a reasonable amount of fun money for next month.
I totally know how you feel. I mean, $35 shouldn't be a big deal, but when you feel like finances are really weighing on you, $35 on something you don't neeeeeeeeeed feels extravagant and you end up obsessing about it.
What's the return policy? I say get it if you can return it. If you don't feel good about it in a day or two, then return it. If it's a final sale, then I say skip it. There's something about being able to pass up something like that that makes me feel proud of myself when I do it. In the big scheme of things, $35 isn't going to make or break you, but $35 towards paying off the credit card may make you feel a lot better.
Skip it. I understand how much it can hurt to pass on items we really want. I am trying to live firmly by the "cash only " rule. It is not easy, but those small purchases do add up , especially if there on a CC.
Besides , if you have spending money already saved up for hawaii you could use some of that to buy it or look forward to spending once you get to hawaii!
I'd skip it, unless it was $$200 or so marked down to $35. Then I'd snap it up and feel smug about it! But I agree with Cahabo that you may not enjoy it like you should.
I feel you. Skip it though, unless you can come up with the $35 elsewhere. I'm really no one to be talking about curbing on excesses - I have issues! - but when money is tight, I feel so much better when I've lived within my budget for the month instead of increased my debt. I set aside spending money for a bachelorette/shower weekend this past month and bought a $70 tote while I was there. (It was actually a really good price for something so cute and I've been looking for a work tote for awhile, but I digress.) So I set aside $70 from my spending money and hid it while I was there. Turns out, since it wasn't in my wallet to spend, I didn't even need it. So now I can feel really good about my purchase. Maybe you can do something like that?
What's the interest rate on your cc? Calculate how long it will take you to pay off the debt versus how long you'll enjoy the sweater and if the odds come out in the sweater's favor, go ahead.
For example, if it will take you one year to pay off the debt, will you enjoy the sweater a year from now?
Also, what material is the sweater? if it's cashmere, snap it up. acrylic, not so much.