I have been eyeing this and it keeps popping up on jcrew.com It was on sale . I got an additional 30% (they are having a 30% off sale items) and I had a free shipping code (0327FS) so I couldn't resist.
Some people collect stamps and coins--I collect shoes.
Just snagged these babies on ebay for more than half off woo-hoo!! I am going to hem them up to wear with flats, but if I like them a lot I may get another pair to wear with heels too. After all, they were half off!
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
Hey Relrel - what's your opinion on the fit of the Ann Taylor pants compared to the Gap pants? I've got the same AT ones and love the fit, but I've been considering trying the Gap version to get some more colors. Thoughts?
I actually like the ATLoft fit much better than the Gap pants. However, the ATLoft pants only come in tan, yellow, red and navy color. I've already got navy and don't really need the yellow or red. I do actually own the Gap pants in just about every color and style- so the fit is pretty good for short-legged girls with larger bottoms and thighs. I think I've just about exhausted my options for the Gap on those pants though- I've got black, navy, seersucker, brown, and tan.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
My old washer croaked yesterday, so hubby found this at Lowes, it was a return so he scored 30% off! Whirpool duet steam washer Next comes the matching dryer!
Went shopping during lunch yesterday and got this cute trench for $35: Boring purchases: -"virtual" Anthropology textbook - Over priced Creative Writing texbook
A bralette! I'm so excited! I can't remember the last time I've encountered one in my size! Finally, I can be free from underwires for movie nights and such.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Something about this picture makes me uncomfortable! The girl looks young and the picture is grainy like it was shot by some dirty old man for his personal collection lol.
Just snagged these babies on ebay for more than half off woo-hoo!! I am going to hem them up to wear with flats, but if I like them a lot I may get another pair to wear with heels too. After all, they were half off!
i just bought those jeans. they are perfect for me. i also hemmed them for flats. i hope they are as good for you as they are for me :)
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra
I have been eyeing this and it keeps popping up on jcrew.com It was on sale . I got an additional 30% (they are having a 30% off sale items) and I had a free shipping code (0327FS) so I couldn't resist.
Jealous, that is a cute skirt.
I took the plunge and bought the Anthro Vendor jacket, it should arrive tomorrow or Monday. I just got opened and tried on the Jcrew frances cherry blossom blouse and I it.