every saturday, one of my neighbors (i live in an apartment building) plays the same damn mix. it's a combination of old dave matthews, runaround by blues traveler, and kodachrome by paul simon. seriously, just dave matthews and then those other two songs. i may have liked those artists at one time, and no offense to people who do, but now i can't stand any of that because i hear it ad nauseum every saturday!
We call our weird neighbor "old man river" he is an asian man in his late 70's. He digs through our trash, steals our dogs toys from our yard and stands in our front yard when my husband mows our lawn and just stares at him.
I have liitle miss perfect Martha Stewart wannabe living next to me. She stays at home witth her two perfect kids, has a perfect garden, and always has the house decorated (nicely!) for every holiday. She's small, blonde, gorgeous figure runs marathons, and is super nice (of course I hate her anyway. plus sh'es almost too nice, like her level of niceness makes me feel bad). Her perfectness annoys me. Plus she has a super squeaky voice.
I have liitle miss perfect Martha Stewart wannabe living next to me. She stays at home witth her two perfect kids, has a perfect garden, and always has the house decorated (nicely!) for every holiday. She's small, blonde, gorgeous figure runs marathons, and is super nice (of course I hate her anyway. plus sh'es almost too nice, like her level of niceness makes me feel bad). Her perfectness annoys me. Plus she has a super squeaky voice.
god thats like my whole f'ing neighborhood.
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.
I don't have anything bad now, but when I lived in my apartment the people upstairs were, without fail, horrible neighbors. First it was a couple who would fight ALL THE TIME (seriously, they would wake me up in the morning with plates shattering, etc. I almost called the cops a couple times because it was pretty scary). After they got divorced and she moved out, he started having people over to drink every night. They'd play loud music and throw beer bottles/cans out the windows. Sometimes they'd move down to the alley (right by my window) and drink all night. One time I woke up because one of them was having fun at 4 am knocking on all my windows and generally scaring the crap out of me. But because I'd heard all of his violent fights with his ex-wife, I was too terrified to ever confront him.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
We call our weird neighbor "old man river" he is an asian man in his late 70's. He digs through our trash, steals our dogs toys from our yard and stands in our front yard when my husband mows our lawn and just stares at him.
He is super creepy.
This made me laugh so hard that I hurt my stomach. He steals your dogs toys? What the hell does he want with them?
Our neighbors, also in an apartment complex, slam their doors - hard. It startles the baby when she's sleeping. I'm ready to choke the sh*t out of them.
Nearly all my neighbors are annoying. The neighbors across the street have 4 dogs, 12 puppies, 2 goats, a few cats and kittens, and chickens. They won't get their animals spayed/neutered so they have at least one huge litter of puppies each year. They let their animals take over their yard which is covered in dog and goat poop. Whenever there is a breeze I smell it. Of course there is all that damn barking.
The other neighbor guy has OCD about his yard. He's out there no matter what doing this and that. He is so obsessed with getting rid of weeds that he put weed killer along the fence where our new trees were, almost killing them. So now those trees are only half the size of the other ones that didn't get the weed killer. He also makes sure he only burns when there is a breeze towards our house, giving us the smelly smoke. What irritates me the most is how he'll just toss his weeds and dog poo from his yard into the road (the part that he doesn't drive on but we do).
The other neighbors put this batting cage thing close to the road which is such an eyesore. I hope it's not permanent.
Now we have great neighbors, good thing since we own our house and plan to be here awhile. When we had the apartment though we had this couple across from us who were really strange! They had skulls all over their car, on the rims, hanging from the rearview mirror, etc. Then almost every night they would fight, but instead of fighting in the apartment they would go out on the sidewalk and yell and scream, by our window. To make matters worse we lived right next to the pool and the pool gate was next to our window so they were constantly slamming that during their fights. We always opened our door to trash and beer cans everywhere in the walkway.
We never complained, but I think someone did because when they left they obviously were mad. We left our apartment one day and saw that they had a moving truck! We were ecstatic, until we came home. They had two big dogs and decided to use them in a plot to annoy everyone one last time. They got dog poop and spread it all over the ENTIRE sidewalk and walkway up to our apartments to where all 12 of the apartments near them could not get to their places without having to tiptoe over it. It was the most disgusting thing and there was no question that they did it on purpose as it was evenly spread all over! I don't even know how they did it and I really can't imagine why, but we were just glad they were out of there!
OMG I have the worlds most annoying, odd and evil neighbors. Ok neighbor #1, the odd one. Well he's not odd but I'm convinced he's a leprechaun. he's this tiny little Irish guy and he's not attractive in the least but he's always having parties with some of the pretties women I've ever seen. It's just odd, I think he's using all his leprechaun wishes on himself
Evil neighbors live above us (Chicago girls, you know who I'm talking about) wifey wears head to toe Chanel at all times, he wears a full length mink coat and they glare at everyone else in the building as if we're the help. They HATE dogs and won't allow you in the elevator with them if you have one. So I've taken the mature route and I growl at them when I see them. So if someone answers this and says their neighbor growls at them..........
Neighbors below us we're actually friends with but she's a total coke head and her husband is always telling DH how hot he thinks I am, once is flattering, twice is sweet, every time we see him is just weird. They've also made numerous comments to us about swinging or her sharing a bath with friends. We're convinced they're gonna ask us to swap one day and we're just gonna have to move!
-- Edited by Collette at 00:46, 2008-04-06
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
OMG I have the worlds most annoying, odd and evil neighbors. Ok neighbor #1, the odd one. Well he's not odd but I'm convinced he's a leprechaun. he's this tiny little Irish guy and he's not attractive in the least but he's always having parties with some of the pretties women I've ever seen. It's just odd, I think he's using all his leprechaun wishes on himself
Evil neighbors live above us (Chicago girls, you know who I'm talking about) wifey wears head to toe Chanel at all times, he wears a full length mink coat and they glare at everyone else in the building as if we're the help. They HATE dogs and won't allow you in the elevator with them if you have one. So I've taken the mature route and I growl at them when I see them. So if someone answers this and says their neighbor growls at them..........
Neighbors below us we're actually friends with but she's a total coke head and her husband is always telling DH how hot he thinks I am, once is flattering, twice is sweet, every time we see him is just weird. They've also made numerous comments to us about swinging or her sharing a bath with friends. We're convinced they're gonna ask us to swap one day and we're just gonna have to move!
-- Edited by Collette at 00:46, 2008-04-06
Collette, I so know WHO you are talking about!
BTW, I love your avatar! I dressed up as her for Halloween once and no one got it, they all thought I was Velma from Scooby Doo :(
We are lowly renters in a condo complex. Because we're young, rent and really don't care about the complex as much as the superiour owners... people don't care for us.
Our neighbors...
1. Stink Eye. She is an old, ugly woman that always gives us the stink eye. She is bitter that she bought a condo and she is now surrounded by all young college or law students. She constantly cooks stinky food but keeps her front door open to stink up the hallway. My fantasy is to get a rat and send it through that open door. She once put a note on our door accusing us of leaving trash all over the floor in the garbage chute room (we didn't). The letter was riddled with comical grammer and spelling errors so everytime we were in earshot we made sure to point out the uneducated, pitiful neighbor who gave us a note that a 5 year old could write better. She also enjoys patrolling the pool by asking people how old they are and what is in the their cups. I guess she thinks she can do a citizen's address for underage drinking.
2. The Child Molester. This guy is originally from Russia. He has a cue ball bald head and is SO creepy. His number one thrill in life is enforcing condo rules. Except no one will vote him on the board since he's so weird, so he's just acting on his own. Once my husband was walking down the hall, talking on his cell when the child molester told him to get off his phone and get in his house. He also invited a girl I know to see his place. She is only about 22 and he's like 65. When she was hesitant but still trying to say no nicely, he said, "What... I promise I won't try to f**k you." Not sketchy at all...
3. Speedo Weirdo. Without fail, everytime my husband and I get in the hot tub in the courtyard, this weirdo comes down to get in with us. It's like he sits out and waits for people to get in so he can join them. We prefer being alone so we never go in if other people are already in. This guy is actually younger but still super weird... in his speedo and gold chain.
Our neighborhood is a pleasant, older, established place where most everyone maintains their yard. It's not a super fancy neighborhood, it's just a collection of many people who enjoy taking care of their landscaping.
Our next door neighbors have no grass in their front yard, but they hire a landscaping crew to mow their dirt every Tuesday.
Another one: Years ago, I lived in an apartment complex. The walls were thick enough that you generally did not hear anything, but each unit's bedroom windows were positioned less than a foot away from each other.
