I'm not getting what the point of twitter.com is. does anybody do this? what's in it for me, and why would I want to do it? all I can figure is that it's like the facebook what are you doing feature without the rest of facebook...
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Yeah I don't get it either. I think the whole thing of technology is just getting us more and more and more connected to the point where I am like - enough! Can I please be unreachable for awhile! or something like that - I used to love text/ myspace/ etc. and now I wish I could accidentally on purpose lose my cellphone, or have it only be available for emergency calls or something. Seriously.
As a side note, I also got frustrated when facebook became the new myspace. I was like "do we really need a new myspace? i like the old myspace. I know how to use the old myspace." When technology starts moving too fast for me, that's when I know I'm really and truly an adult. Seriously, I feel like my mom. Who refuses to use email.
it is out of hand. for example, I was on facebook recently and was startled to receive an IM from an old co-worker. I was just poking my head in at work and not wanting to get into an IM conversation with someone I haven't spoken to in five years. happened again tonight with another old coworker (same place of employment too... hmmm...) anyway - I like to control my communication technology - I'll IM, text, or pick up a call only if I'm in the mood. I have no qualms with shutting off my phone either.
I still don't get the broadcast of only random "what I am doing right now" messages. is this the new "me generation?"
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
it must be. it's ironic in a way, technology has eliminated the need for true human interaction, and so we're so separated that we crave interaction so desparately and we try to solve that with more technology. orrrrrrrrrrrr something along those lines. Know what I mean?
there's probably an old post somewhere where I go on about how the reduction in person to person interaction among younger people will have a negative impact on our society. they are missing out on developing good people skills by not interacting in person -- there's so much more to communication than the written word...
ok, on that note, it's time for me to stop communicating via technology and go to bed!
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
It's basically just to keep everyone you know constantly updated on what you're doing, thinking, etc.
We actually use it at work during events to send up to the minute announcements. So, I guess it's a way to be constantly in the know without having to read very much at all.
I agree with D Don't know about work use for Twitter, as Kitty say, but I really don't feel the need to let everybody know what I am doing. Sometimes I just want to be left alone (I even turn off my cell phone in that case). As for facebook -an old colleague of mine, which I never really liked, asked me to add her to my page. Why? I don't want to be unpolite, but really, I have nothing to say to this person...
I have never heard of it, but based on what I have read here it sounds like a great place for stalkers and pervs to find out what you are up to (just like MySpace and FaceBook)...seriously though, what ever happened to a little mystery?
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
It's basically just to keep everyone you know constantly updated on what you're doing, thinking, etc.
We actually use it at work during events to send up to the minute announcements. So, I guess it's a way to be constantly in the know without having to read very much at all.
this is interesting. I'd like to know more about how this works. I'm assuming you have all the people involved in the project's emails entered? does this form a group? do you identify a group, and how has your employer approached that? are there invitations to other coworkers newly involved in projects to join the group (assuming there's a group)?
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I don't know. I tried to get someone to explain Twitter to me once and I was just completely lost. But I kind of understand it through this discussion....but wouldn't it be a pain to keep updating? I only know one person who uses it, anyway.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I have only looked at twitter once, because Lisa Loeb the singer sent a myspace bulletin advertising her twitter address. I checked it, thought it was kinda cool for fans to get an insight about what a celebrity is up to (supposedly) but I wasn't compelled to check it again.
I thought it was weird. Thinking so made me feel unhip. Then I decided that maybe unhip is the new hip...for genXers anyway.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
I'm on Twitter. To me it's basically kind of a big chat room, but it's all about your status (like you put on Facebook). Some networking appears to go on too. A lot of the people that are Twittering on my page are just posting random blurbs about what they're doing, or random thoughts.
I'm reminded of what Lynnie said on the career thread -
lynnie wrote:
I think we are of a generation that achieves for the accolades as opposed to any sort of internal gratification. I think it's really noticeable in how many people want to be famous for a minute. We want to be seen and heard. Maybe it's just the rapid spread of information and our generation all feels a bit lost and overwhelmed. Like if we don't post a million pictures of ourselves on the internet (facebook, myspace, blogs, etc), no one will see us. I hope that made a bit of sense.
That describes the Twitter phenom to a tee. It smacks of that particular combo of Millennial generation, competitive reality TV and social media that makes people feel entitled to some iota of celebrity. They think their adoring fans need to know whether they're having an awesome Manhattan while watching the sunset or watching their laundry tumble dry.
I'm sure some business value will evolve over time, but I don't even use IM in business settings. I had a client once who insisted I use IM, but I always set it to 'away from my desk.'
The Facebook thing is annoying too, because now bratty snots under 30 - and those who wish they were - say things like "Does anyone even use MySpace anymore?!?"