I'm getting Lasik done today at 330 and I'm starting to get into the nervous stage. Has anyone else had it done and can reassure me there's not a alot of pain involved? I'll be able to come home and just sleep afterwards but I'm still so scared!
I'm ok, I had the procedure yesterday at 400 and the valium was so not working so I was holding back tears the whole time. but.......I feel great today can see really well though little blurry still because they did so much work on my eyes. I had my check up this morning and he said I'm healing fine. So glad I did it!!
-- Edited by Collette at 10:08, 2008-07-25
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
Never had it done, but I'd love to. You'll have to report back when you can and let us know how it goes. Good luck! I've heard nothing but good about it, so I'm sure you'll be fine
I haven't had it done (I'm too chicken), but I know several people who have. I don't recall them having pain and they all say it's the best decision they ever made. I'm still chicken. Good luck! I'm sure it will be fine.
I had it done about 2 years ago and it's one of the best things I've ever spent money on. I didn't feel a thing and after it was over I came back home and slept the rest of the day. When I woke up the next morning, I couldn't believe how well I could see. I never had any problem with dry eyes after it was over. All in all it was an easy experience for me. I'm now 20/20 in one eye and 20/15 in the other. It's so worth it!
SO had it done about 3 years ago and said it was a piece of cake. I remember he wasn't even in the room for very long. The whole thing is over in a snap, and he said he never felt a thing. He has better than perfect vision now, and says it's the best thing he ever did.
Also, fyi - I remember they gave him something to calm his nerves beforehand too...maybe something like vicodin or xanax..
Oooh, you lucky dog! I've only heard of one person who ever had a bad experience and to tell the truth I'm not sure if it was Lasik or some other type of corrective surgery. Everyone else who has had it done says they wish they'd dont it eons ago.
I haven't had it done (yet!) my my friend had it done and he said it was easy. He took a valium or something before they did it and he said he didn't care what was going on. Enjoy being able to see when you wake up tomorrow!
Probably too late for you to read, but don't be scared! I'm the biggest baby in the world, if I can do it anyone can do it! It helps to have a doctor you trust, I got one of the best in Los Angeles to do them.
I was terrified and I guess the adrenaline was pumping b/c they gave me 4 valium and it did nothing. I was terrified but when I finally put my mind to something, I go through with it(even if I had to keep swallowing down tears).
The machine is made to stop immediately if it doesn't track your eye correctly, which it did on me twice! The doctor said he had never had an incident before, and of course it would happen with the most nervous patient he has ever had;)
when they got done with the first eye and said okay we are starting on your other eye I was in shock, it was over so fast. The only time it was uncomfortable/hurt was when the machine stopped, they had to put the suction back on my eye, and after the 2nd time, I thought if it does it again I can't go through with it, it was starting to hurt. Luckily it didn't, and it helped that my future husband was sitting next to me squeezing my hand and telling me how strong I was being.
Well afterwards the valium kicked in and I slept like 14 hours straight lol. The only bad thing was that the one eye that had to be resuctioned was blood red for 2 weeks because of the pressure. But even with all of that I would do it again in a heartbeat. Good Luck and you won't believe how easy it will make your life. I'm so jealous of all of you with natually great eye sight!
Collette wrote:I'm ok, I had the procedure yesterday at 400 and the valium was so not working so I was holding back tears the whole time. but.......I feel great today can see really well though little blurry still because they did so much work on my eyes. I had my check up this morning and he said I'm healing fine. So glad I did it!!
Congrats! I'm glad you got a good report at your check-up.
I've been considering it for a while... So did you feel pain during the procedure (you said you held back tears the whole time)? How long is the recovery process - as in how long does it take to heal?
I've been considering it for a while... So did you feel pain during the procedure (you said you held back tears the whole time)? How long is the recovery process - as in how long does it take to heal?
On no you feel no pain during at all, they put eye drops in that numb you up. I was holding back tears because I was nervous and the valium just wasn't doing it's job! As far as recovery I was fine the next day to drive etc. Just no long computer time or alot of reading is all. You're fine after the first day though to do what you want.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw