Would you be upset if a friend was going to go on vacation with you and then tells you less than two weeks before you leave that she is not going? Plus leaving you with her share of the hotel fees that you have to pay,(almost $400!). One of my friends did this to me and I can't help feeling a little bit pissed off! Am I being irrational or is it justified? I am still going as there are others going it is just we were holding out on her to make reservations for things etc, and she kept us waiting just to back out at the last minute!
unless it was a life-altering situation, that's a pretty crappy move to stick your friends with costs you led them to believe you'd pay. very inconsiderate and flakey, in my opinion.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
She decided to get lipo with one of her friends. Which that is cool, except for she already had a consultation, thought about it and then scheduled it before she bothered to tell me she was backing out. Then I was even more upset when I called to try to change my reservation to a smaller room and was told that I had passed the date that I could change it!
Her reason IMO is not justified at all. She made a commitment to you, and she is choosing not to honor it.
I would ask for her to please pay her portion of the charges since the time has passed for you to be able to alter or cancel the reservation.
ITA. I would definitely expect her to pay her half of the accomodations since she is leaving you high and dry. If she would rather get lipo, that's her deal, but she should still have to pay for what she committed to. If she was staying in her own room and called the hotel to cancel it, they would still charge her, so you shouldn't be expected to foot her bill.
"In matters of grave importance, style, not sincerity, is the vital thing"
If she said she'd come and now won't, then she's being really shitty.
But you said that you and your friends were waiting on her to make the reservations. Why were you waiting? Is it because she never actually promised to go? If she was just waffling back and forth until she finally made a decision 2 weeks before the trip, then I think it's kind of everyone's fault for being willing to wait that long for someone they knew might not go.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I am glad that I am not overreacting! Thanks everyone for the input and I do agree she should not expect her money back for the room.
ttara-she did promise to go and she had actually already given me the money for the room,(I had put it on my debit card awhile back). Then when she changed her mind she wanted her money back and said I could just change it, which was wrong because at that point it was too late. We were just waiting on her for things like show tickets and making plans for tours, etc. Everytime I asked her if she wanted to come over so we could plan things, she would say yes and then say at the last minute that she had something come up. I had asked her several times though and she had assured me she was going. I just don't see the point in waiting so late to tell someone the truth.
well since she's already given you her share for the room, i would just tell her that you're sorry, you tried to change the room and you couldn't, so you can't give her the money back.
Ha! So the joke's on her for already giving you the money. Just tell her you spent her money on her portion of the hotel room and if she wants it back, she'll have to take it up with the hotel. You don't technically have her money, the hotel does since you already both paid. Too bad for her. That's karma, baby. That's what she gets for backing out. I don't know her but I feel safe in saying that she sucks.
I don't know her but I feel safe in saying that she sucks.
Hehehee. I agree that it was def wrong. Seems like a very selfish decision. Its not like she backed out due to family death or she got laid off.... Also, the fact that you gave her several chances to back out and she never fessed up, I'd be mad!
Thanks guys for helping me to feel justified in my annoyance! I haven't heard from her since she backed out, but when I do I am going to let her know that I was not able to change the reservation and go from there.