Glad to hear that the doc thinks it's nothing, but it sucks about the surgery.
About the time off thing, is there any way to do it with "comp time"? Meaning, for however many hours you need to take off can you just work unpaid overtime and then use that time? I know you're super super busy as it already is, but staying an hour late for two weeks would give you about two days of comp time. Would your bosses go for that?
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Glad to hear that the doc thinks it's nothing, but it sucks about the surgery.
About the time off thing, is there any way to do it with "comp time"? Meaning, for however many hours you need to take off can you just work unpaid overtime and then use that time? I know you're super super busy as it already is, but staying an hour late for two weeks would give you about two days of comp time. Would your bosses go for that?
Yeah, I'm sure they would, since they let me leave early twice a week for school for the summer semester and again for this coming fall semester. So, comp time is definitely possible, but it's easier to make up that single hour (when I leave for school) than a whole day, especially when I'm already leaving early twice a week.
But, if it's in August, comp time would be a lot easier since school hasn't started yet. I know she wants to have the surgery ASAP and she's trying to get it scheduled for August. Hopefully, it will be and I won't have to worry about the school issue.