Hey girls - This is kind of a weird question, but someone gave me a bike - she had just bought it at walmart (even still has the price tag on it) and the first time she rode it, the brakes froze up. She decided she didn't even want to deal with the thing and asked if I wanted it. I said yes, planning on getting it fixed, but found a bike at walmart I'd like to have much better. I feel weird asking her for the receipt, plus I'm not sure she has it b/c she just moved, so I'm wondering - do you think walmart will let me exchange for store credit that so I can exchange for the other bike? It got a few scratches on it when I put it in the trunk to get it home ... What do you think?
I believe most stores have special return policies regarding bicycles. I would call them and simply say you do not have your receipt, but the tags are still attached and you would like to know if you can exchange it. I'd leave out the tidbit of how it was given to you though. Walmart will pretty much do anything to satisfy a customer, so it doesn't hurt to try.