anyone else think it's a bunch of crap how small their january issue is? I just got it in the mail today, and it's like 30 pages long!! (okay, it's longer than that, but not by much) It's like, if you can't get enough stuff toghether to put a real issue out, why bother? sorry, rant over :p
Most January magazine issues are really short. I don't know what the reason is (maybe because of the holidays), but the January Vogue is usually skinny, and the Vanity Fair that I just got is almost as thin as Time magazine.
I'll have to admit that I was disappointed also...both with the size (or lack thereof) and the content. Nothing really jumped out or impressed me...and the few things that caught my eye were either way to expensive or just newer versions of things I already own. Blech!
I felt like I was done reading the whole thing in 20 minutes. It's annoying, not satisfying at all. Besides, I need to marry the Trump t be able to afford the things they show!
I have to agree that I need to marry the donald. I am graduating from college on Friday and I never have money never mind the stuff they show. Maybe one day I will be able too, for now I just need to do the whole look for less thing I guess.
Like, cc said, most January mags are lot thinner than normal. But honestly, I'm not sure if they are thinner b/c there is less editorial content or less ads (I'm leaning towards the latter). But, I agree, this issue of Lucky was pretty blah. On the other hand, I have been loving Elle recently!! The past five issues have been delicious and Jan 05 was no exception!
Lucky sucks! I am so over it. I have a subscription, but I never even end up looking through it. I keep it for a month telling myself I really should look at it and then the new issue comes and I still haven't even opened it.
I know, I totally hate it now too. it takes forever to get them in the mail, and also it's mostly ads when i get it. i have subscribed to lucky, allure and instyle and all my subs are up - i think instyle is the only one i will renew.
as a matter of fact i keep getting notices and letters from lucky to renew, and it's so ridiculous - i want to write them a letter to tell them just how much i think their mag has gone down the drain - and it's a darn shame too - i used to LOVE it!
Generally I agree that Jan mags are pretty skimpy... except for the horoscopes! I love reading what the year will have in store for me. (I don't take it to heart, but it is still fun!)
"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." - G. Radner
Yeah I have to agree, not only was it tiny but the things in there did not impress me, or like everyone else already metioned they only show very expensive things. Like seriously, can the avg. person afford these things? I think not!
I used to love Lucky, I remember getting so excited whenever it came in the mail. But then the excitement wore off eventually because I realized it wasn't that special, some of the things were either blah or downright ugly, so I didn't renew my subscription. I look at stores, websites or other mags for style inspiration now.
I used to LOVE lucky and then I would say late last year things started to go downhill. The celebrities on the cover didn't bother me as much as the vapid content. My mother decided to not renew our subscriptions and I'll be getting her and myself a Shop Etc. subscription instead. And Marie Claire, once my favorite magazine, is also getting kind of skimpy and lame. In general I think Jan issues suck, I think it's the poor quality of what's in them that makes it more noticable.
"Life is much too serious to take seriously"- Nikki Giovanni
If I remember correctly, in one of their very first issues, they did a big spiel on how other magazines are so plastered with celebrities and they would never stoop so low-their magazine was based on real fashion for real people featuring real people. Um, hello? When did that concept fly out the window? While I'm not against featuring stylish celebs persay, I found it much more interesting when they did spreads on real people who don't have an endless supply of money and designer clothing to work with and had to have some actual style and creativity. I hope they lurk here and see our posts! If they aren't careful, their once stellar mag is going to go in the
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
they did say that -- every time i get a new issue with a celeb on the cover i think about it.
i am losing interest in lucky too. i can't seem to find another magazine that thoroughly entertains me though. i like instyle, but it seems like they just keep printing the same fashion/beauty tips over and over again. (maybe b/c i've been reading fashion mags for 19 years -- i started with seventeen when i was in 5th grade)