I have pretty good neighbors where I'm at right now and it's a good thing becuse we just bought a house so I'm stuck with them for a while.
The last house I was renting though is a totally different story. Single mom with two kids lived next door. She would constantly borrow my cell phone and not for 5 minutes calls, these were 30 minutes calls where she'd take my phone into her house with her. If I'm letting you borrow my cell phone, at least stand in my front yard and use it. I was always scared she was making sketchy calls on it. SHe would also knock on the door really late at night, of course we never answered the door when she did that but when every light in the house is off, why would someone knock?
The night before thanksgiving last year someone is banging on my house, door, and windows at 11:30pm. My husband looks out the window and it's a bloody man. Turns out, my neighbor had shot her ex-husband...and he came to my house...and bled all over everything. He turned out fine by the way but she was taken to jail and her house was vandalized over and over and over again making the neighborhood feel even more unsafe. We bought our house and moved right after that happened.
This thread is hysterical. I'm currently working on a grad school design/writing assignment and I'm totally using this post as fodder. It's a magazine article/spread and we had to pick a top and utilized classification in our writing. I decided to call mine "4 neighbors you hope never move to your neighborhood (and how to handle it when they do)."