Man, this looks so fun! I'm not craving anything right now. As a matter of fact, I'm feeling a bit out of the loop of fashion right now. Simplicity is what I want. I'm sick of worrying that my shirt will fall of my shoulders, or that my pants are too long, or that the ruffles on my dress are wrinkled.
Ah, sometimes I just wish I could get me a union suit and be done with it. I'm sure I'll get back to my old self soon.
Man, this looks so fun! I'm not craving anything right now. As a matter of fact, I'm feeling a bit out of the loop of fashion right now. Simplicity is what I want. I'm sick of worrying that my shirt will fall of my shoulders, or that my pants are too long, or that the ruffles on my dress are wrinkled.
Ah, sometimes I just wish I could get me a union suit and be done with it. I'm sure I'll get back to my old self soon.
Here is everything I have bookmarked right now in my "junk I want" folder. I'm sure there'd be more if this were a "fantasy" spree, because I only bookmark things that are actual real possibilities to buy later on:
and some jeans and a shirt dress that look great on me!
-- Edited by ttara123 at 18:34, 2008-02-13
Will you give a link to those gorgeous floral fishnet-esque stockings? I am too lazy to search through their website to find them.
Some people collect stamps and coins--I collect shoes.
All I can picture is Uncle Jesse on Dukes of Hazzard running around his property, chasing after Boss Hogg or something after being rudely awakened in the early morning.