These "Time Warp Wives" are set on living in the 30s, 40s, and 50s. They have clothing and home decor from the period, and live their lives with those gender roles.
I can't decide what I think. On the one hand, I think it's cool that they know what will make them happy and are going for it. On the other seems like denial of what the world is. And in a way they own up to that and say that they're doing it because they don't like the way the world is now, but is a 24/7 game of dress up the right way to deal with it? I mean, they could keep from reading newspapers and still live as stay at home wives even without these things. It sounds less like they are doing it because they genuinely like the aesthetics of their clothes and furniture, and more like their clothes and furniture support the world they've made for themselves.
ETA: I should give credit where credit is due, I found the link on this blog:
-- Edited by ttara123 at 11:12, 2008-08-09
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
theres something almost creepy about that. Its cool if that's what they like, but to take it that far is kind of disturbing.... seems like it would be very lonely too.
What I find weird is that these women are living in a romanticized version of the 30's, 40's, and 50's. They're basing all their perceptions of those time periods on old movies and television shows, which greatly glamorized the time and the women.
I wonder if they would still feel that way if they had a house full of children to take care of...
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the 40's, the fashion, the music, everything. But honestly they are living in a fantasy. What about the depression? And Ava Gardener as an idol? Please! She was a drunk, hardly anything romantic about that.
That said, part of me is jealous. I do love the 40's and vintage items! That said, my vintage jewelry and handbags usually just complement and otherwise modern outfit. I don't go all out.
Part of me wants to say "only outside the U.S.," since the pre-Civil Rights era here was certainly not a pretty place to live for many people.
But while I envy the period decor, I agree with the comments that they're choosing to live in a fantasy. I totally understand not wanting to participate in modern society. I admire those people who try to be self-sustainable by living off the grid, growing their own food, etc., because I perceive them as making a positive contribution to the world. Living in a time warp isn't that.
It's also hilarious that they'll still take modern pharmaceuticals, and whatever other conveniences at least one of them mentions she approves of.
I also like how the 50's woman claims that she can't stand modern times because everyone is so materialistic -- umm..hello? The 50's was a completely materialistic time period, where everyone wanted to have new cars, new TVs, new refrigerators, etc. to keep up with the Jonses!
Although I can appreciate a taste for vintage clothes, decor and products, this vintage-as-a-lifestyle is so strange and a total coping machine.
I think these women and their husbands have no idea what it was really like in those eras, at all. First of all, women their age typically already had a few children, right after becoming married, on top of their housekeeping duties. Second, "nervous breakdowns" were so common with mothers back then, do these women care to understand why femininity was at it's peak of being let down by our culture during these periods? It seems as though they are basing their ideals upon what the entertainment industry cranked out! Have they even read the bios of their black-and-white-television idols? Where are all the children? What the heck is up with all the cake baking?? They don't want to know about our world today because it's too depressing? Where do they think was the beginning of this tragic history?
I am irritated mostly that they are perpetuating such a warped version of feminity.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
Wow! Can we say denial? I also love vintage clothing and style (I'm more 70's myself) and like to incorporate a LITTLE of that into my wardrobe, but this is just crazy. Obsession isn't healthy.
I read this article when you first posted it and didn't comment, but I can't stop thinking about it. It's very interesting. It's almost cult-like, except with two members if that makes sense. Regarding the husband that dresses 'modern' for work... I wonder if he goes crazy when he is at work? Eats fast food, plays on the internet, etc sine he knows he won't be able to when he gets home.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
What I can't understand is these people having friends/family over. Can you imagine..."Christmas is at the Jones' this year.....yahhhhhhh" I LOVE the 30's and 40's as well, but to devote my whole ( 2008) life to it...seems a little over the top. Heatherlynn I laughed at your comment about the husband "going crazy" at work...haha poor guy Wonder if they wear the ever so (not) sexy lingerie of the era too? ;)
"Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"
I think the one husband was actually a digital designer or something, so even he has contact with the "real world" a lot more than she does, and certainly he has to stay on top of technological things because of that. So I feel sad thinking that these wives really are all alone in what they do. Even their husbands only do it half the time.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
The past is the past. There is no way they can really recreate how it actually was. Might be fun for them at home, but doing this seems like it would be more depressing when they have to leave the house than if they just lived normally.
I have to agree with Blink with the "What's up with all the cakes" question. I mean, how many cakes can you bake for two people? After a while, I would think even the husband would say, "Enough with the cakes."
You don't have to pretend you live in the past to have a reason to be an old-fashioned housewife or have the ideals of fake TV families. I love how the one woman dressed in an evening gown talks about greed! What do they think they are doing when they spend countless hours hunting down vintage items?