With no air conditioning, I would sleep with my windows open...It was unfortunate because my neighbors would do the same. The building was outfitted with casement windows which captured every sound that came out of the next door neighbor's bedroom. Oh my god...how I wished (referencing ttara's experience) that they were fighting.
These are hilarious! Wouldn't it be nice if all these 'bad neighbors' lived next to each other, and then all the 'good neighbors' could live next to each other?
When we lived in an apartment, our next door neighbor would play his cultural african music really loudly in the evenings, and then fall asleep to it. Seriously, bass turned up so loud he couldn't hear us pounding on the walls to tell him to turn it down. We finally started calling security on him, but we moved out before he ever stopped ...
When Mr. Elle was staying in Houston for school for awhile, he and our roommate rented this tiny hole of an apartment in a highrise. The walls between apartments didn't completely connect to the exterior walls or the floors. Their next door neighbor used to bring dead goats in and hang them in their apartment (to eat I'm assuming). They had to live with goat stank for almost 3 months!
Now in our house, our neighbors are pretty nice, but they're totally oversharers. We've done alot of work to our house since we moved in too, and anytime we're doing something outside, the guy always comes over to see what we're up to, or to 'help'. The problem is what he considers 'help' means talking our ears off and making ridiculous suggestions about our projects. We're now trying to make a point of working on that stuff while he's at work, because if he's around every project takes nearly 3 times as long .
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
The place that I'm at now is actually pretty fab as far as neighbors go- they're all pretty quiet. Or at least, the ones inside my building are. However, on the corner of our street, two doors down, is a frigging club. As in a club with hootchies standing around outside screaming about how drunk they are. As in a club with booming bass music till 2:30 in the morning. Yep. Fun.
My last apartment building was shared with Mr. Stompy. This was a great guy, mid-forties alcoholic who's main occupation was organ repair man. He stomped up and down the stairs at all hours of the night and sang opera in the hallway. Until the BF told him he would smash his face in if he didn't stop, he also practiced his chosen occupation till the wee hours of the night. Just imagine and drunk, opera-singing stomping mess who used power tools at 3 in the morning.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Until they were busted a few months ago, my next door neighbor's house was like a 24 hour Meth Convenience store. People would constantly come and go, and apparently it's required that every redneck meth addict drive a giant diesel pick-up truck with the loudest pipes available. It was great!
We live in a REALLY small town, and it was really sad when you saw people that you know pulling up in the driveway to pick up more drugs. UGH.
And I live in the "NICE" neighborhood. Less than 100 yards from the School...
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.
Ugh. Two different neighbors I have bug the heck out of me. One lady across the street is sooo loud. She likes to have what I would consider, very personal phone calls out in the front yard on her cell phone. Usually, I get a little too much TMI, and she swears every other word. Her husband and bf fight a lot too, and we can usually here it.
My neighbor next door is just plain nosey. He comes over all the time to talk to my bf, (I think he gets the vibe I don't care for him much,) and he's always poking his nose in our business, while making some snide comment that's supposed to be funny. I think he hates women too, because he'll always say things to my bf like "Do you make your gf clean the house?" etc. Just sexist comments like that all the time. Of course my bf doesn't do anything like that, and just think he's stupid.
The place that I'm at now is actually pretty fab as far as neighbors go- they're all pretty quiet. Or at least, the ones inside my building are. However, on the corner of our street, two doors down, is a frigging club. As in a club with hootchies standing around outside screaming about how drunk they are. As in a club with booming bass music till 2:30 in the morning. Yep. Fun.
My last apartment building was shared with Mr. Stompy. This was a great guy, mid-forties alcoholic who's main occupation was organ repair man. He stomped up and down the stairs at all hours of the night and sang opera in the hallway. Until the BF told him he would smash his face in if he didn't stop, he also practiced his chosen occupation till the wee hours of the night. Just imagine and drunk, opera-singing stomping mess who used power tools at 3 in the morning.
don't forget when Mr Stompy spilled all his pocket change down the stair well in the middle of the night. Good times.
Our neighbors are ok for the most part. The girl underneith us, her bf (who didn't live here) lurks around our yard at odd hours. I'd wake up first thing in the morning and take the dog out to find him standing in the yard. Not doing anything, not smoking, not taking out the garbage. Just standing. When Ness and I come out, he goes back inside. He doesn't talk so I can never figure out what the hell he is up to.
these are hilarious and creepy. i had no idea how many bad neighbors there were in the world! my parents house is in the woods and i miss that more than ever now -- much less exposure to other people.