Well, I've been having to interview these past few weeks for positions at different schools since I'm being excessed(not enough students at my present school). I hate interviewing!!! Well, after an interview yesterday, I got in a car accident, so now my car is all messed up and will stay that way since I don't have the money for the deductible. Then... when I got home I fell on my concrete stoop and now I have two huge bruises on my knees. I look like a dork. Last Thursday "stupid"(my soon to be ex) didn't show up to court so I took a day off and lost $100 for the sub plus my lawyer fees. Now the court date isn't till July and I'm just ready for some sort of closure. Ughhhhhh!!!!!! I'm frustrated, tired, stressed out, eveything. Anyone else have stuff to gripe about?????
Awnh...I want to reach out and (((hug))) you! Sending you all the love I've got for the next day or so and hoping the pyschic link helps! :)
My only complaints are so frivolous. Today while I was showering the water was cut off for emergency maintenance...shampoo-check, soap suds-check, rinse...err...no go. My son's family coordinator at his school is close to ending up with my foot firmly implanted in her you-know-what. And 'the guy' makes me feel a tad bit suffocated.
I am really, really annoyed with school right now. As soon as I feel like I've got things planned out, the rug gets pulled out from under me. I have to take these 4 classes. No, 5 classes. No, 6 classes if I want to apply to this other program too. And then 7, 8, 9 more classes because one of the programs is changing all their requirements. Good thing I took the original 4th class, because I no longer need it . But by then I'll need to take 2 more classes because I'll have been taking classes for so long that some of them will have expired.
I wish they'd just lay it all out, instead of the hoop jumping, the thousands of dollars, and the extra classes I do only to be told that there are yet more hoops to be jumped, dollars to be spent, and classes to be taken.
What a freaking joke. By the time I'm done getting my associates at this too-big-for-their-britches community college, I could be done with a BS from a 4-year university and have been working for 2 years. How, how, how on earth can that be reasonable?!
Oh, and I sprained my ankle while on vacation 2 weeks ago. It's still not better .
-- Edited by Elle at 18:47, 2008-05-28
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I just have a major pet peeve. On two occasions last week, while approaching the highway, the car in front of me came to a complete stop where the on-ramp meets the highway. Hello? F-ing scary and dangerous!! You do not stop at the on-ramp to look for oncoming cars, you GO!!
I totally hear Elle about the community college thing. By the time I'm finished it will have taken me 5 years to get my AA. Ridiculous! Of course some of it is my fault but some of it is the counselors fault. It would still take 3 years (for my program of choice) for someone to finish if they did everything right in the first place. Oh, and Statistics is so hard, and I absolutely hate Chemistry Lab which is so unneccesarily confusing.
Another thing has me so freaked out. My brothers caught a baby rattlesnake in the bakyard yesterday and mowed over another. Apparently we are going to have a rattlesnake problem this summer. I'm going to be scared to step outside and really don't want my girls to play outside either.
Cahabo - Do you live in California? Apparently it's a bumper crop year for rattlesnakes. My mom had to go over to a neighbor's house to "take care" of one just the other day - that same neighbor said she'd already seen 3 in her backyard. Plus the rattlesnake just refused to die! It had its head cut off and was refrigerated for a couple of hours, but when my mom put it under water, it still twitched! And every time she tried to skin it it continued to twitch.
I'm just not happy right now. DH and I are fighting all the time and I constantly feel like I'm on the verge of tears. Cheese has really bad poops and has to go to the vet for the second time in a week. Plus he's supposed to go under to get his teeth cleaned and I'm scared because I know of 2 people who's dogs went in and died while just getting their teeth cleaned. I'm not sleeping well and actually woke up while screaming "he's coming, he's coming" and scared the crap out of myself last night. My dr has put me on new meds for anxiety so hopefully it will help me just calm down a little bit.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I'll just say the state of IL SUX at child support enforcement. I wish my ex would just sign his rights over to DH, it's not like he has made any effort to be a real father ever. I hate that I feel like that because I know my life now and my daughters is better than it ever would have been and I am SO grateful. I guess I could just stop having im drag me back into the past... My MIL is here for 10 days, and although we get along famously, I have anxiety over everything from the meals I'll prepare to my mini's acting like spoiled rottens.
I just have a major pet peeve. On two occasions last week, while approaching the highway, the car in front of me came to a complete stop where the on-ramp meets the highway. Hello? F-ing scary and dangerous!! You do not stop at the on-ramp to look for oncoming cars, you GO!!
That drives me insane!!!! It's happened to me more times than I can count. I don't get how these people get licenses.
Most things in my life are going pretty well, except that I recently learned my best friend is moving to Philadelphia at the end of the summer. It's for law school, and I'm so proud and happy for him because he really wants this and worked hard to get into law school, but I can't help being horribly depressed that he's leaving me!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I've had a major bad back for a week now that copious quantities of painkillers and wine don't seem to help. Getting old is not for sissies, I tell ya.
I've been interviewing for a while now and each opportunity is just not for me, or they seem to really like me but never call me again.
I interviewed 3x with one company, was pretty sure that I got it, then at the last minute didn't hear back from them. A week later I found out they went with someone who had more years of experience.
I interviewed with another company, you could say my dream company, 2 interviews in one day. I did really well, the person told me I definately had the experience needed for this role, wanted me to meet his boss, I'll definately be hearing back, etc etc. Its been over a week and nothing.
I'm getting sick of being led on. If you don't like me, or don't like my resume, or don't like my outfit, don't act like we are BFF and you will be my future boss.
besides my boyfriend I was living with telling me he needed some time alone, so I had to move out, and my mom yelling at me every time we talk because she says I should not still see (which I do, b/c his is a depression problem, and he is going to therapy to try to solv this, and we see this as a pause rather than a break up), my boss told me about 10 days ago he'll not renew my contract b/c there is not enough money,so in october I'll be jobless.
to make things worse, today, during a meeting, he told us he just got some unexpected money, and he'll need to hire another person
he went on and on saying that this person must be a hard-working one, and someone he can trust...
cahabo wrote: Another thing has me so freaked out. My brothers caught a baby rattlesnake in the bakyard yesterday and mowed over another. Apparently we are going to have a rattlesnake problem this summer. I'm going to be scared to step outside and really don't want my girls to play outside either.
Well, I was excited to be coming over in a few weeks! Too bad you can't spray for those things!